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Saturday, 30 November 2019
Physical Theatre Essay Example
Physical Theatre Essay Physical Theatre History: * Physical theatre is a catch-all term to describe any performance that pursues storytelling through primary physical means * The term â€Å"physical theatre†has been applied to performances consisting mainly of: 1. Mime 2. Contemporary dance 3. Theatrical clowning and other physical comedy 4. Some forms of puppetry 5. Theatrical acrobatics * Modern physical theatre has grown from a variety of origins.Mime and theatrical clowning schools such as L’Ecole Jacques Lecoq Paris, have had a big influence on many modern expressions of Physical Theatre. * Another tradition started with the very famous French master Etienne Decroux (father of corporeal mime). Decrouxs aim was to create a theatre based on the physicality of the actor allowing the creation of a more metaphorical theatre. This tradition has grown and corporeal mime is now taught in many major theatrical schools. Legacy: Physical theatre had become such a big phenomenon today, being shown in movie such as â€Å"Stomp the Yard†and â€Å"Step Up†as well as huge worldwide productions such as â€Å"Wicked†, â€Å"Cirque de Solei†and â€Å"Hairspray†* We are the building block of the movement of physical theatre.Techniques: * Important theatre directions such as Vsevolod Meyerhold, Jerzy Grotowski, Eugenio Barba, Ariane Mnouchkine and Tadashi Suzuki all explored and developed a variety of intense training techniques for their actors, that were intended to liberate actors and audiences from boring and unstimulating performances. They argued that a performing body should be an instrument of expression that has unique rhythms and patterns that must be amplified, developed and mastered before a performance can be viewed as effective. * They also advocated a variety of training regimes and exercises to develop what they believed were important connections between the communication of physical and emotional tr uth in actors and many of their suggestions have been taken up by acting schools in a number of countries.
Monday, 25 November 2019
Writer’s choise Essay Example
Writer’s choise Essay Example Writer’s choise Essay Writer’s choise Essay Name: Course: Institution: Date: Case 17: Question one: The basic force behind Sunny Hwang’s idea of expanding his business to the international level was to search for how he could manufacture goods in the most cost-effective way. This reason is based on his decision of doing business in China, where he discovered it as being much cheaper. For example, China is featured by inexpensive labor and raw materials in the aspect of manufacturing in a most businesses and industries. The idea of investing his business in China was not a good idea because of having a slight advantage and a heavy disadvantage at the same time. For example, although the materials were readily cheap and available, they ran out of good quality. As a result, the business would not have survived if it only relied on the advantage of meeting cheap costs. Hwang’s business could have succeeded if he conducted extensive research on various international markets. This would have enabled him to consider investing in other countries besides China including Thailand and Japan. For example, the Thailand market holds a large share of the market within the Asian Continent. Question two The first strategy of Hwang involved making deals with a local Chinese businessperson who had also made a move in ensuring quality of his goods through employing supervisors to inspect his products. However, the strategy was not the best since his business needs were unable to be met. The next strategy involved Hwang taking the huge responsibility of taking over his company. However, he decided to get assistance from one of his relatives in running the business who acquired skills from the training he went through in the United States which related to the task he was assigned. This strategy was better because he got assistance from a person he knew and trusted in a greater way. Therefore, the former strategy was not as effective because he did not conduct extensive research on the people he was dealing with. He made a rash decision in trusting the local Chinese tradesmen before learning on how they conducted their business. Question three One of the opportunities that the U.S firms could evaluate from China is on employees. For example, if the Salary of twenty laborers in China could sum up to what one worker earns in the United States, this could be an advantageous opportunity. Businesses in the United States who hire Chinese workers would end up earning more than other firms earn because expenses used in wage payment would decrease as the productivity in labor increases. Another opportunity would be investing while using efficient and reasonable costs. For example, if the cost of rent is cheaper in China when compared to the United States, this would bring a greater deal for American businesses investing in China and they would gain a significant opportunity based on cutting the costs of capital involving reduced expenses on land. Some of the features found in China that would be ideal for minimal businesses include the availability of adequate resources including raw materials and labor force at an affordable cost. Question four One of the challenges that Hwang experienced when investing his business in China was having difficulties while ensuring high quality in the production of goods. Although affordability is associated with the access of adequate resources, the value of the commodities produced is low. Other problems that can be faced by American investors when conducting their businesses in China include language barrier, cultural indifferences, lack of a stabilized establishment of the market due to unfamiliarity of the surrounding. Case 21: Question five One of the basic precautions that Fox would have considered in minimizing the level of property damage caused involves the installation of certain protection equipment. For example, installing an emergency system of alarms would have enabled the organization in being alerted at a quicker rate about the incident and hence recover more of its property. Fox would also have taken the precautionary step of inspecting the electrical system. The fault in the electrical structure of the plant would probably have been spotted earlier if it underwent regular inspection. As a result, the company would have been saved from suffering such a tragic loss and hence escape the trouble of bearing greater expense consequences.
Friday, 22 November 2019
Booker T Washington Essays - Booker T. Washington, American Slaves
Booker T. Washington an African American was born on April 5, 1856 in Hale?s Ford, Virginia. Booker T. Washington was born into slavery but however he was freed by the Civil War in 1865. Also, Booker T. Washington?s original name was Booker Taliaferro. Washington?s father was an white man and his mother was one of the slaves of James Burroughs. Later on Booker T. Washington?s mother remarried a slave by the name of Washington Ferguson and when Booker was enrolled in school, he took the last name of his stepfather becoming known as Booker T. Washington. However, even though Booker T. Washington went to Franklin County school, he was not there as a student but to carry books for one of James Burroughs's daughters since it was illegal to educate slaves that time. In the summer of 1865, Booker T. Washington migrated with his siblings to Malden, West Virginia to join his stepfather. However, even though Washington?s mother couldn?t read herself, she encouraged Booker T. Washington to rea d by buying him spelling books. As time went on Washington?s mother also enrolled Booker T. Washington in an elementary school. Encouraged by his teacher Booker T. Washington learned how to read and write but he still wasn?t satisfied, he wanted to pursue his education. At the age of sixteen, Booker T. Washington left Malden and enrolled at the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, in Hampton, Virginia. However, Washington didn?t have enough money to pay for his school fees so he worked at the school to pay for his education throughout the way. Due to his education and strong beliefs Washington was an African American educator, orator, author and a dominant leader. From 1878-1879 Washington attended Wayland Seminary in Washington, D.C., and returned to teach at Hampton Institute. ?The president of Hampton, Samuel C. Armstrong recommended Washington to become the first principal at Tuskegee Institute.? (wikianswers.com) Tuskegee Institute was opened in July 4, 1881. The year af ter the institute opened booker T. Washington purchased former plantation which went on to become the permanent site of the campus. Under Booker T. Washington?s directions, the students learned how to provide for their basic necessities themselves. ?The main goal of Tuskegee Institute was not to produce farmers and tradesmen, but teachers of farming and trades who taught in the new high schools and colleges for blacks across the South.? (wikipedia.com) Now Tuskegee Institute is known as Tuskegee University.In his whole lifetime Booker T. Washington married three times. First, he married Fannie N. Smith and had one daughter. Fannie died in May of 1884. Next, Washington married Olivia A. Davidson. They had two sons Booker T. Washington Jr. and Ernest Davidson Washington before she died in 1889. Last, Booker T. Washington married Margaret James Murray who outlived Washington and died in 1925. Despite Washington?s, widespread work, his health was getting worse rapidly. He died in his ho me in Tuskegee on November 14, 1915 at the age of fifty nine. It was later discovered that the reason for his death was hypertension. Booker T. Washington was buried on the campus of Tuskegee University near the University Chapel.
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
John Rawls - Political Liberalism - Choose 1 out of 2 suggested topics Essay
John Rawls - Political Liberalism - Choose 1 out of 2 suggested topics - Essay Example The idea explains political liberalism in a democratic society. It is evident that, in a democratic society, each person’s world view is valid and acceptable. The confusion here is that, if each person’s opinion of the world is diverse, it is a miracle how they live in the same society, sharing common laws. The idea of public reason explains how the society is able to maintain political liberalism. It shows that the public reason plays an important role in ensuring constitutional democracy. Below is a description of the connection between public understanding and political liberalism, which also illustrates its role in the constitutional democracy. Rawls’ political liberalism is all about the liberal conception of the role of justice. Rawls argues that because the society has competing conceptions of the good, the government should be neutral when it comes to support such conceptions. This is where he develops the idea of public reason, to explain the existence of political liberty even with the existence of different people with different views and beliefs. A political liberty comes with a democratic society, but within a democratic society, people still have to be coerced to specific laws. One law for so many people, yet they have differences. Rawls uses public reason to explain how it ensures constitutional democracy (Rawls 213). In order to understand how public reason helps a society achieve political liberty, it is important to describe what it is, as conceptualized by Rawls. It is also essential to comprehend what a democratic society means. A democratic society is a free society. A free society is composed of citizens with dissimilar worldviews. People have different conceptions about what is wrong or right; people have different religious beliefs, and people value various forms and pursuits of interpersonal relations. Democratic people will have different aims in life and will want to act according to their beliefs, yet in a
Tuesday, 19 November 2019
State-Supported Terrorism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
State-Supported Terrorism - Assignment Example These are the nations that pose a threat to the US National Security, although Saudi Arabia and Pakistan also come under the same list of â€Å"passive sponsorships†but regardless to their activities they are excluded out deliberately. In article 3 the writer, Daniel Byman has identified the states that are passively sponsoring terrorist organizations around the world. The states that are prominently known for their support are Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, and Lebanon. These states in order to strengthen their security jeopardize the National Security of US and drag societies into the darkest propensities. It is a widely known fact that 9/11 was orchestrated with the help of Saudi Arabia of which funding transactions were traced evidently displaying Saudi Arabia’s tacit terrorist sponsorship for destroying US security. Likewise, Pakistan is held responsible for the Talibanization within the country, as the members of its intelligence ISI are in full support of Al-Qaeda. These countries which are referred to as â€Å"non-state actors†stay at the corner, some may as well agree on fighting terrorism becoming invaluable allies for the time being. The problem is not with their attitude of doing something instead it’s their attitude of doing nothing at all about the prevailing threats to the national security. One way these states react to these problems is that they offer a middle ground to the problem to safeguard their own security they shift their problem to others by offering the terrorists to stay and get arrested or leave which moves them to other countries where they perform acts of terrorism. These terrorist groups often act as government’s partners and not as their agents, although they openly deny the accusations it is evident with the size of their training setups, their methods of recruitments and funding.Â
Saturday, 16 November 2019
Walmarts Essay Example for Free
Walmarts Essay Part I describe Walmart expansion As the largest retail chain in the world, Walmart is one of the earliest companies that realize that waiting too long to get into foreign countries would give competitors a lead that would be difficult to close. However, globalization is always a double-edged sword. Despite that Walmart is the world’s largest company with a turnover of $312. 4 billion, Walmart’s results from globalization had been mixed. In 1991, the establishment of Sam’s Club near Mexico City represents takeoff of Walmart’s globalization. In 1998, In 1998, Wal-Mart acquired a controlling interest in Mexicos largest retailer, Cifra, which operated stores throughout the country, ranging from the largest chain of sit-down restaurants to a soft lines (apparel, home furnishings, fabric) department store. In 2000, Wal-Mart changed Cifras name to Wal-Mart de Mexico. Acquisition is a common way in that Walmart goes into other countries’ markets. In March 2004, Wal-Mart Brazil announced the acquisition of Bompreco, a retail chain with 118 units; In late 2005, Wal-Mart acquired the retail operations of  · Sonae Brasil S. A. (Sonae). In 1994, Wal-Mart purchased all 122 Canadian Woolco discount stores. Walmart entered South Korea in July 1998 by acquiring a majority stake in Makro. In the United Kingdom (UK), Wal-Mart had acquired ASDA, a profitable chain in 1999; In the spring of 2000, Walmart moved quickly to finalize its $10. 8 billion deal to acquire the 232-store supermarket chain, which was Walmart’s largest acquisition ever. Acquisition helps Walmart conquer some foreign countries quickly. Some successful examples are Walmart’s practices in Mexico, Brazil and United Kingdom. At the end of 2005, Wai-Mart operated a total of 807 stores in Mexico, including 107 Super centers and 71-SAMS CLUBS. The company employed more than 112,000 associates across the country. as of December 2005, Wal-Mart Brazil operated 22 Wal-Mart Super- centers, 15 Sams Clubs, and 2 Todo Dias and 116 Balaio discount stores. Employing about 28,000 associates, Wal-Mart was the sixth-largest retailer in Brazil. In December 2005, Wal-Mart had 273_ASDA Super Centers, 21 ASDA! Wal-Mart Supercenters, 10 GEORGE stores, and 5 ASDA Living stores and 4 ASDA Small Town stores in the UK. The company employed more than 150,000 people in the UK. Acquisition is not a master key to door of any country, some failures remind Walmart to reconsider its global strategy. In Canada, Walmart’s initial operation did not get off to the right start. Indeed, for the first three years (1995-97) Wal-Mart Canada showed major losses. Fortunately, things got improved subsequently. But the luck did not last to Korean market: In May 2006, Wal-Mart announced that it would sell all 16 of its South Korean stores to Shinsegae and exit from Korean market. It is not fair to entirely account Walmart’s losses in Canadian and Korean markets for failure of acquisition strategy. Expansion globally is always a systematic and complicated process, in which a lot of factors need to considered, such as politics, diet habits, consuming psychology etc.. Looking the history of Walmart’s expansion through, Walmart was used to, or had to, apply joint venture under tight restrictions in foreign countries. And it is indeed hard to evaluate whether joint venture is an ideal approach or not. Wal-Mart had entered Indonesia, attracted by the worlds fourth most populous country. The retailer faced numerous challenges in a country where retailers operated under tight restrictions?. Walmart teamed up with Lippo Group. However, the development of Walmart Indonesia was not smooth as expected. China is another country where Walmart had to partner with other to practice its expansion strategy. Walmart and other foreign retailers had to offer a 35 percent stake in each store to a Chinese joint venture partner and were restricted to a territory of approximately 40 cities each. After China joined WTO, Walmart obtained greater management authority. Meanwhile, Walmart became actively involved in government relations and started talking directly with Chinese government officials at both local and national levels and through trade groups in both the United States and China. In December 2005, Walmart had 46 Supercenters, 3 Sams Clubs, and 2 Neighborhood Markets in China, together employing more than 27,000 associates. However, at the end of 2006, Walmart was laying the groundwork to become the biggest foreign chain in China with the $1 billion purchase of a major retailer-a Taiwanese-owned supermarket chain called Trust-Mart- which-would more than double its presence in China. And in Wuhan, a Chinese city with a population of approximately 10 millions, there is only one Walmart supercenter. Compared with McDonald’s, it is safe to say that Walmart has a long way to go to complete its global expansion. Part II Top management orientation in Walmart: The orientation of top management refers to the degree of domination of the MNE headquarters over subsidiary management and HR practices as compared to the degree of localization of subsidiary practices. In my opinion, Walmart’s senior management orientation is Geocentrism. The most significant characteristic of Walmart is its perpetuation: Walmart hires best employers all over the world, and is willing to train them to take key positions everywhere in the world, which typically matches the requirement of Geocentrism. In addition, a word â€Å"localization†is usually connected with â€Å"globalization†. As a multinational Enterprise, Walmart’s global strategy determines that Walmart has to localize itself from Decision Making to Evaluation, from Rewards to Punishment. On the other side, Wal-Marts approach to competing in overseas markets had evolved over time. But three main ingredients never change: Brand names (Wal-Mart and · Sams Club), Every Day Low Price (EDLP) strategy, and ethical standards. In order to keep its core value, Walmart need to figure out the balance between localization and standardization. The only flaw, I think, is Walmart information flow. There is no doubt that Walmart’s subsidiaries have smooth channel to communicate with headquarter. However, based on my research, there is not so many practices to strengthen communication among subsidiaries. In any case, we cannot deny that Walmart is Geocentrism. Value Culture: As the largest retail company, Walmart must focus on customer and quality. Actually, that’s exactly what they do. The customer is No. 1 in the Walmart culture, and they are putting tremendous effort into understanding customers and serving them in new ways. Its Global Customer Insights group is developing world-class analytics to identify customer trends and support merchandising and marketing decision-making within the business. At the same time, the importance of getting even closer to our customers is always emphasized throughout their ranks. Business Model Behaviors: To satisfy customers’ one-stop shopping experience, Walmart regards a broader assortment as the approach to attract customers. In 2012, Walmart added back more than 10,000 products across hundreds of merchandise categories. Walmart selects suppliers with high standards, assuring that it is the first to be offered new innovative products. Meanwhile, Walmart continue to fine-tune its offerings. All kinds of national brands, private brands and opening price point products can be seen in Walmart, to adapt different tastes. As we all acknowledged, â€Å"Every Day Low Price(EDLP)†is one of the most important ingredients of Walmart. EDLP is the result of Walmart’s everyday low cost (EDLC) philosophy. Walmart lowers costs by reducing expenses, increasing productivity and leveraging technology to improve efficiency throughout our supply chain and our operations. And as the largest retail company, occupying an important role in many countries’ retail markets, Walmart are able to negotiate with suppliers to obtain lower prices. For example, in Mexico, Since Walmart had more purchasing power than the next 17 largest Latin American retailers combined, it was able to negotiate price discounts from its suppliers and generate economies of scale. Walmart attempts to develop a variety of channels – core supercenters, smaller formats such as Neighborhood Market and Walmart Express, and eCommerce. The rise of Internet has Walmart pay attention to online business. Site to Store and Pick Up Today, which provide shopping alternative to Walmart customers, promote its online business grow. KPC: Compliance Integrity: Walmart is implementing a stronger global compliance organization. The job of every Walmart associate must begin with integrity. Ethics and compliance are non-negotiable. Walmart aligns its global compliance, ethics, investigations, and legal functions under one organization. In addition, full compliance with all laws and regulations is premise that they operate in any markets. Walmart has improved its compliance programs significantly and taken appropriate action for any instance of non-compliance. We’re pleased with the progress we’ve made through training, new processes and procedures and recruiting exceptionally strong talent to fill new roles. Acceptance of Diversity: When people mention Walmart today, it is not a certain national company any more. â€Å"Globalization†has stamped deep brands on Walmart. With its expansion, both employees and customers have different skin colors, languages, tastes and consume concepts. In this situation, acceptance of diversity plays more critical role in Walmart’s development. Part III a. China’s Twelve pillars First pillar: Institutions. The quality of institutions has a strong bearing on competitiveness and growth. China’s institution ranked in the middle of all surveyed countries (50th ). Second pillar: Infrastructure. Well-developed infrastructure reduces the effect of distance between regions, integrating the national market and connecting it at low cost to markets in other countries and regions. China ranked on 48th with a score of 4,46. Third pillar: Macroeconomic environment. The stability of the macroeconomic environment is important for business and, therefore, is important for the overall competitiveness of a country. China’s macroeconomic situation remains very favorable, 11th of 144 countries. Fourth pillar: Health and primary education. A healthy workforce is vital to a country’s competitiveness and productivity. Workers who are? ill cannot function to their potential and will be less productive. China receives relatively high marks in health and basic education (35th) and enrollment figures for higher education are also on the rise, Fifth pillar: Higher education and training . Quality higher education and training is particularly crucial for economies that want to move up the value chain beyond simple production processes and products. China places on 62th with a score of 4. 32 Sixth pillar: Goods market efficiency. Countries with efficient goods markets are well positioned to produce the right mix of products and services given their particular supply-and-demand conditions, as well as to ensure that these goods can? be most effectively traded in the economy. Chinese market efficiency places 59th(down 14). In this ? illar, insufficient domestic and foreign competition is? of particular concern, as the various barriers to entry appear to be more prevalent and more important than? in previous years. Seventh pillar: Labor market efficiency. The efficiency and flexibility of the labor market are critical for ensuring that workers are allocated to their most effective use in the economy and provided with incentives to give their best effort in their jobs. China has the greatest number of labor in the world. However, due to deficiency of efficiency and flexibility, China only ranks on 41th. Eighth pillar: Financial market development. The recent economic crisis has highlighted the central role of a sound and well-functioning financial sector? for economic activities. Ninth pillar: Technological readiness. The technological readiness pillar measures the agility with which an economy adopts existing technologies to enhance the productivity of its industries, with specific emphasis on its capacity to fully leverage information and communication technologies (ICT) in daily activities and production processes for increased efficiency and enabling innovation for competitiveness. For China, technological readiness takes a place of 88th(down 11), which has negative influence on Chinese competitives. Tenth pillar: Market size . The size of the market affects productivity since large markets allow firms to exploit economies of scale. In the era of globalization, international markets can to a certain extent substitute for domestic markets, especially for small countries. China has the largest population in the world. With the increase of consume level, China is the second market in the world. Eleventh pillar: Business sophistication. Business sophistication concerns two elements that are intricately linked: the quality of a country’s overall business networks and the quality of individual firms’ operations and strategies. With a score of 4. 25 (45th), there is huge space for China’s firms to improve their operation and strategies. Twelfth pillar: Innovation. The final pillar of competitiveness focuses on technological innovation. Compared with last pillar, China shows better performance on innovation – placing 33th with a score of 3. 85.
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Geothermal Energy: A Clean and Renewable Energy :: Alternative Energy Sources
What is Geothermal Energy? The term geothermal comes from the Greek geo meaning earth and therine meaning heat thus geothermal energy is energy derived from the natural heat of the earth. The heat that flows from the Earth's hot interior due to crustal plate movements, zones of high heat flow, may be located close to the surface where convective circulation plays a signifcant role in bringing the heat close to the surface (World Bank Group, 2012). The Earth's crust, on which we live and depend, is in large part the product of millions of once-active volcanoes and tremendous volumes of magma that did not erupt but instead cooled below the surface. Such persistent and widespread volcanism has resulted in many valuable natural resources throughout the world. ... Groundwater heated by large, still-hot magma bodies can be tapped for geothermal energy. -- Excerpt from: Brantley, 2014, Volcanoes of the United States, USGS General Interest Publication Deep circulation of groundwater along fracture zones will bring heat to shallower levels, collecting the heat flow from a broad area and concentrating it into shallow reservoirs or discharging as hot springs. These reservoirs may contain hot water and/or stream. By drilling into these reservoirs, the hot water and/or steam is piped to the surface where it is used for direct use applications, or the high pressure steam is separated to drive turbines for power generation. The low energy waste water form such power generaiton is then usually re-injected back into the reservoir, or further utilised for direct heat applications. This technology enables it to be utilised to generate electricity and provide domestic and industrial heat. Geothermal energy has proven to be reliable, economic, environmentally friendly and renewable (World Bank Group, 2012). In general there are two main categories, (1) the high temperature resources and (2) the moderate/low temperature resources. The high temperature geothermal resources - 220 degrees Celsius and up - are predominantly found in volcanic regions and island chains. The moderate to low temperature resources are found on all continents. The high temperature are almost always used for power production while most of the low temperature resources are used for direct heating purposes or agriculture and aquaculture. How does Harnessing Geothermal Energy Work? Deep wells, a mile or more deep, can tap reservoirs of steam or very hot water that can be used to drive turbines which power electricity generators. There are 3 types of geothermal power plants in use today, and they are: Geothermal Energy: A Clean and Renewable Energy :: Alternative Energy Sources What is Geothermal Energy? The term geothermal comes from the Greek geo meaning earth and therine meaning heat thus geothermal energy is energy derived from the natural heat of the earth. The heat that flows from the Earth's hot interior due to crustal plate movements, zones of high heat flow, may be located close to the surface where convective circulation plays a signifcant role in bringing the heat close to the surface (World Bank Group, 2012). The Earth's crust, on which we live and depend, is in large part the product of millions of once-active volcanoes and tremendous volumes of magma that did not erupt but instead cooled below the surface. Such persistent and widespread volcanism has resulted in many valuable natural resources throughout the world. ... Groundwater heated by large, still-hot magma bodies can be tapped for geothermal energy. -- Excerpt from: Brantley, 2014, Volcanoes of the United States, USGS General Interest Publication Deep circulation of groundwater along fracture zones will bring heat to shallower levels, collecting the heat flow from a broad area and concentrating it into shallow reservoirs or discharging as hot springs. These reservoirs may contain hot water and/or stream. By drilling into these reservoirs, the hot water and/or steam is piped to the surface where it is used for direct use applications, or the high pressure steam is separated to drive turbines for power generation. The low energy waste water form such power generaiton is then usually re-injected back into the reservoir, or further utilised for direct heat applications. This technology enables it to be utilised to generate electricity and provide domestic and industrial heat. Geothermal energy has proven to be reliable, economic, environmentally friendly and renewable (World Bank Group, 2012). In general there are two main categories, (1) the high temperature resources and (2) the moderate/low temperature resources. The high temperature geothermal resources - 220 degrees Celsius and up - are predominantly found in volcanic regions and island chains. The moderate to low temperature resources are found on all continents. The high temperature are almost always used for power production while most of the low temperature resources are used for direct heating purposes or agriculture and aquaculture. How does Harnessing Geothermal Energy Work? Deep wells, a mile or more deep, can tap reservoirs of steam or very hot water that can be used to drive turbines which power electricity generators. There are 3 types of geothermal power plants in use today, and they are:
Monday, 11 November 2019
African Americans and Slavery Essay
The American Revolution was a time of great turmoil for all men and women in the United States. Great debates came and went during this time; slavery and the freedom of black men being the main problems in these debates. Slaves were used for a great number of things during the American revolutionary period. The arrival of slavery to the American colonies began in the 1600s and started out in Virginia. As the years passed more and more African-Americans were brought into the colonies to be used as labor workers. The beginning amount of slaves continued to grow and by the beginning of the revolution there were about 273,000 slaves spread throughout the American states. With the coming of the revolution all African-Americans, slave or free, knew something was coming and each had a different response to these comings. There were differences in the responses of slaves and free men during the American Revolution. There were also consequences to their choices. â€Å"Gaining freedom in a land of captivity and wresting equality from a society whose founding documents guarantee it has been the consuming desire and everlasting hope that has kept harrowed bodies and weary souls going. †In the southern states African-American slaves were treated harsher than those in the north. The plantations down south required back –breaking hours of work in the sun that White Americans believed could only be done by those they had bought. There was a reason for them to be there and until they could no longer work they were to do all things imaginable for their owners, no questions asked. Some of these slaves thought it was easier to run away from their owners and that in doing so they would have a chance to fight for their country. Slaves could either flee to the north or they could flee to Spanish owned Florida. In cases where a master was called upon to fight, they would send a slave in their place and if they lived long enough to return home they earned freedom. Many of the slaves decided that if they had a chance to gain their freedom by joining the war effort then they would gladly take their masters place. They also believed that with the beginning to the revolutionary period would bring a new deed to the land and when it was over there would no longer be a need for slaves. The consequences for slaves in the south were innumerable. Like many slaves, they took this time to run from slave masters and plantations. If these southern slaves were caught, depending on the owner, the slave could suffer mild to severe consequences. Depending on the demeanor of the owner a slave could be punished in several different ways. Whipping, branding, slapping, being dunked underwater, and kicking were just some forms of punishment. The most severe punishments were to cut off a body part like an ear in the hopes that the slave would learn and never run again. There were also â€Å"nice†slave owners that chose not to punish their slaves. There justification for not punishing their slaves was so that they would continue to work and so that the owner could buy more slaves with the money that they continued to pool in from the work. Because of some owners that continuously harassed Washington, he stopped allowing slaves into his army. But General Washington, fearing rebellion, created an order that stated that all blacks were not allowed to fight. Later he partially reversed the order and allowed only free black men to fight with him. Some slaves believed that taking a chance to flee towards the north was a far-fetched idea. They were seeking freedom in the quickest possible way. Lord Dunmore sent out a proclamation that stated in exchange for freedom any black that came to him would fight against the patriots and become a loyalist. Dunmore’s promise of freedom fueled black slaves to escape and even some patriots fled to fight as a loyalist. After the war, true to his word, slaves gained their freedom. Some of these newly freed slaves went to Britain but many of them stayed in the Americas. On the other hand free men in the north believed the revolution would bring about change for the better. Their idea of the revolution was that they were being given the chance to gain independence from Great Britain and also for themselves. It was a defining moment in history that they were to be a part of. Fighting with white men gave these free black men a sense of honor and it also gave them a job where they could earn a little money to put towards getting homes and things of that nature. Men from the north gradually began to realize that they could fight with their brethren and bring independence to the land. General Washington passed an order stating that no black man was allowed into his army. This order came about because of general angst from some slave owners. These owners believed that there should not be any blacks fighting for the independence because they were only good for being slaves and they would never have say over anything. After some time Washington, fearing not having enough men to fight against the British, partially reversed this order to allow only free black men. Other than this there were not many consequences that are recorded for free black men. These free men not only fought for the independence of the nation but also for their independence and the independence of other black men and women. African-Americans from the north and south chose to join the continental army because they believed that they should help make the place the lived independent from a tyranny that had no say in the matters of a new country. They felt that this tyranny could take their rights and place them under unfair rule once again. Some of the freemen and slaves that had started out in the continental army decided to run to the British army but were not successful in their plights. Nash called the revolution the ‘greatest slave rebellion in American history’ because it was just that. The revolution opened up new grounds for slaves to rebel against owners because it was the most opportune time for them to do so. â€Å"If any group within America’s diversified people came close to answering John Adams’s plea that ‘we must all be soldiers,’ it was black Americans. No part of revolutionary society responded to the call for arms with anywhere near the enthusiasm of those who were black. Proportionate to their number, African American males and some females were more likely to join the fray than white Americans. †According to this excerpt from another one of Nash’s books, African-Americans were much more adept to answering the plea of John Adams. If there were more African-American fighters than white that meant that more black males were subject to put themselves in danger in order to gain freedom. They would rather have one day of freedom, not knowing if they would die in the next second, hour, or day, than be a slave for the rest of their lives. This is one of the reasons why Nash called the revolution the ‘greatest slave rebellion in American history’. â€Å"Desperate to fill the thinned ranks of its regiments, states offered freedom†¦ to serve during the continuance of the present war with Great Britain. Every black enlistee would be ‘immediately discharged from the service of his master or mistress, and be absolutely free, as if he had never been encumbered with any kind of servitude or slavery. †If states were desperate to have more men come into their ranks then there was nothing really stopping slaves from escaping their masters and coming to fight. They all wanted freedom from someone. Slaves wanted freedom from their bonds that were tied to the soil they worked and the Americans wanted freedom from Great Britain. Both groups had their reasons to fight and the only way slaves knew how to become free was to rebel and run to an army. This was a time for large rebellions on all fronts not just from the slaves. It was a rebellion against the British from the former colonists and a rebellion against the men and women that were taken from their homes to somehow create new ones. â€Å"It may have been, as Nash says ‘the greatest slave rebellion in American history,’ but for most of the rebels it ended like the others, in death. Slaves who supported the American side fared better, but not much better. Only with great reluctance did Washington allow some to join his army. Other Virginians had another wartime use for them. In 1780 the state legislature offered salves as a bounty for enlistment in the war against British tyranny. The revolution did see enactment of measures for gradual emancipation in the northern states, but the number who benefited was small. †My view on the American Revolution has changed somewhat because of how the African-Americans were treated during and after the period of war. The Americans act as though they had not been fighting alongside each other and because of this withhold distaste for the blacks. The completely disregard the idea that every man is created equal and has certain unalienable rights. They do not extend these ideas that were written down on the Declaration of Independence to the free black Americans. Men that had fought with and under Washington were not looked as the same because the color of their skin and were not given the same rights. Because of how they were treated I see the Revolution more as a war against Britain to save other whites from tyranny rather than to gain independence for all mankind. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ. [ 1 ]. Gary B. Nash, The Forgotten Fifth: African Americans in the Age of Revolution (Harvard University: 2006), 1. [ 2 ]. Taymor, . â€Å"US History Documents. †Last modified 2005. Accessed January 27, 2013. http://inside. sfuhs. org/dept/history/US_History_reader/Chapter2/Nashfighting. pdf. [ 3 ]. Taymor, . â€Å"US History Documents. †Last modified 2005. Accessed January 27, 2013. http://inside. sfuhs. org/dept/history/US_History_reader/Chapter2/Nashfighting. pdf. [ 4 ]. Edmund S. Morgan, review of The Unknown American Revolution:
Saturday, 9 November 2019
Panopticism he states that the development of discipline Essay
In Michel Foucault’s (1975) excerpt, Panopticism he states that the development of discipline in the 18th and 19th centuries came from he emergence of prison as the form of punishment for every crime. During these times the major crimes committed were from the French Revolution and the major riots and civil unrest in the French society. In these prisons the Panopticon puts the inmates in a different state in which each one is there own separate individual. Foucault states that the major effect of these Panopticon are that they â€Å"induce the inmate in a state of conscious and permanent visibility that assures the automatic functioning of power.††Such a structure allows individuals to be seen and restricts their ability to communicate with the security, the warden, or other prisoners.†In this case, crowds are nonexistent and each person is confined to their cell where they can be viewed by the watcher. He states that this new form of punishment lead to th e development of a whole new kind of individuality for bodies. The brilliance of this prison is that the Panopticon forces blindness onto the prisoner where he or she is never sure if someone’s watching or not, inducing a harmless form of paranoia, keeping people in place. When a person is accused of a crime, society finds upon itself the responsibility of punishing him or her. The question of morality, however, is finding the perfect punishment in compensation of the crime that was committed. With the Panopticon, rather than breaking them down physically by using tortures like the thumbscrew or whips, prisoners can be broken down mentally, which allows the reconstruction of their mentality. This entire theory is effective due to the natural desire that people in general have to conform to society’s pressures. After all, it is ingrained in the natural being of humans to know that in order to survive, everyone needs a place in society whether it is as the businessman or as a joker. The fear of complete abandonment from this institution allows the system to work properly. Next, the Panopticon is essential to society in its ability to give a prisoner the chance of redeeming himself or herself to become a crucial part of society again. Instead of seeing revenge on the prisoners, this system allows them to be reformed through a force of habit. As prisoners get used to the idea that they’re being watched at all times with or without their knowledge, they adjust their behavior to meet society’s standards and norms. Thus, with a strong sense of paranoia, once the prisoner comes out of the Panopticon, he or she will rethink any decisions of breaking the rules. Once the person goes through that phase of the Panopticon imprisonment, he or she is set for a regular life in the real world with human interaction. In addition, with the Panopticon, power isn’t centralized in the hands of the warden or prison guards. The mere concept of being spied on causes others to display normal behavior, one that they want to portray to society. The real punishment that the prisoner goes through is one within his or her own mind where due to paranoia, the person shapes up to meet the rules of society in what is right rather than wrong. In this case, no one has power over another and even the amount of guards can be lessened; the prisoner is unable to tell the difference as to who is watching or how many people are watching. Power isn’t given to people but is within the architecture of the Panopticon. There will be no more vicious beatings of prisoners and no more degradation of them. In the end, they’re like everyone else, another everyday person in today’s world. Panopticism creates self-discipline forced into play through one’s own mentality of paranoia and fear, allowing criminals to be broken down mentally instead of physically, to redeem themselves as a part of society again, and to allow power to not be centralized in the hands of the warden or prison guards. It’s not only an effective system but it’s also efficient in the way that those separated from society may still have the ability to blend back in after undergoing this type of imprisonment. As a result, the concept of a Panopticon would certainly be better than the status quo where punishment is used and people are locked away behind bars without given a chance to prove that they’re reformed. Any cruel and unusual punishments that may occur are abolished and finally, for those who have made a mistake or two, redemption is finally possible.
Thursday, 7 November 2019
Effects Of the Plague essays
Effects Of the Plague essays In October 1347 several merchant ship returned to Sicily carrying more than just the usual goods. Aboard their ships was the plague. Several men were already infected with the plague and as soon as they stepped foot off the ship it spread like wildfire. Traveling through all of Europe the plague wiped out one third of Europes population in a mere five years. The plague did not disappear until the 1600s, even then people still feared the Black Death. With this epidemic also came change in every aspect of life. During the time of the plague people had no idea what to do. Some thought that barring their doors and staying away from all other people could protect them from the plague. Others thought that moving to the county, away from civilization, would protect them. None of these ideas worked unfortunately. People with the plague were left to die and people who didnt have the plague stayed away from all other people. This separation made living impossible, which caused the plague to flourish. When the worst was over and people started to come back together, things were not the same. People still feared the plague and were a little leery to return to normal living. Eventually, the survivors came out of their holes and tried to move on. One survivor of the Black Death was Geoffrey Chaucer. In Chaucers Canterbury Tales he writes of pilgrims who all take their place in society. Most, if not all, of the pilgrims were created or affected by some aspect of the plague. Each pilgrim to ld one story on the way to Canterbury. Their stories include such topics as the church, stratification, and business. Many religious leaders and churches believed that the plague was punishment for the sinful lives that the men and women of the time were leading. The clergy said to evade the plague you must ask for help from God and ask for forgiveness of your sins. However, the common people felt like the church had...
Monday, 4 November 2019
Bullying in the united states of america Research Paper
Bullying in the united states of america - Research Paper Example (Salamone & Pesce 2010). The list actually contained a growing number of victims and these names mentioned here were just part of many cases of bullying that occur in American schools today. These incidents should serve as a wake up call to policymakers, school administrators and the society itself in order for them to pay attention, take necessary and immediate steps to address the problem. The number of innocent lives that are being claimed by this national epidemic should not be permitted to grow even further, especially given the fact that we can do something about it. Why is Bullying Dangerous? In order to understand why bullying must be stopped once and for all, everyone should be aware of what it is. This is crucial because there might still be people out there who scoff at these incidents and regard them as some minor teasing or school scuffles that are naturally part of growing up. The number of interest groups and scholarly work on bullying has resulted to several depiction s of bullying. For example, Robert Thomas (2006) explained that it is the act of tormenting a person in a way he detests. (p. 135) JaredStory.com a cause-oriented website founded by the mother of a bully's victim went as far as calling it a smaller scale terrorism because the bully uses intimidation and terror to threaten, harass and assault a weaker individual. (2011) Then, Fried and Sosland (2009) cited taunting, ostracizing and ridiculing beyond endurance as bullying and pointed to the emergence of the word/concept called bullycide that came to refer to young people who commit suicide because of bullying. (p. 14) The sheer number of explanations does not represent differences or some semblance of debate with regards to bullying. The case is that each has his or her own version to this phenomenon, which is fundamentally about a consistent assault - physical, psychological, oral - on a weaker individual by a stronger bully. In a study undertaken by Bradley (2007), it was found that : 1) one-third of middle school students have felt unsafe at school due to bullying; and, 2) at least 10% of high school students who dropped out of school cited fear of bullying as the cause. (p. 1) Hernandez (2006) also shared grim statistics in his own research, stating, â€Å"nearly 30% of American school children have been involved in some aspect of bullying,†with 13% self-reported of being bullies, 10.6% reported being bullied, and 6.3% reported being both a victim and a bully. (p. 61) The statistics as represented by the works of Bradley and Hernandez is feared to be far from accurate because it is believed that many incidence of bullying go unreported. A very disturbing development today is the emergence of the so-called cyberbullying, â€Å"the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group that is intended to harm others.†(Evans 2007, p. 14) This type of bullying is increasin gly becoming significant because it tends to magnify the effects of aggression tenfold. Due to the technological and communication advancements today, many tools are now available to students that enable them to bully individuals at a rate, degree and frequency that has never seen before. Access to mobile phones, the Internet, including its many social networking web sites are conveniently offering very potent means to hurt, harass and humiliate an
Saturday, 2 November 2019
Best Performing Director - William Craig Fugate Assignment
Best Performing Director - William Craig Fugate - Assignment Example In 2004, for instance, he staged the largest federal disaster response when the country encountered at least three hurricanes including the Wilma, Dennis and Katrina. Because of the impact of the hurricanes, most of the coastal stages were under the aid of Emergency Management Assistance Compact. This was the time Fugate showed his stewardship. After the Katrina crisis, Fugate took the information from the casualties to determine their eligibility for any compensation. Those whose information was vague were not immediately compensated. He tapped the historical information from those who were employed to verify their credentials and ensure that there was a real home there. Although they were dealing with several people, Fugate mobilized his team with the help of technology. By the time Fugate was nominated to head FEMA in 2009, the agency had already been battered by the previous leaders. Michael Brown had driven the agency into a punch-line due to his decision that depicted his incompetence during the hurricane Katrina of 2005 (U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency , 2006). With his outstanding performance of over ten years as an emergency manager, Fugate was promoted as a director having shown high competence. He was exposed to emergency services at his tender age after his parents died. Having garnered the best experience, he excelled very well in his career. He faced a lot of challenges that prepared him to lead FEMA. Initially, the agency had lost it reputation when Mr. Brown failed in his leadership leading to loss of property and lives during the 2005 hurricanes of Katrina. His appointment was therefore to restore the lost ‘glory’. This was his designed role for his appointment by President Obam a. As the director, Fugate promulgated the ‘entire community’ strategy towards emergency management by emphasizing and enhancing cooperation with all the government levels, including state, federal, local and tribal. Â
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