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Thursday, 31 January 2019
Biblical Influence and Symbolism in The Old Man and the Sea :: Old Man and the Sea Essays
Biblical Influence and Symbolism in The Old piece of music and the sea Many times, stories by Ernest Hemingway have much religious deviate and symbolism. In The Old Man and the Sea, by Ernest Hemingway, numerous occurrences in the demeanor of Santiago the fisherman are similar to the incidents recorded in the flavor of Jesus of Nazareth. The names of the characters translated from Spanish to English are just whiz of those many similarities. The characters in The Old Man and the Sea are in actuality, major figures in the New Testament. Santiago is an old man, yet he had young eyes. No matter how defeated he was, he would never show it and he would look on the brighter side of things. In my mind, these traits groom Santiago a god-like figure. Manolin, which translates into Messiah, is Jesus (Stoltzfus qtd in CLC 13280). Santiago is the obtain who teaches his symbolic son and discip le, Manolin. After catching the largest marlin, Manolin will leave his parents in order to follow the teachings of Santiago, his master, just as Jesus did (Stoltzfus qtd in CLC 13280). Pedrico is actually Saint creature, Jesus closest apostle and a great fisherman (Wilson 50). Peter helped Jesus fish for souls as Pedrico helped Manolin fish for food. Santiago gives Pedrico the head of the damage marlin which symbolizes Saint Peter as head of the Christian church and the counterbalance Pope (Stoltzfus CLC 280). In the story, there are many references to the crucifixion of Jesus. Santiagos poorly injured hands evoke the hands of the crucified Jesus and three opposite situations reinforce this theory (Brenner, The Old Man and the Sea, Story of a putting surface Man 37). First, Santiagos marlin is approached by a pair of shovel nosed sharks. Ay, he said out loud. (Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea 107) There is no meaning of Ay, but perhaps it is the sound a man makes as his hands are nailed to wood (Brenner, The Old Man and the Sea, Story of a Common Man 38). Next, once back on shore, Santiago climbs the mound to his shack, with the mast on his shoulder, falling several times (Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea 121). This is an obvious reference to Christs struggle to carry the cross up the pitchers mound Cavalry (Crossan, The Historical Jesus 163).
Wednesday, 30 January 2019
Is Reality TV worse than other tv? Essay
In At Least Its not Snobby By Trace Egan Morrissey, she brings up the fact that many quite a little Joke about earthly concern boob tube, and even call it trash. Reality TV may return some of the worse sides of the ball, but those sides do exist, and whether wad admit it or not, it is amusing to watch. Reality TV teaches lessons without anyone even realizing it.It shows the world different morals. Things that used to be ore frowned upon in societies are somewhat much socially acceptable because of reality television, such as being gay. viewing audience see a cast member struggling with being gay, and the lulu usually sympathizes. People that are gay can relate, and see themselves as not being so alone. The question still remains Is reality television worse than other types of TV? An large amount of stack would say. Yes. But it In truth could be labeled as worthwhile as any other sort of television, though it does meme to have Its ups and downs. In the Watching TV And Looki ng Inward, Andy Denary writes about how reality television is worthy of our attention. He states, reality TV is at once a window and a mirror. Showing how real people react and act in extraordinary situations, Reality television is engaging and amusing, still, Denary brings up the point that reality television can make a sweetheart think in a different point of perspective.When itching these shows, we much think to ourselves, What would I do f I were them, Wow, I would neer do that, and sometimes even, This is ridiculous. The shows get us thinking, and sometimes we are knocked out(p) by our reaction. Reality television actually exposes the reality of humanity. These shows, as inconclusive as some of them may seem, can actually teach and show us Important lessons. That Is why I agree with Denary when he says that reality television is worthy of our attention. Ton
Saturday, 26 January 2019
Prevention Plan for Divorce Before Marriage
Phuong Ho Prof. Janice Falbert CDFS 321 Section 9 Personal Relationships Wellness Philosophy Paper (PRW) total 2012 matrimony is one of the almost essential factors of human bearing. It creates the basis for everyone to hire a better, wellnessier, and happier bearing. However, it is the fact that there argon more(prenominal) and more duos marrying and wherefore ending up with divorce, and this rate is increasing faster year by year. Actually, all the divorce cases be originated from n archaean of the forms of excited tubercularness that stepwise appear in each partner during the date of their relationship.It is good to regain these forms of emotional indisposition to solve the soldierly problems of the specific long- wearings. However it is dead the best when the original evinces are studied and obdurate forwards they blend the serious and fatal clues to damage uniting ceremony. What I am talking intimately here is the maintainion efforts to be applied to the metre period before couples marry, non by and by. I also present my streak Plan containing the ideas, of preventing both(prenominal) chances that arse cause divorce, for pre-marital couples.This is the ultimate result of the combination of my total acquaintance or so wedding party and the practical philosophy of prime saloon material. It is lawful that relationship before marriage plays an important role in bring to explicateher heart ahead it also builds the foundation for the good, healthy, and happy marriage. However, it is completely haywire saying that dating swear outs effectively to screen out succeeding(a) divorces, particularly those that occur early in marriage.Actually, dating does not withdraw any amour to do with the separation of get married couples. The point here is that dating and marriage are polar. Of course dating is important to exit to marriage. However, dating is a step to get two mickle closer and to see if they are for each an other(prenominal), and marriage is a commitment with full of accompanyings and probabilities. Loving someone, committing to him/her, and supporting together for the rest of your life are totally different. This illustrates well for the divorces mishap early in marriage.Many troublesome things happen when marriage life starts out. Things transform dramatically, and the couples moderate to work through themselves or asking for professional process or divorces is the consequence. Another reason to say that dating is nothing to do with future divorces is that dating not working out leads to break-up practiced after that. People do not wait until they get into marriage, and then sadness for what happen and say goodbye to each other. It does not work this vogue.Really, problems fire appear during the dating couples tend to learn how to over accompany it (just analogous married ones) however, if they tummynot find the said(prenominal) solution for this problem, break-up is eas y to be brought up mightily away. Separation in dating is a lot simpler and easier than marriage. No much(prenominal) couples resist each others problems until they get married. As what I said previously, my legal community Plan, which I depart introduce to you, is built upon my martial knowledge and the information from essential bar material. So what is Primary legal profession?It is actually a distinct level from the three-tier model, which is pretty much uniform to the main Prevention model, containing Primary Prevention, Secondary Prevention, and Tertiary Prevention. Secondary Prevention (treatment activities) is about trying to decrease the length of time an individual or family experiences an emotionally distressful situation Tertiary Prevention (rehabilitation activities) is about preventing the coming back of a debilitating problem and to restore as high as possible the level of individual and family reorganization.Like the other two, Primary Prevention, considere d as a hybrid form originated from Prevention, has its own characteristics and techniques, which are about aiming to reduce the incidence of new cases of psychogenic dis raise in the population by fight against harmful forces which operate in the community and by strengthening the qualification of throng to resist stress. So, unlike the purpose of Secondary Prevention reduce the time the patients resist and purpose of Tertiary Prevention avoiding the repetition of the illness, the Primary Prevention is more straightened method of anti-emotional-distress.It focuses directly on the fight against the genial illness created during the process by helping patients produce the abilities to avoid stress. Primary Prevention focuses mainly on groups of patients but for the specific problems that those groups obtain. To get a wider and deeper view of these concepts, let get back to the original Prevention. The fact is that the information of Prevention is not new at all. The ideas that mental distress talent be prevented and eliminated happened a long time ago, back to the ancient time.However, the to the full attainable concept of Prevention as a Public wellness treatment was recently developed when the quash of serious mentally ill patients as well as divorces goes higher and faster. Prevention provides strategies that not barely help all the patients take part in avoid illness and promoting health, but also enlighten the misunderstanding and wrong claims and opinions about emotional distress. Really, there were any people bringing on the ideas saying that study illness is surely in large part genetically determined and is absolutely not preventable, at most modifiable.Prevention proves that these ideas are wrong and that mental problems are not such diseases that mickle be hinted to any microorganism or DNA thread. They are actually troubles derived from the very normal deed life of each individual. Sometimes they can be cause from the factors of that pa tients life like family, friends, colleagues sometimes they are from the patient himself/herself. Therefore, because those problems are not genetic and instinctive, it is easy to result that they can be controlled, prevented, and eliminated. 4 So, how does Prevention do its jobs as a helpful treatment of promoting mental health and avoiding illness? The answer is in its technology given by quad specific tools as Education, Community Organization, Competency Promotion, and Natural Caregiving. Each of them has different perspective, way of approaching, and practical application but they all have the akin purpose of preventing mentally illness and promoting health. 3 My Plan of prevention of Divorce is a combination of martial and relationship tips, academic and proved material, and practically cordial information.The points are simple rules and tips to some people in their lives, but these people are failed to recognize or even ignore and underestimate them. This leads to number of serious consequences to their marriage lives, even divorces. As I mentioned, all my oversight will be the Prevention applied to the time period before couples married. Firstly, the optimal step for the all couples before they commit to each other in order to have a good and stable marriage is to question themselves and each other Am I sure? ar you sure? 6 That manner a premarital couple have to draw sure the other is the only one and their ultimate finish of love. twain of them have to arrive at it clear that the other one value the alike and is literally willing to commit to this life ahead. 5 There are some couples rushing to marriage by their contemporary passion and feeling without intellection reasonably. Certainly, this kind of marriage later will obtain many obstacles and problems and suffer from the multiple consequences including divorce if they do not ask for any help. Marriage is an important thing ever happening to a person.Make sure that is the indemnify wing one and be ready to spend the rest time of your life with him/her. 1 The second point of the Prevention Plan is Professional help is not supplementary, at all. Some couples think they are fine with everything all they guide to do is go ahead and be ready for a wedding without thinking twice about this as a big incident that will mixture their lives forever. Premarital counseling is extremely important that helps couples have a clearer and more complete view of what is going happen and how things change dramatically after they become husbands and wives.Besides, this is also a chance for the couples to make up their mind again and see if the other one is unfeignedly the one. This may create disappointments for some couples when they think they already know everything about their relationship (but they do not). However, this is one of the most effective ways to prevent the probability of divorces happen right before the marriage happens. 2 Another thing that affects most to the st ability of marriage life of any couple is defining expectations can help build a good plan. Any triumphant battle has its own strategy.What are the expectations? They are intentions, standards, rules that are summed up by both sides of couple and will be applied for their future family. The same with this situation, a happy future house is not only built with love, but also with wisdom and knowledge. The expectations can be only found, treasured, and carried by communication, and the best way to communicate is, of course, talking. 6 Beside building, reinforcing, and enriching the love, respect, understanding to each other, the couples should take time having some serious talking, discussing about their future family.Many things this talking can come with are such as finance, children, sex, housework, religion, jobs Having a clearer and practical view of these factors can help couples avoid many unexpected issues popping up in their future life together. It will be a lot easier an d simpler to avoid, sleep together with and fix these problems when the insiders already know the concepts of original issues. 2 Many people think it is wasting of time and unnecessary to spend their time for their future marriages bit they have not even get married yet.Actually, this period of time is the bridge between the dating and marriage. Maybe dating does not work effectively to screen out future divorces, particularly those that occur early in marriage however, preventing is much better than fixing. This period of time is the most magnificent transition step for couple to reinforce their points of view, concepts, and knowledge about the marital lives waiting for them ahead. Therefore, I can surely say that my Prevention Plan will work effectively in any society, including a nation with a high rate of divorces like U.S. As you can see above, this plan with three general tips is simple and trivial point in premarital relationship however, missing, ignoring or even misusing them can lead to serious problems. Not only the citizens are educated about marriage promoting and divorce preventing, but also the influence of mental health benefit in U. S. will get more appreciations, attentions, and profits from the everyday. These profits can help improve the U. Ss medical health training in many ways also.The open behaviors that I raise couples to do are completely suitably helpful for Americans especially young people to develop themselves a confidence in dealing with different situations that life brings to them. Number of stably happy families maintains and improves divorce decreases society is higher in standards the country is stronger. The best way to get the Prevention Plan maximized its powerfulness is to publicize and popularize them as a guide for premarital, engaged, or long-termed couples.The therapists, professionals, or mentalists of Marital Mental Healthcare need to know about and encourage the couples to apply it. The plan should be also introduced to people by media like Science newspapers, Family or Health magazines, the online articles In order to get more results, the government also should legalize the law that each premarital couple have to take mandatory Marriage and Family course in order to have better perspectives of what they are going to face in the costly future and to give them a chance to rethink if what they are doing is right or wrong.This will raise a flow of opposing ideas from media and public about imposing and frustrating premarital couples. This Prevention working means the rate of marriage of U. S. will decrease in some way also due to the cut way of couples who realize they are not ready for marriage. The birth rate is also stable due to the couples already talked about children issues before marriage. There are absolutely less inadequate or foster-care children due to the number of broken families reduce. The childrens future life quality is more clearly defined in a convinced(p) way. 1D ivorce rate decrease can lead to many social advantages and benefits to both people and government. My plan simply gives a little help to the couples that will be the future husbands or wives. Hopefully with its help, our nation will develop in a stable tempo. Though my plan plays as a tool to prevent Divorce for couples before marriage, it is the most important when the couples themselves are willing to do what the plan says. References 1. How do you know that you married the right person? Available http//www. marriagemax. com/prevent-divorce. asp 2. Prevent Divorce before you get married. June 22, 2009. Available http//www. crosswalk. com/family/marriage/prevent-divorce-before-you-get-married-11605052. html 3. Wellness Primary Prevention. Material. 4. Primary Prevention and its technology. Material. 5. Marriage and the family Diversity and Strengths (7th Edition). Olson-DeFrain Skogrand. Chapter 9 Friendship, Intimacy, Friendship. Material. 6. Preventing Divorce Before you S ay I Do. January 30, 2007. Available http//voices. yahoo. com/preventing-divorce-say-do-177817. html
Friday, 25 January 2019
Early Childhood Services Norway Essay
Government goal solely children whose parents wish it should have a place in a barnehage, full-time or part-time. (OECD, 199912) All municipalities moldiness offer an ECEC place to either parents who want to enrol their child. As yet, equivalent legislation has not been drafted to give a court-ordered slump to all parents to a place for their child. (OECD, 2006 399) Two sepa put traditions brought together in Barnehage * educationally focused barnehage (19th century Froebel) * Daghem (translates as day home) Precursor was barneasyl (childrens mental home 1837) more social , focused on poor families.Norways approach to early Childhood Care and Education Barnehage viewed as having an integrated oversee and educational role care and learning are seen as insepar sufficient activities. (OECD, 199 12) purvey grew slowly 1970s increase in service (1970 attendance 5% of 3/4 yrs olds to 1990s attendance pass judgment for 1 5 yr olds = 47-60% and increase since then) V ery few children under 12mths in barnehage (well developed parental leave system) Barnehage vary in terms of ownership, management, and bread and butter. 47% public, possess and man decrepit by topical anesthetic anesthetic authorities (kommune).Re of importder are esoteric owned and managed in a variety of ways (parent groups, non-profit organisations). All receive assert subsidy all parents make payments all local authorities subsidize public barnehager that they own and manage. Local authorities vary re insurance subsidising private barnehager. Consequence 3 types of barnehage in relation to funding (public, private receive local authority funding & deoxyadenosine monophosphate private who do not receive local authority funding). Variations in public funding parental fees higher in private barnehage (except those who fall under the local authority funding).Variations in parental fees in local authority barnehage well-nigh cases fees the same for all families. Norse System 4 other types of prep 1. open kindergarten children attend with parent/carer. 2. Family Day care divided into deuce groups Private (a) offer totally private service 3. Family day carers (b) networks (familiebarnehager) advise be public/private managed & supervised by whizz trained pre-school teacher per 30 children. 4. SFO care and recreation for school aged children (6yrs was 7yrs) outside school hours. School in first 4 grades from 6 yrs = 20 hours per week child spends rest of time in SFO.SFO may be located at school, or separate accommodation. Attendance rates vary. Education system overall dominated by groups care in a particular type of centre. Staff in Barnehager 3 types of supply 1. Styrere (leader) management. 2. Pedagogiske (trained teacher). 3. Assistents . Remaining round * Bilingual assistants (ethnic minority groups) * Other teaching staff ( excess needs) * Other persons (chefs/cleaners) All styrere & pedagogiske have to have qualifi ed as ECEC teacher (both types of staff have the same training).Training in ECEC Norway 3 stratums full time study possible to do 4 year distance learning training (mature students with some experience utilize of this). In service training available. Admission to pre-school training 3 year study in general subjects at upper secondary. No special requirements for assistents (recently introduction of 2 years of school and 2 years in workplace = can choose health & social care /child & youth workers option to cover work in the barnehager, SFO, clubs and other services. Salaries depends on training & position. (OECD,1999 16) Most staff in barnehager are female. Men 8% of all staff direct get hold of with children.(OECD 2006) Emphasis on men in childcare two main motives 1. gender equality 2. right of children to meet both men and women. male workers seen as valuable to boys. Childhood institutionalised (role models mainly women concern from Norwegian Government) ( Research into this needed ??? ) Children with diverse needs (OECD 2006) Children with disabilities Children with disabilities have a priority right to services provided it is deemed by an expert that the child will be able to benefit from attending the day care institution. Children from low-income families The child poverty rate in Norway is 3.4% after taxes and transfers, compared to the OECD average of 11. 2%. The barnehage is considered to play an important role in terms of preventive child welfare. Children living in at-risk circumstances, places are fully funded by municipalities. Supports are provided also to enable barnehager retain children with disabilities, children from low-income families and bilingual children. Ethnic and bilingual children An indigenous ethnic group, the Sami, constitute 1. 7% of the Norwegian population. Sami language kindergartens are funded generously whenever there is a immersion of Sami families. Curriculum and pedagogyThe first national curric ulum plan, called a modeling Plan, came into force in 1996. The curriculum, which must be used by all barnehager, is humbled on the Nordic tradition of combining education and care. A Sami supplement is integrated in the plan. All barnehager, including familiebarnehager and open barnehager, must base their annual plans on this Framework, which is the National Curriculum. The Framework Plan emphasises that both local cultural values and the national cultural heritage, as reflected in the childishness environment, must be represented in the activity of the barnehage (Background Report for Norway, 1999).A revised Framework Plan enters into force on 1st high-flown 2006. The main principles are the same, with the new Kindergarten Act giving children a legal right to participate in all questions concerning their daily lives in ECEC. The Norwegian Child (OECD, 199921) strong idea of how the Norwegian child should be and what it center to live a good childhood (OECD, 199921). Importa nt to protect childhood from too much adult control (OECD, 199921). Adults should not take childhood away from children, but bring it back to them. (OECDm 199921) Value of childhood & children seen as a social group within society.
Monday, 21 January 2019
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
For my paper I interview Brandie Stine. She has put outd by many changes in her own family and had some great insight on how our family has changed so much over the past years. When she remarried in 1998, she went from a induce of five, to a let of eight. She became part of a very big blended family.The allowance of joining five teenagers (three of us had already moved out), was very unexpressed for her and her save. Trying to teach teenagers to get together is worse than having a multitude of 2 year old, telling them you digest to share. They were able to make it through the rough times and now over the past 12 years, she and her husband founder become the proud grandparents of 18 grandchildren. Her grandchildren are her new pridefulness and joy, precisely she has also become a statistic, of a grandparent aggrandisement a grandchild. She says it is hard and sad, when one of your own children is not willing or missing to raise their own child.She has raised Raven for t he past five years, decorous her surrogate mother. She never thought that after raising her own children, she would be in these shoes again raising a small child. temporary hookup a grandparent raising their grandchildren is not something new, the fact that older grandparents are raising younger grandchildren is on the rise. In the most recent Census part statistics, 2.4 million of the nations families are maintained by grandparents who have one or more of their grandchildren living with theman increase of 400,000 (19 percent) since 1990.These families comprise 7 percent of all families with children under 18. (U.S. Census Bureau, the Official Statistics, 1997) Some grandparents who have retried have to go back to work, just to be able to unfold to take carry off of their grandchildren. The poverty rate is growing with this problem. Brandie said, That when she was growing up you had grandparents in some homes but when you did this was to service take care of them and they woul d help the parents to raise their children.Children had respect for their grandparents and knew if they got in trouble with grandma, her punishment could be worse than moms, and then you also had to deal with dad when he got home. If you did not live in the same home as your grandparents, then they werent but a short drive away and you spent most of your weekends with them. My mother has seen too many children universe pushed to the side, and left to be taken care of by someone else. This is sad thatwe have allowed our young adults to just separatrix their children away and not think twice. When did it become okay for a mother or father to not care about the well being of there children and allow someone else to raise them?
Humanities Paper Essay
liberal arts is a topic that has so many wide-ranged meaning in regards to historical literature and arts. After conducting much(prenominal)(prenominal) needed research on the topic at hand, the compose get out discuss their informational findings in a research paper. In this paper, the author result define the meaning of humanities, discuss a cultural event that has been go through such as unison, dance, theater, art, literature, etc.The author allow for then work out on how a particular event was an recipe of what he/she knew intimately the humanities, art, style, genius, and culture of the conviction period it represents. Finally the author will exempt how the selected form of cultural expression compares with a nonher(prenominal) forms he/she k right away well-nigh from the same time period. Hopefully after breeding this paper, the audience will feed a better knowledge rough Humanities in the Past, Present, and Future.Humanities Humanities can be very abro ad, alone integrity of the meanings of humanities, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, is Those branches of knowledge, such as philosophy, literature, and art, that are lead-to doe with with human thought and culture the liberal arts (American Dictionary, 2000).Culture is a big part of humanities. These patterns, traits, and products are considered as the expressions of a particular period, class, community, or population (American heritage dictionary, 2000). Humanities has really helped paved the way for emerging endeavors such as the way we think, conduct ourselves, and the way we observe things. pick out a cultural event you have experienced, such as music, dance, theater, art, literature, or another(prenominal)s.3 Defining the Humanities Paper Growing up in Louisiana, I have had the award and pleasure of experiencing many cultural events, but I must say my favorite cultural experience would have to be music. Music is one of the many ways I could flee from the turmoil in the world. In high school I was in the choir and my favorite instrument at the time was the piano. I purpose to lead the choir and some times, I was able to perform a aviate piece while performing my piano. This was a great experience for me because I had an outlet to express myself without even speaking.My high school choir had the honor of performing at a nursing sign of the zodiac in St. Francisville where in that respect were a lot of singers, ex-musicians, and dancers who were in the choir and performed around Louisiana exclusively like my school. They really enjoyed our performance and they shared great stories approximately the times when they were in high school in the choir, and how music has changed since their days of playing music. Explain how your selected event was an expression of what you know about the humanities, art, style, genius, and culture of the time period it represents.I learned so much about the expression of humanities just b y listening to the older individuals talk about their experiences and the contrastive ways they made music. They did not have the use of different instruments like we have now back in their day. These individuals made music with whatever they had and enjoyed every minute of it. They also expressed their concerns about the schools eliminating the music programs, they feel that they are taking art and freedom of expression by from our youth in the schools.Discuss how your selected form of cultural expression compares with other forms you know about from the same time period. 4 Defining the Humanities Paper By listening to the elderly individuals at the nursing home it really gave me some insight on the cultural expression I chose which was Music. It showed me just by listening to each of them that music was applicable just as much then as it is now. They just had a different way of making music and expressing themselves while doing so.They made music with cups, buckets, was hboards, keys, and anything that made some kind of noise. In todays society, we now have advanced technology which allows each one of us to have access to different instruments, such as the piano, guitar, drums, etc. Although the elderly individuals did not have access to the instruments we have today, they still appreciated what they had.Conclusion In conclusion, after conducting research on the topic at hand, the author discussed their informational findings. The author defined the meaning of humanities, discussed a cultural event that was experienced such as music, dance, theater, art, literature, etc.The author then elaborated on how a particular event was an expression of what he/she knew about the humanities, art, style, genius, and culture of the time period it represents. Finally the author explained how the selected form of cultural expression compares with other forms that he/she knew about from the same time period. Hopefully after reading this paper, the audience now have a better knowledge about Humanities in the Past, Present, and Future. 5 Defining the Humanities Paper propagation www. ahdictionary. com/.
Saturday, 19 January 2019
Literary Anaylisis John Donne
Terra Goodfellow Mrs. Ashmore English forked Credit IV 14 November 2012 Literary Analysis of Sweetest Love by put-on Donne conjuration Donne was believed to be one of the greatest poets and preachers of the 1600s. He was really(prenominal) witty and educated, exactly too actually emotional. These characteristics argon very dominant in his writing (Stringer 1). This phenomenal poet, throne Donne was born in the to begin with part of 1572 in Lon gull. His parents were both very dev surface Ro patch Catholics, gravitational constantgh he barely knew his father because he passed just before Donne turned four years old.Donnes mother was from a good family and when she was conglomerate in the Church she and her family endured much for the Roman Catholic doctrine (Kermode 2). In 1593, John Donnes brother passed away, and made Donne start to question his faith. John Donne eventually became an Anglican (Jokinen 1). While staying at the Lincoln Inn, John Donne had start out frie nds with Christopher Brooke and in 1596 joined him on a naval expedition to Spain. He went on another expedition to the Azores in 1597. During his expedition to Azores he wrote The alleviate (Jokinen 1).In 1598 John Donne was hired to be the secretary for Sir Thomas Egerton, who, at the metre, was a very predominant government official. In 1601 John Donne secretly wed Sir Thomas Egertons niece, Ann More. When Ann Mores father found out he was furious. John Donne had tried to apologize and even wrote him a letter, but that wasnt enough and he had John Donne fired and eventually jail (Jokinen 1). Donne had trouble supporting himself and his family for the next fourteen years. In 1615, however, John Donne became an Anglican priest.During this time, John Donne went on to receive a Doctor of Divinity spirit level from Cambridge University (Stringer 1). In 1616, John Donne was appointed reader in divinity at Lincolns Inn, where, over the years, he both gave and received blessedness (Kermode 2). After his wifes death in 1617, John Donne celebrate her memory by writing a word of honornet and giving a sermon over her. Donnes sermons took flight, and his career flourished. Donne was such a unique preacher, even preached in the Royal Court for King James I. In 1621, John Donne was appointed to be a dean of St.Pauls duomo and did so until his death on March 31, 1631 (Stringer 1). John Donnes decide to write was bothwhere around him. This intimate poet employ almost every situation to write about. His startle book of verse forms, Satires, was written during the time when he was struggling with his faith, and is considered one of Donnes most important literary efforts (Jokinen 1). John Donne also wrote his love poems, Songs and Sonnets, at this time as well, which was close to the time when he met his wife, Ann More (Jokinen 1). During his expedition to Azores, John Donne wrote The Calm (Jokinen 1). Donnes style, replete(p) of elaborate metaphors and religio us symbolism, his flair for drama, his wide learning, and his quick wit concisely established him as one of the greatest preachers of the Renaissance Era (Jokinen 1). Donne used literally everything around him to paint a picture of inspiration. The inspiring poet went finished a lot of rough patches in his life and the yield in his writings. If one studied his work, they could tell when Donne was going through a merry time, a loving time, a rough time, or just a mediocre time.In his brilliant writing, we learn of his family anxieties (the death of a daughter, a son missing in action, his own departure abroad) and his remorse for past sins (Kermode 2). Donne also wrote when his wife passed during childbirth. A major part of John Donnes success was when he was a preacher. He was one of the most successful preachers of his time. His sermons golf shot deep to the core because he didnt just preach at people, he talked to people. He discussed things rather than throw things in your face.Donne relied on nonchalant situations and morphed them into works of art. People craved this remarkable sources words, and they hung onto them desperately. Donne was very relatable to his audiences and I believe that is why he had so much success. He was a very endowmented and very intellectual man. My love, Im not leaving because Im tired of you. The world cannot show me a better love than you. Im leaving because I have to. The sun has already set last night and go today. He cannot understand how to go a shorter way because he that knows the one.But believe me I testament make headway faster journeys since I dont have so far to go. How weak is a mans power, that if his good fortune fails him he cant drop dead any longer, or remember anything else. But if something bad happens, and we join in concert with our strength and we nurture it then we will over ascend it. When you sigh, you sigh not the wind, but you sigh my individual away. When you weep, sadly, my blood will dry up. It cannot be that you love me as you say if in you, in my life, waste the trump of me. Let not your midsection think Im bad.Destiny will play its part and may our tears fulfill. But think that were really just asleep, we keep each other in black Maria alive, never to be parted (Song n. p. ) In John Donnes poem, Sweetest Love, John Donne is writing to his beloved wife Anne as he prepares to go on a long journey. Donne explains that he is not leaving to be cruel, or because of his wife, but because he needs to go on a journey. I would characterize the speaker as a man who loves his wife very much and wants what is best for her. He also doesnt want her to be sad while he is gone.John Donnes tone does not castrate during the poem. His tone at the beginning of the poem is comforting and gentle. There is a slight change in the third stanza. It changes from a light, gentle tone, to a sad, slightly gloomy tone. Clearly, he loves his wife and wants to be with her, but he just is nt able to do so. The situation of the poem is that Donne and his wife will be parted physically, but not mentally. In the first stanza, Donne uses a phrase that I really same, and I believe that it is critical to understanding the poem and the poets tone. The phrase says But since that I mustiness die at last, tis best To use myself in jest consequently by feignd deaths to die. (Song) Donne is saying here that the temporary theatrical role is simply practice for when one will eventually pass. He is laborious to tell Anne that she needs to act as if Donne had died, in order to make it easier if he passes before her. Another phrase I love is When thou sighst, thou sighst not wind, But sighst my soul away (Song) I love how personal Donne is here with his wife by saying the he is so much a part of her that when she breathes, she breathes his soul.In the fleck stanza, Donne makes an comparison between his own personal journey, and the suns journey. Donne makes this analogy in o rder to comfort his wife by explaining to her that just like the sun goes away at night it will always make it up in the morning. Donne is telling his wife that he will come back to her. The poet uses short sentences in each of the six eight-lined stanzas. The syntax of the poem puts a comforting feeling, which is how I believe the author wanted it. It reveals an pollyannaish state of mind. The poems stanzas develop and push back deeper the farther you get into the poem.Donne just continues to express his love for his wife and to comfort her. The poem does end a rhyme scheme, and that helps the poem flow. It provides elegance to the poem. The theme in this poem evidently states that no matter how far away physically you are from your loved one, you will always be there in their heart, and you cardinal will neer parted be (Song). John Donne was a phenomenal writer who wrote with not just a pen, but his heart and soul. His writing is very personal and when one reads his work, tha t person can in spades see that in his powerful words.Donne was not just a writer or a preacher, but a person with an amazing talent to capture people with his words. Works Cited Jokinen, Anniina. The Life of John Donne. Luminarium. 22 June. 2006. 14 Nov. 2012. Kermode, Frank. John Donne. British Writers Ed. Ian Scott-Kilvert. Vol. 1. New York Charles Scribners Sons, 1979. Literature Resource Center. Web. 7 Nov. 2012. Song. N. p. poemhunter. com. web. 19 November 2012. 2012. Stringer, Gary A. Donne, John. World Book Advanced. World Book, 2012. Web. 12 Nov. 2012.
Thursday, 17 January 2019
Media and Body Image
Media and be Image The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), an organization light-emitting diode by Ingrid Newkirk, fghts for the rights of zoologys all over the world. According to PETA (n. d. ), its main goal is to generate attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the rough intensely for the longest periods of time on factory farms, in the wearing trade, in laboratories, and in the entertainment industry. However in the year 2009, the animal rights organization produced a billboard effort that went beyond its mission statement. It ass be said that PETAs billboard runnel is npleasant to most people.It is evident in the campaign that it depicted an oversized woman wearing a swimsuit, with the furnish Save the Whales Lose the Blubber Go Vegetarian. Literally thinking, there is no connection between saving whales, and going vegetarian to lose weight. Clearly, PETA through the campaign is attempting to draw the connection between the ads target market and the whales that need to be saved. Is there certainty that PETA intended to create an offensive billboard campaign for people who are overweight? According to PETAs writer, Liz Graffeo 2009), she and her team specifically launched the ad for the residents of Jacksonville.She added that the reason why PETA launched the advertisement is to help people of Jacksonville, lose the snivel, by becoming vegetarians. The real reason why PETA launched an advertisement is to express people to live a healthy lifestyle and not to set up whales wellbeing. In my opinion, as an animal rights organization, PETA does not have the right to oppose fat people to whales. PETA has to realize that those people who showcase their bodies in unalike swimsuits are confident enough about their size. The human being should neer be depicted as endangered like whales.To add, the poster is not only disrespectful to the obese but to the human race as a whole. If PETA wants to create a n advertisement beyond its mission statement, it should be naked enough to the target audience of its campaign. Reference List PETA (n. d). Our Mission Statement. Retrieved from http//www. peta. org/about/ default. aspx Liz Graffeo. (2009, Aug 8). Lose the blubber Go Vegetarian Article. Retrieved from http//www. peta. org/b/thepetafiles/archive/2009/08/17/10se-the- blubber-go-vegetarian. aspx Media and Body Image By vmsl
Analysis of Variance Essay
How would you explain the analysis of variance, assuming that your audience has not had a statistics trend before? When one does a study of data, generally this implies an evaluation of the messagepirited or average of that data. .i.e. What is the average time it takes a 5th grader to pure(a) his final math exam?A t test is utilize to test differences between both means. i.e. the mean of the experimentation group vs a control group. An ANOVA test, on the other hand, is indicated when there are terzetto or more means or populations to be examined.When solely two samples are looked at, the t test and ANOVA test will permit the said(prenominal) results.Beyond two examples, the t test can be used to evaluate other means using many t tests, but this method becomes unreliable and subject to increased error.ANOVA or analysis of variance stands one to use statistics to test the differences between two or more means and decreases the probability for a attribute 1 error, which mig ht occur when looking at multiple two-sample t tests. This is why use of the ANOVA is indicated for testing hypotheses where there are multiple means or populations.ANOVAs essentially takes the t test and applies it when testing or compare three or more groups, means or variables.Example experimentStudy different subjects of protein white plague on weight gain. Is the effect of apiece type of protein consumption on weight gain significantly quasi(prenominal) or different?50 men total, 10 men per group, individually group fed equal amount of protein calories but from different type of protein classification.One way ANOVA looking at effect of 5 different feeding strategies to increase weight gain. (i.e. high natural vehement meat protein diet, high vegetable protein diet, high protein powder diet, high weight protein diet, etc.). This is a one way ANOVA study because there is only one category (protein) that will be examined, as it relates to its effect on weight gain. It is balanced as there are an equal come up of men (10) consuming the same type of protein. Simplistically put, the study will outpouring us information as to whether or not each type of protein produces similar or different results (weight gain).Two way ANOVA, as the anticipate implies, includes the addition of a second variable that may be looked at as affecting weight gain. i.e. amount of exercise.Three way ANOVA, as the name implies, includes the addition of a third variable. i.e. consumption of other calories.In the end, the experiment may lead one to conclude that different types of protein consumption leads to weight gain. Unfortunately, experiments are never that cut and dry, and there are invariably other variables that must be accounted for. There is whats called error collect to chance and beyond human control or variation associated with assignable causes.An F test must be used to compare these errors and/or variations, to determine if the population variances are the sa me or different. If the variances are the same or equal, the F ratio will be 1. This will allow one to complete their study / experiment and make final conclusions.Referenceshttps//explorable.com/analysis of variancehttp//onlinestatbook.com/2/analysis_of_variance/intro.htmlhttps//people.richland.edu/james/lecture/m170/ch13-f.html
Wednesday, 16 January 2019
Commanding heights episode Essay
Commanding high-pitched school The New Rules is the third film in the series and is about the twenty-first century thrift. PBS sponsored the film under the direction of Michael Sullivan to inform the universal about the sparing situation. They speak about how the economy adapted to what is today. How the serviceman nationalized third world countries totally(a)owing exchange and investment. Episode 3 addresses the current and future day problems of a globalized world. Thats the structure of the film. The film clearly, thoroughly, and excitingly explains this through historic facts and stories told by citizens who lived during the changes.This is not an economics lesson simply rather a high dramatic event that impacts concourses lives. Commanding Heights shows that it is tribe who create the ideas, it is people who accept or reject them, it is people who profit or obtain by them. The series travels to the locations where events happened, and in many cases, interviews the pe ople who made them happen, from peter Clinton to Milton Friedman to workers in various countries. Episode three encompasses that along with globalization and an have informal commercialise and period of peace and advancement of technologies and ideological views pass on happen.A global economy ill introduce a passageway to peace and prosperity for rich and poor nation alike. The New Rules of the throwaway 1992, things looked bad for the U. S. economy Western Europe was assembling into a aright economic alliance (the European Union) to struggle with America, lacquers economy was unstoppable, and the U. S. was in the worst deferral in decades. The nitrogen Ameri hatful excess Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was a stack agreement between the U. S. , Canada and Mexico that lowered, but did not eliminate, many trade barriers between the three countries.In extended part, Bush precious to get NAFTA approved to strengthen the U. S. economy against Japan and Europe. The negotiations f or NAFTA began under his term. NAFTA became an sequel during the 1992 elections. Bush wanted NAFTA 100%, Perot wanted it cancelled, and Clinton wanted NAFTA, but with important amendments added to force Mexico to raise labor and pollution standards so they would have to compete on more even footing with American workers. Clinton won, and his plan was localize into action. The labor unions gave Bill Clinton the support he need to win.NAFTA led to a huge increase in the amount of trade between the three countries. Likewise, each country ad significant gross domestic product growth that was directly attributable to the freer trade. The biggest growth was in Mexico, in wealth and employment. The impact on the U. S. was that 400,000 American Jobs were lost to more competitive workers and factories southernmost of the border, American unions sustained major and lasting damage to their policy-making ferment and membership, and the gap between rich and poor Americans grew wider.As in earlier cases, deregulation and freer trade benefitted a whole economy in aggregative while severely woundeding a small percentage of people and massively benefitting some companies that are able to take advantage of the recent rade policies. In the global economy, annual trade in tangible goods and service is worth(predicate) $8 trillion while trade in currencies is worth $288 trillion. U. S. workers in both public and private sectors have trillions of dollars invested in work-related seclusion portion of American workers pensions is invested overseas.Thus, most American workers are significantly invested in the global economy. After NAFTA, Clinton pursued other important trade easiness policies across the world. One of his major accomplishments was strengthening the global free market in the aftermath of Communisms collapse. In 1994, Mexico faced political and economic crisis, and the country came to the brink of defaulting omits foreign debt. There was real idolise that the country, left to its own devices, could fall into chaos, and millions of refugees would head north into the U.S. Clinton had crisis meetings with his advisors over the issue and decided to give Mexico a $50 billion loan. It worked to stabilize the country, Mexico repaid the notes ahead of schedule, and the U. S. looked like a benevolent actor to the world. However, many critics considered Clintons actions to be a prime example of moral hazard By bailing out the Mexican government, the U. S. was in essence bailing out thousands of private investors who had put money into the country without properly weighing the risks.The bailout signaled the private sector that it could leave similarly bad future investment choices without fear since the U. S. would again bear them. Critics feared this would make sovereign debt crises more likely. Globalization is defined as the free flow of goods, services, capital, and labor across national borders. China has a round of release Trade Zone s, which are small geographic areas in which companies can build factories to build and export nything with very few restrictions. The Zones are acquit from Chinas otherwise strict business and export laws.Seaports and airports are usually located very close tour within Free Trade Zones. At long last, Japans economic spew out burst in the 1990s and the country slid into a major recession that it never really recovered from. American fears of Japan someday taking over the world economically were quickly and permanently dispelled. In the first America was behind Japan and Europe in trading and economic growth, thus NAFTA was created to allow trading between North America. The United States were presently able to trade freely with Canada and Mexico, providing great economic growth for all three countries in North America.When trading borders opened up Tijuana became a massive manufacturer of televisions for the United States, Northern Mexico was able to open up many Jobs giving op portunities to Southern Mexicans. This created an economic boom in North America leading to a surge that would be able to compete with other Countries, because this would allow us to buy cheaper goods. In the end although it hurt American Jobs because Mexicos goods were cheaper, Both Bush and Clinton wanted NAFTA to succeed in order to put labor and pollution laws into effect in all the countries involved.
Tuesday, 15 January 2019
The World is Flat †Thomas Friedman
1. Do you total or take issue with Friedmans assessment that the world is flat? Be sure to justify your answer I agree with Friedman that technology has do the world flat. But there is another point of view disagree with Friedman stating that there are still many deal that do not have access to technology and for them the world is still round.2. What are the potency impacts of a flat world for a student performing a art search? In a flat world it is removed more difficult to get a job because competition give be increasing at an incredible rate. There are shortly 1 billion people online in 2006. It is anticipated that 4 billion people bequeath be online by 2010. As the next 3 billion people come online in the next 4 eld competition is going to dramatically increase. But the truth is that Students canister instanter perform a global job search right from their apartment. A student in Chicago can accept a job in Tokyo and never leave the apartment, even when the job starts .3. What can students do to prepare themselves for competing in a flat world? Businesses operate using technology and understanding how business and technology relate will help them achieve success. They can use it as advantage in their completion. And they will gain more skills and learn new ideas4. Identify a current flattener not mentioned on Friedmans list Videophones and collaboration tools allowing people to meet face-to-face even when they are in different separate of the world Technologies such as Voice-over-IP that offer a cheap utility(a) to traditional long-distance carriers
Monday, 14 January 2019
Jung Model by Young Woon Ko Essay
This book examines Carl Gustav Jungs (1875-1961) schema of synchronisation and reas nonp atomic number 18ils the problem of philosophic sources and Yijing (the Book of Changes) that he brings to support his synchronistic prescript. By carriage of the picture of synchronising, Jung presents the signifi rousece of some piece watch as unexplainable profoundly d birth the frame of scientific rationality and causality set in motion on tenacious consistency. Jung asserts that in the phenomenon of synchronicity is a meaty mate amongst an outer(a) event and an inner psychical situation caus each(prenominal)y unrelated to each otherwise.Jungs capriciousness of synchronicity is a condensed stamp of his prototypic psychology, in which the preconceived principle or the unwitting drumheadness of the clemente person manifests itself. The synchronic event is a phenomenon developed in the un sensible depth of the att depot, which is at odds(p)ly do evident within t he limit of the conscious header. Jung theorizes that these ambiguous contents of the unconscious(p) mind(p) argon difficult to be grasped in the conscious opinion, because they fucking non be verified plainly as true up or false.For the surmise of synchronicity, Jung seeks to verify that paradoxical propositions burn down be both true and false or neither true nor false in a complementary relation amongst the opposites of the conscious and the unconscious. Jung argues that synchronistic phenomena atomic number 18 non the write up of true or false per make by the logical certainty of conscious activity ripe now quite a are events create in the appendage of the unconscious in response to ego-consciousness.In order to examine the boldness of his doctrine of synchronicity, Jung appeals to the philosophic systems of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (16461716), Immanuel Kant (1742-1804), and Arthur Schopenhauer (17881860). For Jung, these philosophical sources of synch ronicity support his criticism of the inviolable validity of scientific rationality in which both obscure and paradoxical statements are eliminated in logical argumentation, and they clearly indicate the limitation of human race agnizeledge ground on scientific causality and logical reasoning.In contrast to the NewtonianCartesian mechanical sticker, which pursues the infrangible knowledge of aim reality by way of which the theatre-object and the mind-body dichotomy is make, Jungs model of synchronicity posits an interrelationship between these contrasting poles. viii Introduction However, it is important to point out that in his development of his synchronistic principle, Jung adapts his education sources sporadic onlyy so that some of his arguments become procrustean. In Kants critical philosophical system above all does Jungs philosophical source for sustaining his prototypical psychology and synchronicity culminate.Jung advocates for the spaceless and convictionles s extraneous human reason and sensory perception, as described in Kantian epistemology, as a source for the guess of synchronicity. Kant draws the border for the limits of human reason within space and clock time and develops the tactile sensation of the thing-in-itself as the spaceless and everlasting beyond human knowledge, the thing-in-itself. He solves the problems of any antinomy or paradox emerging in human perception and dumbfound in phenomenon by returning to the logical of Aristotle (384-322 BCE), in which antithetical propositions are demarcated by the contrast of true and false.Although Kants notion of noumenon trick support the principle of synchronicity, which is not grasped in sensate experiential data, Kant focuses on the limits of human knowledge and experience, so that he constructs no proposition slightly noumenon. In this fashion Kants noumenon distinguishes itself from Jungs principle of synchronicity constructed by the balance of paradoxical elements. For Jung, the return line of the empirical phenomenal world is the main factor for his analytical psychology ground on experiential data and facts.It is in his culling of discrepant experiences from his philosophical sources for supporting his theory of synchronicity that Jung has difficulty in maintaining a orde florid kernel of the phenomenon of synchronicity. I examine Jungs method of validity and his philosophy of science, which bring other philosophical and psychological fancys to support his principle of synchronicity, fussyly Platos (427-347 BCE) idea of operate, Leibnizs monadology, Kants thing-in-itself, Schopenhauers notion of will, Sigmund Freuds (1856-1939) dream variant, and Wolfgang Paulis (1900-1958) theory of modern physics.I explore how those reading sources verify Jungs synchronistic principle and alike point out their differences from Jungs discourse of synchronicity. The purpose of citing the similarities and differences between Jungs synchronicity an d his reading sources is to clear how Jung attempts to set his distinctive claim for synchronicity form his partial adaptation. Jungs synchronistic principle can be understood within a can-do organise of time, which includes the past, the present, and the future.Given this view of time, Edmund Husserls (1859-1938) phenomenological method of time-consciousness becomes a key for reason the time structure of Jungs synchronicity. Jungs view of time that is developed in the synchronistic principle can be clarified by way of phenomenological Jung on synchronization and Yijing A Critical Approach ix time-consciousness, which is not the issue of time-in-itself exactly that of lived experiences of time. Husserl opposes the dualistic distinction between the phenomenon and thing-in-itself.To target it another way, he rejects the Kantian boundary of human knowledge by which unmatchable does not continue to practice ones sound-educated activity to the given object merely ascribes the object itself to the unknowable. For Husserl, all that is messageful can be knowable to our intuition. The dichotomy of thing-initself and thing-as-it-appears (noumenon-phenomenon) is an illegitimate concession to dualistic metaphysics. In other lingual communication, thing-in-itself can result from the activity of human imaginative intuition in Husserls phenomenology.The reason for opposing much(prenominal) dualism is closely related to the perceptive mode in the phenomenological method in which the present is not the atomic present but the present draws on the past and the future. This unified full-length of time does not correspond to the never-failing in the view of thing-in-itself. Unlike Kants way based on the rationalist usance in the subject-object distinction, Husserls phenomenology, based on experience and intuition in the duration of time, can collaborate with Jungs view of time.The synchronistic moment that Jung presents is the phenomenon always involved in subje ctive experience and intuition, which are developed in the duration of time. The synchronistic phenomenon is not transcendent or the objective flowing of time-in-itself regardless of our subjective experience. Finally, I examine Jungs discussion of Yijing, one of the primary classics in the Chinese traditions, for his theory of synchronicity. I discuss the distinction between the two by pointing out the perspective of Yijing show from Jungs partial understanding.Then I explore how the organic model of Yijing can supplement Jungs theory of the synchronistic relation between the straits and the natural event by looking to the answer of change in the development of time. Through his reading of Yijing, I also discuss Jungs notion of the portend developed in the synchronistic principle. Jung regards the see to its of yin-yang interaction developed in the text of Yijing as the readable master copy and the symbolic language of Yijing as driven from the fenders of the unconscious.Yi jing specifies the phenomena of changes that our ego-consciousness cannot grasp. In this fashion, within the text of Yijing is the principle of synchronicity by way of prototypical representation, which is anterior to ego-consciousness. By focusing on a method of oracularity, Jung maintains that the hexagrams of yin and yang attained by the odd and even numbers formed by dividing the x Introduction forty-nine yarrow stalks or throwing threesome coins down together display the synchronistic relation between the participants psychic world and the physical world.This method of Yijing is conducted by emptying the egoconsciousness and potation upon the dimension of the unconscious via prototypical representation. An encounter with a wider horizon of the mind can be explained as the puzzle out of self-cultivation in the eastern to the highest degree Asian tradition. Jung articulates this process as the process of individuation, or self-realization by the realization of a balance between the conscious and the unconscious. According to Jung, the phenomenon of synchronicity refers to the close connection between the archetypal vision of the unconscious and the physical event.Such a connection is not simple chance but sooner is a centreful coincidence. In particular, Jungs psychological interpretation of the divine clarifies the religious significance of the relationship between the human mind and the supreme last developed in the Yijing context. Jung examines the human experience of paragon in the inseparable relation between the divine and the human unconscious. Jungs discussion of the divine is developed by examining the archetypal process of the unconscious shown in the experience of synchronicity.The human experience of God, as an unconscious fee in response to ego-consciousness, is the religious and theological motif that Jung brings into his discussion of synchronicity and specimen. That is, Jungs notion of the religious self is derived from the exp erience of self-transformation, which is performed through the archetypal representation of the divine. In this sense divine nature is always know and constructed in-and-through the human mind. From Jungs perspective, God is God-within-the-human mind.Yet, Jungs argument concerning God is unalike from the idea that God is the result of one-on-one psychic phenomenon. Jung relates God to his notion of the incorporated unconscious of the human mind, which is beyond the personal dimension of the mind. Jung readys the divine character in relation to the universal and joint dimension of the human mind. The definition of the Supreme Ultimate in the Yijing tradition has been often identify with non-religious form in the absence of divine character and transcendent reality.However, the sentiment of the Supreme Ultimate cannot be attributed simply to the non-religious tradition in foothold of Jungs interpretation of God experienced through the human mind of the unconscious. According to Jung the render of God through the unconscious represents the wholeness encompass the contrasting poles of good and evil in their compensatory relationship. This can be an nonliteral model for developing the divine and religious assure of the Jung on Synchronicity and Yijing A Critical Approach xiSupreme Ultimate in the Yijing tradition, which represents the balance of the opposites through the yin-yang interactive process. Yet, it is in his culling of discrepant views from his sources for supporting the theory of synchronicity that Jung has difficulty in maintaining a consistent meaning of the phenomenon of synchronicity. Jungs concept of pilot burner as the a priori form of the human mind, which is the origination of synchronicity, shows a clear distinction from the central theme of Yijing as the principle of change and creativity in time and the empirical world.This distinction well represents the distinction between Jung in the Platonic and Kantian Western tradition and Y ijing in the East Asian tradition in which eventual(prenominal) principle is constructed in the dynamic process of the empirical world rather than the a priori. In this sense Jungs points of view about Yijing are formed through his theory of synchronicity rather than through actual exercise of or an immersion into the Yijing cultural system.Jungs application of Yijing into his argument of the timeless with his notion of ensample exhibits a theory-laden observation. This observation articulates his difference from the Yijing tradition based on the principle of change that posits great value to the time-factor of the phenomenal world. Jungs phenomenon of synchronicity ascribed to the representation of the type as a priori form can be seen as reductive in scathe of Yijing, which posits the sources of variant empirical data in the cover phenomenon of change in the world.Also, Jungs commentary of archetype itself has difficulty, consistent with his partial application of Kantian noumenon. part Jung argues the archetype as a priori form mystical to the empirical world, he also brings it into the synchronistic event, which Jung regards as an empirical phenomenon. In this regard the relation between ultimate principle and the empirical world developed in the Yijing tradition can intensify Jungs attempt to draw the pattern of the archetype into the phenomenal world.To put it another way, ultimate principle or pattern formed in the interaction of human mind and nature in Yijing can become a model for the meaningful relation between the mind and nature that Jung argues in phenomena of synchronicity. Given this model of Yijing, Jungs a-causal connecting principle and archetypal representation can be understood in a pattern constructed within the principle of change and creativity in the dynamic structure of time rather than from the point of view of a transcendent absolute form of knowledge beyond human experience.CHAPTER ONE JUNGS prototypal STRUCTURE OF T HE PSYCHE AND THE PRINCIPLE OF SYNCHRONICITY In this chapter I embark the principle of synchronicity in relation to the notion of the corporate unconscious and explain how Jung identifies the synchronistic phenomena with an unconscious process of the human mind. The Collective Unconscious, Instinct and Archetype, and archetypical Images for the Theory of Synchronicity Jungs project on synchronicity as a meaningful coincidence dates from 1925 to 1939 during which he opened a serial of seminars at the Psychological Club in Zurich.1 It is from this period that his theory of synchronicity becomes a major part of his analytical psychology, even though he only first publishes his testify On Synchronicity in 1951 and then revises it in 1952 with the name Synchronicity An Acausal Connecting formula. With the notion of synchronicity, Jung attempts to show the archetypal process of the human psyche, which is driven from the a-priori form or primordial role deep rooted in human uncons ciousness. Jung argues that the depth of the psyche is closely associated with an outer event through the synchronistic moment.He maintains the following in his essay on Synchronicity If, hence, we entertain the hypothesis that one and the same (transcendental) meaning might manifest itself simultaneously in the human psyche and in the arrangement of an external and independent event, we at once come into passage of arms with the convention of all scientific and epistemological views. . . . Synchronicity postulates a meaning which is a priori in relation to human consciousness and apparently exists outface man. 2 2Chapter One Jung focuses on the non-causal dimension of the human experience irreducible to the cause-effect system of mind and nature. Jung argues that the correspondence of the inner psyche to the outer event is performed by the archetypal representation derived from the collective unconscious, which is beyond the individual self. Therefore, the synchronistic phenomeno n cannot be properly described by the causal relation between mind and nature according to traditionally-Western logical reasoning.Jungs notion of synchronicity is based on the concepts of collective unconsciousness, which is composed of instinct and archetype and the archetypal image these elements are correlative with one another for the whole scheme of his psychology. According to Jung, collective unconsciousness refers to the deepest layer of the human psyche. It is given by birth and greatly influences ones psyche in conglomerate ways without being recognized by ones consciousness. Jung distinguishes this collective area of the unconscious from the personal dimension of the unconscious.The former, the collective unconscious, is shaped a priori and reveals universal phenomena throughout all humankind beyond time and space. The latter, based on particular experiences of individuals, refers to a dim state of the personal psyche (or memories), which have disappeared from ego-consc iousness by being keep down and forgotten. Jung calls this the personal unconscious. 3 Although collective and personal are easily distinguished in their definitions, those two words convey a complex of meanings in describing the unconscious aspects of human experience.The notion of the unconscious indicates an obscure phenomenon not grasped in any conscious knowledge, so that it is very difficult to be described in a linguistic manner. In other words, whether the unconscious is the personal or the collective is not clearly distinct in our psychic experience. From this meaning structure of the unconscious, Jung presents the concept of collective unconscious in an attempt to distinguish himself from Sigmund Freud and to establish his own psychological system. Jung writes the following about Freuds description ofthe unconscious In Freuds view, as most people know, the contents of the unconscious are reducible to immature tendencies which are repressed because of their incompatible c haracter. Repression is a process that begins in early childhood under the moral influence of the environment and continues throughout life. By means of analysis the repressions are removed and the repressed wishes made conscious. 4 Jungs Archetypal Structure of the Psyche and the principle of Synchronicity 3 Thus does Jung see Freuds notion of the unconscious including the process of repression by the ego-consciousness.In a conflict between ones situational limitation and infantile wishes, the repressed psychic contents preserve unconscious, a situation which can also bring forth various types of symptoms and neuroses in the process of ones wishfulfillment. By regarding this Freudian notion of the unconscious as only part of what makes up the unconscious, Jung seeks to extend its meaning According to this Freuds theory, the unconscious contains only those parts of the personality which could just as well be conscious, and have been suppressed only through the process of educatio n.Although from one point of view the infantile tendencies of the unconscious are the most conspicuous, it would nonetheless be a mistake to define or mensurate the unconscious entirely in these terms. The unconscious has still another side to it it includes not only repressed contents, but all psychic tangible that lies below the threshold of consciousness. 5 Jung turns around the relation between the conscious and the unconscious through his criticism of Freud. He maintains that the realm of the unconscious does not originate in the deposit repressed from the conscious but rather the conscious sprouts from the unconscious.Of course, this turning point does not declare Jungs general denial of Freuds notion of the unconscious. Jung is greatly influenced by Freuds psychoanalytical method and develops his major psychological concepts within the context of his discussion about Freud, who elaborated the correlation between egoconsciousness and unconsciousness in a scientific manner. Jung affirms and advances Freuds idea that the unconscious emerges in persons fantasy, legislate of memory, neurosis, and symptoms, the expressions of which also appear in the persons dreams.Yet, Jungs dissatisfaction with Freuds method occurs at the point where Freud reduces all the sources of the unconscious to the contents of the infantile wish repressed from the conscious and focuses on those contents in terms of the instinctual drive. It is from this criticism that Jung posits the presence of the unconscious that encompasses the deeper level of the human psyche, which Jung calls the collective unconscious. The psychic contents of the collective unconscious are based upon non-sensory perceptions.Jungs collective unconsciousness includes archaic vestiges inherited from ancestral experiences and thus directly foreigner to the percipients experience. Jung differentiates the collective from the personal unconscious as follows 4 Chapter One The collective unconscious is a part of the psyche which can be negatively distinguished from a personal unconscious by the fact that it does not, like the latter, owe its existence to personal experience and thence is not a personal acquisition.While the personal unconscious is made up essentially of contents which have at one time been conscious but which have disappeared from consciousness through having been forgotten or repressed, the contents of the collective unconscious have never been in consciousness, and therefore have never been individually acquired, but owe their existence exclusively to heredity. 6 Jungs exploration of the psychical dimension outside the phenomenal world limited in time and space is based on his assumption of the collective unconscious. According to Jung, the scope of consciousness is narrow in comparison with that of unconsciousness.Human consciousness functions simply with some contents in a given situation but does not embrace the whole feature of the psyche. These contents of the coll ective unconscious are commonly found at a deep level of the psyche throughout all of humankind. 7 The contents of the collective unconscious, therefore, become the source of the production of mythological and religious motifs with the nonrational dimension of the human experience. Jung attempts to derive the cover and adjacent features of the psyche from the notion of the collective unconscious.From his perspective, rationality results from the process of abstract reasoning from psychic data grasped in consciousness. Jung introduces and employs the concepts of the collective unconscious in Wandlungen und Symbole der Libido in 1912 (translated as The Psychology of the Unconscious), which is later revised under the title Symbole der Wandlung in 1952 (Symbols of Transformation). According to Jung, Creative fantasy is continually engaged in producing analogies to instinctual processes in order to free the libido from sheer instinctuality by guiding it toward analogical ideas.. . . T he libido has, as it were, a natural penchant it is like piddle, which must have a gradient if it is to flow. The nature of these analogies is therefore a serious problem because, as we have said, they must be ideas which attract the libido. Their special character is, I believe, to be discerned in the fact that they are archetypes, that is, universal and inherited patterns which, interpreted together, constitute the structure of the unconscious. 8 By using the metaphor water for the flow of libido, Jung brings the character of perceptual direction to the psychic structure.Libido is the zipper producing the psychic quality that transmits the unconscious Jungs Archetypal Structure of the Psyche and the Principle of Synchronicity 5 contents (such as creative fantasy or imagination) into the conscious. This process of libido is not developed simply in a repetitious and quantitative pattern but in a specific way as in the direction of water-flow. Libido does not mean the phenomenon o f energy that manifests simply quantitative character. As Volney Gay makes the difference between energy and libido, it energy is strictly quantitative and relative, not qualitative and particular.Yet libido has special negative qualities (need, displeasure, unlust) and special positive qualities (pleasure and satisfaction). 9 Libido refers to the particular character of the psyche with qualitative energy that shows ones own inclination. Jung attempts to connect the notion of libido with archetype by indicating that the libido is not driven only by the instinctual dimension. According to Jung libido per se is deeply rooted in archetype as the a-priori form of the psyche. Archetype is the ultimate factor of the unconscious that brings the libidinal flowing into the specific form of the psyche.While instinct means manner itself appearing in its natural process, archetype is the apriori form of instinct itself or self-recognition of instincts. 10 To put it another way, Jung maintains that archetype is a form of idea or pattern leading instinctual energy. In this definition of archetype, libido refers to the psychic process developed in archetypal structure, which tie in instinctual elements with a particular pattern. Both instinct and archetype for Jung are the elements comprising the collective unconscious. These two are not personally acquired but inherited factors in the structure of the unconscious.Yet, while instinct is pertain with all unconscious behavior and physiological phenomena as the basic process of human existence, archetype is delimit as the phase prior to instinct. In other words, archetype is concerned with ones own idea, perception, and intuition formed in the deep level of the unconscious. Jung supposes that the archetype is the fundamental root providing the psychic experience with a certain character in a definite fashion. The relation between archetype and instinct is as follows We also find in the unconscious qualities that are not in dividually acquired but are inherited, e.g. , instincts as impulses to need out actions from necessity, without conscious motivation. In this deeper stratum we also find the a priori, inborn forms of intuition, namely the archetypes of perception and timidity, which are the necessary a priori determinants of all psychic processes. Just as his instincts compel man to a specifically human mode of existence, so the archetypes force his ways of perception and apprehension into specifically human patterns. The instincts and the archetypes together form the collective unconscious.11 6 Chapter One Thus is the relation between archetype and instinct not antagonistic but correlative in the constitution of the collective unconscious. psychic energy such as creative fantasy and imagination should be considered the transformation of instinct in the innate form of archetype. Both (instinct and archetype) are real, together they form a pair of opposites, which is one of the most berried sourc es of psychic energy. There is no point in driving one from the other in order to give primacy to one of them.12 In this manner Jung accentuates the complementary relation between instinct and archetype as aspects of the collective unconscious. Whereas instinct can be known scientifically in the disciplines of physiology or neurology in relation to the body-ego,13 according to Jung, the character of archetype as the unknown reality is not grasped in our perception. Jung writes that even if we know only one at first, and do not notice the other until much later, that does not prove that the other was not there all the time. 14 Jungs statement indicates that our archetypal knowledge cannot be set with the physical world. He argues that archetype cannot be grasped by our knowledge and understanding archetype is not known in itself but equal in different images of our life. In an attempt to distinguish the quality of archetype from instinct, Jung uses metaphors of color. The instinctu al image is to be located not at the red end but at the majestic end of the colour band. The desirableness of instinct is lodged as it were in the infra-red part of the spectrum, whereas the instinctual image lies in the ultra- over-embellished part.If we remember our colour symbolism, then, as I have said, red is not such a lousy match for instinct. But for spirit, as might be expected, blue would be a better match than violet. Violet is the mystic colour, and it certainly reflects the beyond a shadow of a doubt mystic or paradoxical quality of the archetype in a most satisfactory way. 15 The reason the color of violet as a metaphor helps to understand archetypal images is the fact that it is not at the same level as other colors but rather is the color encompassing several other colors.While red or blue refers to a distinctive color, violet consists of the combination of such colors, thereby becoming analogous to the paradoxical images of archetype. With reference to this qual ity of colors, Jung uses another metaphor, ultra-violet, to suggest the invisible portion of the spectrum beyond the color of violet, archetype itself. Just as ultra-violet shows the character of the meta-color (i. e. , color of colors), so is archetype itself the ultimate form prior to the differentiation between mind and body or spirit and instinct.Jungs Archetypal Structure of the Psyche and the Principle of Synchronicity 7 Jungs use of violet as a metaphor is not a perfect fit for archetypal image. Whereas archetypal image is driven from the a-priori form of our experience, violet comes from the a-posteriori form that results from the mixture of different colors. Despite this difference Jung characterizes violet as the color that receives other colors, rather than as to the name for a particular color. Violet is a compound of blue and red, although in the spectrum it is a colour in its own right.Now, it is, as it happens, rather to a greater extent than just an edifying thought if we feel bound to emphasize that the archetype is more accurately characterized by violet, for, as well as being an image in its own right, it is at the same time a dynamism which makes itself felt in the numinosity and fascinating power of the archetypal image. 16 As violet appears in some combination of different colors but is not simply definable for its color itself like red or blue, so archetypal representation is expressed in diverse images of the phenomenal world but not easily grasped by our perception.In this manner, we cannot define archetype per se, which is not simply located in our perception. Archetype is represented by paradoxical features rather than clear-cut contents of a concrete notion. Because the archetype is a formative principle of instinctual power, its blue is contaminated with red it appears to be violet, again, we could interpret the simile as an apocatastasis of instinct raised to a higher frequency, just as we could easily derived instinct from a late nt (i. e. , transcendent) archetype that manifests itself on a longer wave-length.Although it can admittedly be no more than an analogy, I nevertheless feel tempted to recommend this violet image to my reader as an illustrative hint of the archetypes affinity with its own opposite. The creative fantasy of the alchemists sought to express this tangled secrete of nature by means of another, no less concrete symbol the Uroboros, or tail-eating serpent. 17 Jung maintains that archetype refers to the symbolic phase of the pre-ego status, which is unknown to human consciousness.Through the example of the uroboros, Jung defines archetype as the non-differential feature and the wholistic image of the universe before the emergence of the ego. This means that archetype is not a certain stage of the ego-development but affects its whole stages. By way of this, archetype refers to the united form between individual and the collective, the psyche and the physical event, the subject and the obje ct, the human being and nature.These opposite characters can become antagonistic in their separation by the emergence of the ego-consciousness but paradoxically united and 8 Chapter One undifferentiated in the archetype. According to Jung, the archetype itself is distinguished from archetypal representations. Like the invisible character of ultra-violet, archetype is the non-differential or irrepresentable form. The archetypal representations (images and ideas) intercede to us by the unconscious should not be confused with the archetype as such.They are very varied structures which all point digest to one essentially irrepresentable basic form. The latter is characterized by certain established elements and by certain fundamental meanings, although these can be grasped only approximately. The archetype as such is a psychoid factor that belongs, as it were, to the invisible, ultraviolet end of the psychic spectrum. It does not appear, in itself, to be capable of reaching consciousn ess. I venture this hypothesis because everything archetypal which is perceived by consciousness seems.
Customer Value
Godard Appliances has diverse product portfolio of Refrigerators, washing machine, Air conditioners and atom-bomb ovens. But, gradually it lost 50% of its market share when liberalizing opened the Indian markets to foreign players like LEG, Samsung and Panasonic. The earlier complacent Godard is now foc use to line up its past glory and is paving no stone unturned in this regard.But, with established foreign players and a customer keen on not only on functionality but also on aesthetics, durability and give away value, can Godard recreate its old magic? Objectives 1. To analyses the evolution of market system followed by Godard Appliances since its early stages 2. To study and understand the reactive strategies of Godard Appliances to its competitors and the reasons why Godard failed to receive its market share 3. To evaluate and analyze the pros and cons of the current marketing strategy 4.To come up with recommendations in terms of marketing strategy using the concepts and fra meworks learnt in class Scope 1. Godard group is a huge pucker but we limit our discussion to Godard Appliances, which include Refrigerator, Washing machine, AC & angstrom Microwave oven 2. The marketing strategies followed
Saturday, 12 January 2019
Environment Stewards
As Stewards unite to heal, c atomic number 18 and assert beau ideals cosmos Today in that location is an urgent look at for ecological vicissitude to protect not only the subjective environment but besides the humanity quality of living. pope John-Paul II, Life and reputation atomic number 18 similar concepts beca mapping nature is the playing field of how lifetime acts and interacts within the circle of creative activity. When we take the time to examine the saucer of the world around us, we be adapted to delay parallels within our own lives. peerless who is attuned with nature is attuned with the practice of living.However our beautiful and inseparable environment has come under threat, at that place is undeniable evidence of global warming. Hundreds of species live on extinct every day beca give we are cutting blue the rain forests. for each one(prenominal) around the priming, environmentalists are pointing out devastation. at that place is hardly a day that passes by without alarming news reports about mode permute. Hurri squeeze outes, typhoons, floods, tsunamis and droughts have got become more(prenominal) frequent, more ferocious. It is mankinds responsibility to varan their doings and attitudes towards the environment and to strive towards a great solidarity with bulk and the artificial satellite.However this is not creation practiced mainly because most people are not aware of how distant the environment has been affected by our day-and-night exploitation of it. One way we go off exhibit respect for creation and respect for the nobleman is by adopting diverse shipway which will do in preserving raw(a) environments, protecting endangered species, labouring to hasten human environments compatible with local ecology, employing charm technology, and thrillfully evaluating technological innovations, Reverence for the Creator should serve as ground for environmental responsibility.For the very plants and anima ls, mountains and oceans, which in their loveliness actuate us of our creator because of their fragility and uniqueness, are slowly but surely getting extinct. theology who brings everything into being and sustains all cosmos is who we are accountable to, for what we do or fail to do to preserve and care for the body politic and all its creatures. Dwelling in the presence of the creator, we begin to experience ourselves as part of creation, as stewards within it, not separate from it.As faithful stewards, fullness of life comes from living responsibly within Gods creation. Stewardship implies that we must(prenominal) both care for creation match to standards that are not of our own qualification and at the same time be resourceful in finding slipway to make the earth flourish. It is quite a difficult balance, requiring both a finger of limits and a definite spirit of experimentation. unconstipated as we enjoy natures beauty, stewardship places the responsibility for the well-being of all Gods creatures. deference for nature and respect for human life are inextricably related. Respect for life, and above all for the dignity of the human person, Pope John Paul II has written, extends also to us stewards, we must not be engaged in cutting down trees for quick or immediate gains and whence cause environmental abasement. We should or else see the value of tree plant for various cogitates. There is the stewardship of the way trees help to underpin the earth and maintain the environment. We should be responsive to anti-desertification measures such as over-grazing, tree planting and soil conservation. We must also have concern for the use of chemicals.Most agricultural and star sign chemicals are harmful to the environment. God has tending(p) us to protect and care for the earth, and this set up only be done by means of sustainability, Sustainability of the environment which is a key position of Stewardship. God has endowed us with reason and ingenuity that distinguish humans from former(a) creatures. Ingenuity and creativity have enabled us to make remarkable advances and can help us address the problems of environmental degradation however, we have not always use these endowments wisely. Past actions have produced good plant and harmful ones, as well as unforeseen or unintended consequences.As we use the land, we need to heed Gods call to exercise stewardship in a way that respects and protects the integrity of creation and to provide for the special K good as well as for economic and cordial rightness. Much of current agricultural culture and teaching has been based on narcissistic motivation that of maximising gain for minimal effort, without consideration for the long term terms to our environment and the world at large. God made the earth in a balanced and integrated way, and yet our actions deliver us fighting against the earth rather than protecting it. That incentive grows even stronger when we send w ord that God has placed these gifts at our disposition because of his Love for us and so that we can better serve and please him. pickings action, to join together on the cornerstone of climate change, to tackle this monumental argufy for the sake of the common good of our common home, now and in the future. As Christians, we are grateful for the gift of creation and we must therefore work towards ensuring that we raise the virtuous issue of the urgency of the environmental crisis.As individuals, as institutions, as nations we need a change of heart to preserve and protect the planet for our fellow creatures and generations to come. As Stewards, we should see the earth in a different slack from others involved in human development. Our view shares the concern of many environmentalists but in a different way. Because we now shaft that most of the climate change problems emergence from human activity it is the responsibility of each one of us to monitor our behaviour and attit udes towards the environment and to strive towards a greater solidarity with people and the planet.The pursuit of Peace fixed peace based on legal expert should to be an environmental priority because the earth itself bears the wounds and scars of war. Likewise, our efforts to defend the dignity and rights of the poor and of workers, to use the strength of our market economy to invite basic human needs, and to press for greater national and global economic justice are dearly linked to efforts to preserve and sustain the earth. These are not explicit and separate issues but complimentary challenges. We need to help build bridges among the peace, justice, and environmental agendas and constituencies. Prepared by Maria Fernandez
Monday, 7 January 2019
Foxconn Suicides
orchard apple tree Inc. the designer and maker of electronic products found itself in the middle of a s gagedal that was formed within its organisational ecosystem (Daft, 2012, p. 71). Starting in January 2010 employees at Foxconn an electronics manufacturer in China began to take their sustain lives in an attempt to bring oversight to the poor moveing conditions, overcrowding, and long expire hours (Daft, 2012, p. 108). These events are an example of actions or events that depose originate within the international property of the external environment (Daft, 2012, p. 7). This event not only challenges the global mindset of the focussing within orchard apple tree, it force the management to finalise how the company wanted the public to pass over to view it (Daft, 2012, p. 106). How go away apples management deal with the wrong practices at Foxconn? apples management result benefit by expending the normative scheme in solving this ethical dilemma. By applying, the nor mative strategy apples management can begin the process of solving this ethical dilemma by asking themselves the following questions.Whats in it for me? What termination would lead to the sterling(prenominal) good for the greatest number? What rules, policies, or social norms apply? What are my obligations to others? What forget be the long-run impact for myself and important stakeholders (Daft, 2012, p. 147)? In sum to the normative strategy, Apples managers can lend oneself a technique called stakeholder mapping, which would pick up everyones needs, expectations, and importance (Daft, 2012, p. 151).Next, add in the model for evaluating Foxconns social functioning by use of the following criterias economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary, and finally the use of Apples written code of morals will give Apples managers a starting point in which to judge and determine which course of action they will take to solve this ethical termination caused at Foxconn (Daft, 2012). Apples ethics problem with their contract manufacturer Foxconn forced the management into a non-programmed ratiocination (Daft, 2012, p. 71). at that place are three types of decision models that Apple had at their disposal, the three models are classical, administrative, and policy-making. The political model is used to make non-programmed decisions (Daft, 2012, p. 279).This decision model still required the Apples management team to use the six steps in managerial decision making which are actualisation decision requirement, diagnosis and analysis of the causes, growth of picks, selection of desired alternatives, and mplementation of chosen the alternative (Daft, 2012, p. 282). The outcomes from these decision models and tools resulted in a provider code of conduct. This document details the expectations that Apple expects from their suppliers. Within this document list works conditions, guard duty concerns, and labor issues (Duhigg Barboza 2012). Foxconn improved working s conditions, installed suicide nets, placed latches on the windows, and added jump prevention wire (Fallows, 2012).In rise to power to these life-saving steps, Foxconn agreed to hire thousands of additional workers in an effort to reduce overtime work hours, and they also improved housing and arctic protocols (Reuters, 2012). Although improvements have been made at Foxconn, Apple must continue to apply draw on Foxconn to resolve all of their unethical practices. Apple will have to suffer close attention to who they use as contractors so that their public image do not suffer.Events in China during the course 2010 embarrassed the electronics maker Apple, Inc. These events forced Apples managers to make managerial decisions almost ethical practices employed by an out-of-door vendor. The managers at Apple Inc used a number of decision-making models and tools to resolve the ethical issues at Foxconn. In result of these decisions, working conditions, safety protocols, living cond itions, and working hours improved.
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