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Thursday, 28 February 2019
Village Life in America 1852-1872
Malia Byram Mr. Mumau APUSH 5 December 2012 Village Life In the States 1852-1872 As told in the journal of a Schoolgirl This obligate is a day hold written by a newfangled girl named Caroline Cowles Richards. Carolina tells the referee intimately her life. How at a early age her and her baby Anna, muzzy their mother, were sent to their grandparents house in canandaigua, New York. They were brought up with simplicity, sweetness and puritan traditions. The diary begins in 1852, and is continued until 1872. She recalls swift transitions throughout her life that the ratifier can recall events happening in a history book.The legal age of the diary takes place well before the civil state of war begins, and it is fascinate to see what the daily life of a young girl was like. It begins when shes 10 years old, and ends when she turns 30. Much of the story revolves around her puritan grandparents and little sister who she lives with, and her domesticate and church life. The desc riptions of living through the four year war really opens your heart, and the people she meets throughout her life are often label you recognize from history books.Additionally, she is very opened minded, has many an(prenominal) different attitudes, her diary was rare compared to letters or other diaries of this time period. I selected this book because its unique title caught my eye, Village Life in America 1852-1872, as told in the diary of a schoolgirl. I knew when I was choosing my book that I wanted my book to go over the polite War or include the topic of the Civil War. This Diary did just that but it was on a personal level.The author continued her diary through the Civil War, and reviewers can see a change in the tone of Carolines entries as her diary documents home-front fund-raising efforts and the names of local boys who are killed in battle. The author appeals to Americans in general because of her family and her friends. The thesis of this diary is the main aspects of her life which is Church life, school life and everyday life. She expresses those three points powerfully and effectively throughout her entries. The reader is treated to a fascinating picture of rural life in the 19th century.She was very intelligent and perceptive young lady. She talks about her experiences with many people. Her founding on December 20, 1855 Susan B. Anthony is in town and rung in Bemis Hall this afternoon. She talked very plainly about our rights and how we ought to stand up for them. She asked us all to come up sign our names A whole lot of us went up and signed the paper. Susan B. Anthony was a classical American civil rights leader who played a strong section in the 19th century womens rights movement to introduce womens suffrage. This was very interesting to read.The reader got to picture Susan B. Antony presenting a speech as if they were there. Along with significant points in Carolines diary her entry on April 15, 1861 was extremely vital The stor m has broken upon us. The confederates fired on Fort Sumter President Lincoln has issued a call for 75,000 men and many are volunteering to go all around us. How strange and awful it seems. She presents the reader with the beginning of the Civil War from a northerners point of view. She was seen to the reader as being very deep-hearted and loyal to the Northern states.Caroline who grew up in Canandaigua was intensely patriotic, and from day to day she kept a record of what she saw, felt, and heard. Her diary is an middling record of impressions of the stormy time in which the nation underwent a ocean of fire. Overall, This Novel was flowing with strong views of a young women. Since it was a diary the weak points of this book, were the tedious entires of her everyday life. On the other hand, if she hadnt wrote those uninteresting entries it wouldnt create a real feel or doubling of her life and her perspectives. The impression I was left with after reading this diary was the real ism of this book.Carolina carried me through significant historical events that she undergo. Ive read what she has felt, thought, and done. afterwards finishing the diary, I felt like I had made and disjointed a friend. I would with out a doubt recommend this book to the right person. Meaning its was very interesting to me because she was a young women with determination, and experienced a lot of things I would have experienced if I lived in the 19th century. So I would recommend this book to a young women or a historian looking for a personal appreciation of events that happened through Civil war.
Bloom Research and Response Paper Essay
Larkin and Burtons abstract preface the Joint Commissions directive for effective communication among caregivers during handoff to ensure longanimous safety (Larkin & Burton, 2008, p. 360). The episode study reviews the lack of handoff practice and its effect on continuum of care provided to Ms. C, a 64-year-old woman, presented to the ambulatory surgery center for an open cholecystectomy (p. 390), and the subsequent workshop utilizing f wiped out(p)ers Taxonomy of Education Objectives to educate and change clinical practice among the rung members.From this readers vantage Ms. Cs respiratory de-compensation was a result of the draws move overure to communicate patients medical history and critical findings during unit-to-unit take away and shift report, inadequate nurse to patient ratio along with incomplete charting, failure to recognize early signs and symptoms of respiratory compromise, and lack of critical idea skills. Evidenced by the case studys assertions, Ms. C fore see for oxygen in the post anesthesia care unit (PACU) alone was raptusred without it.Second, the PACU nurse did not communicate to the patients need for oxygen to the receiving nurse during handoff report. It is unclear if the surgeon wrote vital sign parameters and pulmonary seat orders, or if there were standard protocols for this post operative unit. Ms. Cs incomplete graphic record indicate she was placed on quaternary liters of oxygen within devil hours of her arrival to the unit at 1630 however, fail to adequately trend abnormal vital signs such as low grade temperature and tachycardia (Larkin & Burton, 2008, p. 392).The record does not document any nurse-initiated interventions or call to the doctor requesting a chest x-ray or recommending a respiratory therapy consult for breathing treatment and incentive spirometer. On post-op day two Ms. Cs respiratory status declined requiring a non-rebreather mask, rapid answer team consult, and a transfer to the intensive care u nit for a diagnosis of respiratory distress (p. 392). There were multiply factors that contributed to the above scenario Larkin and Burton writes that afterwards this near-miss, failure to rescue incident (p. 94) a task mash consisting of management, clinical nurse specialist (CNS) and unit educator convened to discuss the event. The task force concluded that the nursing staff members were ineffectual in critically evaluating the patients signs and symptoms. The CNS chose a framework that utilized Blooms Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, that provided measurable outcomes to the reproductional activity and enabled the nursing team to hone their critical skill levels. A workshop to assist staff to aviate through the case study in a realistic direction was implemented (Larkin & Burton, 2008, p. 95). The cognitive domain contains six intellectual skills that measure knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and rating of information received. The affective dom ain contains quint emotional factors receiving, responding, valuing, organizing, also conceptualizing and characterizing by value concept. It is during this phase that individual buy-in occurs or not. Finally, the psychomotor domain contains five motor skills functions of imitation, manipulation, precision, articulation, and naturalization.The individual learn to adapt his or her movements intuitively to a given situation (Larkin & Burton, 2008, p. 395). The key component of continued nursing education is to advance and apply evidenced based practice at the bedside. The purpose of Blooms Taxonomy of Educational Objectives as the framework promote the transfer of evidence based information, in a setting that allow the nurse educators to evaluate and measure the pupils cognitive, affective and psychomotor processes. It allows the learner (nurse) to assess his or her level of application within each domain. some(prenominal) the educator and the nurse can reinforce successes and targ et learning opportunities to areas of inefficiency. References Blais, K. K. , & Hayes, J. S. (2011). professional Nursing Practice Concepts and Perspective (6th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson. Bouchard, G. J. (2011, November). In Full Bloom Helping Students Grow Using the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. The ledger of Physican Assistance Education, 22(4), 44-46. Larkin, B. G. , & Burton, K. J. (2008, September). Evaluating a Case Study Using Blooms Taxonomy of Education. AORN, 88(3), 390-402.
Wednesday, 27 February 2019
Karl Marx and Andrew Carnegie Essay
Through by history competitor has created bitter tension ming direct with neighborly sectionalizationes. arguing has occurred in every social structure that has knowed to this day. societal structure has been the determining factor of competition in essence the despicableer secernatees ache forever tried to compete with the wealthinessier companyes to seize their wealth and power the wideer the economical gap in the midst of the two opposing course of instructiones the fiercer the competition between them. Two highly esteemed and different commonwealth, Karl Marx and Andrew Carnegie, developed their ca function ideologies to declaration and ease class tension, that is, whether changes should be imposed on the structure and type of social classes. A nonher writer, Sam raw illustrates the effect of competition in the extreme. Within their opposing and contr oversial views, there lies the more efficient social-economic blockage a modified version of Carnegies argu handst, despite the fact that it has somewhat imperfections. The answer is determined by the acknowledgment by the powerful and the pie-eyed of certain responsibilities to the poorer classes. Each author feels that the competition within a capitalistic golf-club has definite effects on social structure exclusively disagree as to what this effect is.Competition exists in many forms and in our case it exists in the form of class struggles. The upper class, known as the materialistic, possess wealth and power over the lower class, known as the proletariats, that consists of the works class in rules of order. The battles between these two classes grow ranged from communicatory fighting to stages of bedlam and bloodshed. Financial stability completelyows the squiffy to fulfill their desires and stock by exploiting the working(a) class to a great degree. In response, the working class engages in competing with the wealthy to overcome their control and establish itself as the ruling class. Unfortunately, relatively few muckle in the poor class ever achieve this goal, thereby showing the level of difficulty of overcoming a higher class authority. To this day true equality has non been ceremonious instead some truce has developed, stemming from their dependency on from each one other.A very honorable and well-known socialist, Karl Marx, argued that capital should be soci onlyy and not privately owned. He analyzed the conflict between the proletariat and the bourgeois and claimed that the constant battlebetween them, the never ending subordination of the proletariat, has further established new classes, new conditions of oppression, and new forms of struggle in mail portion of the old. Marx believed that the bourgeois, the large middle class of merchants who rule hostelry, have corrupted all the old value of society and turned them into monetary ones. By this he is taking the intellectuals and artists of society, the honorable personnel (those res pected scientists and artists who contribute to society), and portrays how the bourgeois do them part of their workforce, thereby, removing all of their value in society.Marx is rather angry that unornamented competition between the bourgeois has created tension in society, and moreover, has removed the earthy values of society and replaced them with agonistic monetary ones. He believes that with the growing class of the proletariat, eventually they pass on all unite and overthrow the bourgeois in an effort to revolutionize society and create unified distribution of wealth that removes all conflicts and battles between the classes. Removing competition allow for enable society to thunder at a constant rate and revive the humanistic values of society. Unfortunately, such an economic system flowerpotnot exist because there will al shipway be people trying to garner more power and authority, and thereby aggregate large wealth that will throw off Marxs Utopian society.In relatio n to the pursuit of wealth and control, societys structure is probably determined by the demands of society. According to Sam Keen, people are raised consortly to the demands of their present society. If society demands a competitive economy then the mindset of the child will be that of a competitive one. However, if society is more complacent then people will be raised with a calm outlook on society without competition. Institutions (schools and industry) try to instill rigid beliefs according to societys demands. Since society has been based on the demand of goods it caused competition amongst the people that barter for these goods, thereby forming a competitive economy. Keen puts the snow-clad collared workers in a prospering position as opposed to the lively collar workers. here(predicate) again, the white collared employers lead society and have authority and control over the zesty collared workers, the employees. He argues that the white collared workers are always highl y regarded, but the blue collared workers, regardless oftheir income, will always be considered poor. In Keens point of view, the competitive economy is the way society needs will formulate itself. The problem is that Keen reflects on competition that is taken to the extreme. Competition in practice however, is not necessarily taken to this drastic extreme. In fact, analysis of extreme competition shows that it is not skilful, but a correspond account of a competitive society is rather useful.Another persuasion comes from one of the great industrialists, Andrew Carnegie, who attempted to explain and give reasons for the difference within the classes in a way that brought out the dependency of each class on the other and the responsibilities that each mustiness fulfill. Carnegie considered the biggest problem to be the beseeming distribution of wealth. He knew very well from his own experience of social mobility that it was every Americans dream. However, it was far from an eas ily achievable dream, which led him to develop a theory of social reliance, in which one class relies on the other. Theoretically, he saw the Law of Competition in the working world and realized that the wealthy business owners were the true benefactors to society. That competition brings out the true leading of society, who become the wealthy business owners. With the concentration of business, industrial and commercial interests, in the hands of a few, Carnegie depicted these intelligent leaders as the rare fruit of society.Carnegie clearly states, That this talent for organization and forethought is rare amongst men is proved by the fact that it invariably secures tremendous rewards for its possessor, no matter where or under what laws or conditions.(The Gospel of Wealth0 p.250) Here Carnegie is referring to the talent that allows those few men to organize and manage large corporations that inevitably provide large profits for them. Running a corporation has to invest profit otherwise it would be shut down, according to Carnegie who claims that there is no middle ground, only either/or. The closely intelligent and capable men develop these corporations and bring in large sums of profit that is rightfully theirs, according to Carnegie. Since the overbearing level of competition prevents the many from founding their own corporations, the ones that accompany are undoubtedly entitled to this great wealth that comes with it.However, Carnegie believed that this wealth comes with its own responsibilities which the rightful possessor of the wealth mustacknowledge. These responsibilities include contributing beneficial things to the customary such as educational institutions that will allow development to occur, similarly, beautification and entertainment centers that the average individual cannot give way to contribute. However, giving back to the public doesnt necessarily contribute to everyone. It will be limited to the ones that afford to find time to use these facilities since the less fortunate people who have to work long hours will not be able to use them due to time constrictions.As a Great Industrialist who possessed gigantic wealth, Carnegie was in a financial position that allowed him to take part in philanthropic events. He believed that the rich business owners possessed this wealth not only for their own use but for the emolument of society as a whole. Carnegie donated a large portion of his earnings to building libraries, parks, museums, medication halls, and other public resources. By doing so he was a life-time example to his theory that the Law of Competition was only beneficial to society. He explained that the inferior working class was not intelligent enough to benefit society. He did not believe in random charity giving, instead he felt that society should help those that will help themselves, people who need a push forward to start them again.He also felt that the people who were worthy of assistance, sel dom required it. With these truths taken into account, society could truly benefit from the wealthy and powerful industrialists. Carnegie embodied the wealthy individual as becoming the mere trustee and agent for his poorer brethren, bringing to their service his superior wisdom, experience, and ability to administer, doing for them better than they could do for themselves this is pointing out the benefit of competition as a electropositive influence on society. By his avouchment Carnegie illustrates the superiority of the wealthy class and the beneficence that it gives to the poor class of society. Since the poor class is not capable of managing and distributing wealth in society, the affluent must take upon themselves the responsibility of giving back to the community by apply their superior qualities and benefiting society to the best of their ability. In this social-economic structure, Carnegie builds his system of two say classes that compete against each other, yet are cod ependent for the benefit of one another.With all the viewpoints taken into account we can see that competition has allowed the better desirable people to run the economy. Society has developed a codependence on the wealthy and poor classes. Together, the working class, the proletariat, relies on its employers, the bourgeois to provide it with an immediate income to incarnate itself the employers benefit from the proletariats work, accumulate great wealth and take the responsibility upon them to act as the trustees of the proletariat and give back to them via the most efficient public donations. By fulfilling each classs responsibilities to each other, society will benefit as a whole and submit will occur for everyone. Marxs utopian society could not exist due to the greediness of people that would try to seize power, which would create competition. Keen has taken the view of competition in the extreme which is rather unrealistic. Allowing a moderate level of competition will have a positive effect on society. Like Carnegie, the few wealthy should possess great resources that enable them to become the trustees and benefit society in the aforementioned ways that an average individual cannot. Although giving back to society is partially unavailing as previously noted, it is a more balanced system of Carnegies competitive social structure.P.S-Allegorically speaking, the two competitive classes, the proletariat and the bourgeois, can be viewed as a supersaturated solution. A solvent organism the wealthy employers, the solute being the enormous working class and the undissolved particles delusion on the bottom the unemployed. Hypothetically, the wealthy class possesses total control over its solute, meaning how much it will be dissolved.
Considering The Present
Getting my primary apartment 3. Having my dickens beautiful daughters 4. Becoming the aim Cake Decorator on my Job 5. Returning to school to each angiotensin converting enzyme of these examines has had an amazing impact on my biography in one management or an other. Graduating from spunky school was a big deal for me as well as my family. I was the depression of my grandmothers grandkids to graduate from high school. afterwards graduating from high school I worked hard and paid to rent my first apartment.Having my throw space and becoming independent was something I nurse invariably wanted because I had to share everything growing up. I have two beautiful daughters whom have changed my breedingtime for the best. Before having the girls I was a company animal. They have slowed me d give birth and made me realize what Is Important in actionspan. I have always handled to design things growing up. Becoming a channel cake decorator has everyowed me to show my creativi ty and provide for my family, Last, tho non least returning back to school to further my preparation has been a destruction that I have always anted to accomplish.Obtaining my degree from Gifford entrust help me to provide an even better lifestyle for my daughters. When I graduate from high school, I was so proud of myself. I accomplished something that no(prenominal) of my grandmothers grandkids had ever done. Getting my own apartment taught me how to be a absolute individual. I worked hard and maintained my own space which some young ladies at the age of 19 couldnt do. Having my kids was the best thing that ever happened to me. It taught me how to retire unconditionally and genuinely.I felt great that I had a home of my own to raise them in. Becoming head cake decorator was a goal that I accomplished that was really unexpected. I was the backup cake decorator. When the head decorator took a higher paying Job she nominated me to take away her space which was a great accom plishment. Returning back to school has been one of my biggest dreams and I am overwhelmed with happiness on how well I am doing after being out of school for over ten years. In my first class I finished with a B I great for and proud to be a student at Gifford university.Considering The donationIn childhood and byout our lives we live, we have it dark, and we learn. These learning have a go at its derriere be all ordained or negative and they can quickly be forgotten or can stay with us forever. Throughout my lifetime I have gone through my fair share of both positive and negative experiences. It is through these experiences that I have become the woman I am to daytime. Two of these positive experiences that I have gone through in the course of my life that have played the largest part in the woman I am today are the birth of my first son and getting clean and sober.Both of these experiences came with a variety of mixed emotions in the beginning but in the end were very rew arding. I can still remember the day the doctors told me I was pregnant. That immediate sense of vexation swallowed me whole and time seemed to stand still. It was not until a couple of months afterward that I realized there was no changing the situation and that I necessary to make the very best of it. Finding out I was pregnant started out as a very scary experience but ultimately was one of the most positive and rewarding experiences I have ever endured.After the fear settled a little eccentric person I was equal to really start thinking about my life and what I needed to change. Up until that day at the doctors I was nourishment day by day doing what I needed to do for me and no one else. I had no job, I was living with my parents and my only quotation of excitement came from the local bar rooms late at night. I knew things needed to change and I set out on a mission to make that change happen. Alone and afraid I was equal to(p) to swallow my pride and ask my family for help and the guidance to get my life back on track before this baby entered our world.All through my gestation I knew I loved my unborn son more than I have ever loved anything in this world. I knew that my life was no longer mine kind of it was my son and Is and that I needed to be the very best parent I could be. Although I was not able to find a real job I was babysitting for other family members and earning my own money. I was able to buy nigh everything that was needed for my unborn son all on my own. Two months before I was due to give birth I in conclusion got my own apartment. I was starting to feel like my own person and I was not so scared anymore.Kaidon Douglas Bishop entered this world on July 26th, 2005. It is a day that I will never forget. That immediate feeling of unconditional love overwhelmed me. This little boy had changed my life forever and for the first time in my life I felt like I did something right and I had a reason to live the right way. I chose this experience to talk of first because I believe it has had the most profound impact on my life and the person I am today. Finding out I was pregnant was a huge eye opener and motivator.There has been no other experience in my life that has made me as happy and at ease as this one. The second experience I have chosen to discourse is my journey through colony and into sobriety. This is yet another experience that has had a lasting impression on my life. At about the age of 16 I went through some very hard times and rather than deal with all the feelings and emotions that came with those difficulties I turned to drugs to bury those feelings. Things quickly escalated and in only a few short months my life was turned totally upside down.My drug addiction was the only thing in my life that mattered and I did not care about anything except my next high and where it was coming from. The ages of 16 through 21 were by far the batter years of my life. My addiction to opiates was running m y life. Throughout the five years of my addiction I did several stints in and out of County jails, State prisons and rehabs. When I was not in one of those places I was homeless, bouncing around from drug support to drug house when I could and sleeping on the streets when I had no other option.My final rock bottom was when my own family had completely boot out me out of their lives. It was at this point I knew that something had to change and I needed to get help. I had nothing and nobody and it was a very alone(p) time for me. I began making phone calls to substance abuse programs all over New York State hoping and praying that somebody would want to help. I was finally authoritative into a suboxone program for opiate addiction and once again had soulfulness on my side. Slowly I was able to completely get off from the heroin and pain killers and regain some sense of control.I understand that this sounds like a very negative experience but I have chosen it as one of the more si gnificant experiences in my life because the outcome was so positive and rewarding and to this day affects my everyday life and decisions. Once I was clean and my family saw my progress I was accepted back in to open arms and a boat demoralize of support. I doubt highly I would have ever been able to beat this addiction and get my life back without the help of my family. This experience not only taught me t he value of family but that pertinacity and working hard to get something you really want does pay off.
Tuesday, 26 February 2019
John the Savage’s New World
Brave unused World Essay In Brave New World, backside the torment willfully exiles himself from the reservation, where he was born and raised, in order to travel to the saucily ground because of his passion for learning and this twisted idea of becoming adroit through his acceptance. Aloud Huxley has written a novel where the main disposition experiences a type of exile that is tragically unalienable while be beneficial.Johns experiences in the world state were enriching however, they were point more alienating and they finish up being so potent that it eventually pushed John to his primaeval demise. Johns exile was stimulating because of his discovery that truth and blessedness are incompatible. He is faced with the idea that he will not be all told accepted by others because of how he is unlike anyone in the utopian social club. His self-value was ground on how others perceived him, his exile allowed him to see that his value should not be found in others.Upon their arrival to the World State, Bernard begins to parade John slightly to the other citizens in order to gain popularity. John recognizes the fact that the complex quantity contentment that he has created for himself In he new world is fake, he decides that he rather be unhappy than have the sort of false, manufacture happiness that Bernard has from his newfound social status (Huxley 179). John becomes disturbed by the culture he begins to accept the fact that these people only regard to touch him because of how different he Is from them.Johns exile was educational and allowed him to see ingenuousness however, his outcast was even more destructive to him because of how It shatters his beliefs, the agency It Isolates him from the citizens in the world state, how he feels that he was contaminated by their society, and overall It distances himself even boost from anyone from either of his two worlds. His newfound perspective altered the fashion he Interpreted everything In Its ent irety and unfortunately his transformation of viewpoints Is for the worse.In an occupation with mustache Mood, Mustache claims that John Is claiming the right to be unhappy and John responds by defiantly agreeing with him and saying that he Is In fact claiming the right to be unhappy (Huxley 240). John and Mustache have separate Ideas of what happiness Is. Mustache thinks happiness Is a hard master particularly other peoples happiness (Huxley 226). He chooses to pursue political power over scientific truth, Mustache unfeignedly believes In the system of the World State hes not compromising his values, hes battle for them.John, however, believes that happiness Is found with the Individual and he freely admits that he hates the musical mode that this new collocation Is systematically run. Brave New World portrays a society that has been designed for Idealistic happiness and not the Individual. Everyone values their own entity over their happiness, as John the Savages exile enli ghtens the audience and the lack of emancipation In Huxley evolve strikes a certain fear of this kind of society Into the reader. Huxley society Is one that Is constructed from standards that would not be deemed as moral In this day and age.John the Savages New World By griffin recognizes the fact that the fanciful happiness that he has created for himself in people only want to meet him because of how different he is from them. Johns more destructive to him because of how it shatters his beliefs, the way it isolates him society, and overall it distances himself even further from anyone from either of his two worlds. His newfound perspective altered the manner he interpreted everything n its entirety and unfortunately his transformation of viewpoints is for the worse.In an argument with Mustache Mood, Mustache claims that John is claiming the right to be unhappy and John responds by defiantly agreeing with him and saying that he is in fact claiming the right to be unhappy (Huxley 240). John and Mustache have separate ideas of what happiness is. Mustache thinks happiness is a hard master particularly other peoples happiness (Huxley 226). He chooses to pursue political power over scientific truth, Mustache authentically believes in the system of the World State hes not compromising his values, hes rubbish for them.John, however, believes that happiness is found with the individual and he freely admits that he hates the way that this new civilization is systematically run. Portrays a society that has been designed for terrific happiness and not the individual. Everyone values their own entity over their happiness, as John the Savages exile enlightens the audience and the lack of independence in Huxley novel strikes a certain fear of this kind of society into the reader. Huxley society is one that is constructed from standards that would not be deemed as moral in this
Aggression & Nature/Innate Factors
There is no simple or single entity which we batch holler incursion (Stainton Rogers et al. 1995, p. 169). What does this statement mean and what ar the implications for Psychological theories which attempt to pardon pugnacity?Aggression is part of every psyches soulality. For each individual at some point of our lives, we tend to be aggressive towards a nonher person or towards the situation. There is no simple or single entity which we dissolve call incursion (Stainton Rogers et al. 1995, p. 169). There are several psychological theories which explains aggression these tail assembly be a result of nature, environmental meanss and social factors.character/Innate FactorsSigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis. In his early scheme, Freud asserts that man airs are prompt by sexual and instinctive drives known as the libido, which is energy derived from the Eros, or life instinct .Thus, the repression of such libidinal urges is displayed as aggression (Alexandra K . Smith, 1999 http//serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neuro99/web3/Smith.html) In the Oedipus complex, a boy is fixated on his mother and competes with his father for maternal attention.The opposite, the liking of a girl to her father and rivalry with her mother, is sometimes called the Electra complex. (changingminds.org)Freud came to the conclusion that human race have not mavin but two primary instincts. He called the life-favoring instinct Eros, one of the classical words for love, and the death instinct Thanatos, the Greek word for death. (Beyond the Pleasure Principle. New York Norton, 1960).Another possibility about aggression is Konrad Lorenzs instinctual aggression.Lorenz examined herring gulls and other territorial birds. They defend their territory( their food & breeding source ) by aggression using fixed action patterns, elicited by undertake stimuli.The build up of internal forces did not seem to play a procedure in the theory. Aggression is an instinct, serving terr itoriality, elicited by biologically relevant signs, is automatic, and difficult to inhibit out with certain biologically found sign inhibitors (www.psy.gla.ac.uk, p. 2).Environmental FactorsIdentification with the aggressor which is defined as version of introjection that focuses on the adoption, not of general or positive traits, but of negative or feared traits. If you are afraid of someone, you passelnister partially conquer that fear by becoming to a greater extent like them (Dr. C. George Boeree, 1997 http//webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/freud.html). To cite an example is the Stockholm Syndrome.A cleaning lady named Patty Hearst was capture by a small group of egotism -proclaimed revolutionaries called the Symbionese Liberation Army. She was kept in closets, mistreated and even raped. Yet she unflinching to join her captors , making little propaganda videos for them and even waving a weapon gun around during a bank robbery.When she was later tried, psychologists intemperately suggested she was a victim, not a criminal. She was nevertheless convicted of bank robbery and sentenced to 7 days in prison. Her sentence was commuted by President Carter after 2 days ( (Dr. C. George Boeree, 1997 http//webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/freud.html).Citing this example we advise relate that aggression is caused by the environmental factor that the aggressor created.The most well known drive theory of aggression is the frustration-aggression hypothesis proposed by a group of researchers at Yale led by John Dollard. He and his colleagues define frustration as an interference with the accompaniment of an instigated goal- reception at its proper time in the behavioral sequence.(Dollard, et. al. 1939, p.7)In this theory, frustration and aggression are linked in a cause and effect relationship. foiling is the cause of aggression and aggression is the result of frustration.( Alexandra K. Smith,1999). The prison cell riding horse can be an example of this theory since inmates who are extremely thwarted can be more aggressive or commit more crimes. favorable FactorsSocial culture theory focuses on the acquire that occurs inside a social context. It considers that people learn from one another, including such concepts as noteal learning, imitation, and copy. Among others Albert Bandura is considered the leading proponent of this theory (Ormrod, J.E. (1999).General principles of social learning theory follows1. People can learn by observing the behavior is of others and the outcomes of those behaviors.2. training can occur without a change in behavior. Behaviorists say that learning has to be represented by a permanent change in behavior, in contrast social learning theorists say that because people can learn through observation alone, their learning may not of necessity be shown in their performance. nurture may or may not result in a behavior change.3. Cognition plays a eccentric in learning. Over the last 30 years social learning theory has beco me increasingly cognitive in its interpretation of human learning. Awareness and expectations of future documentations or punishments can have a study effect on the behaviors that people exhibit4. Social learning theory can be considered a bridge or a transition mingled with behaviorist learning theories and cognitive learning theories.(Ormrod, J.E. (1999).The conclusion of this school of mind on aggression has been summed up Human aggression is a knowledgeable conduct that, like other forms of social behavior, is under stimulus, reinforcement, and cognitive control. Bandura, Albert. The Social Learning Theory of Aggression. In R. A. Falk and S. S. Kim, (Eds.), The War System An interdisciplinary Approach. Boulder, CO Westview Press, 1980, p.146. How the environment reinforces and punishes simulateingPeople are often built for modeling the behavior of others. Bandura suggested that the environment also reinforces modeling. This is in several possible ship canal1. The percipi ent is reinforced by the model. For example a school-age child who changes fit to fit in with a certain group of students has a strong likelihood of being accepted and thus reinforced by that group.2. The observer is reinforced by a third person. The observer might be modeling the actions of someone else, for example, an outstanding class leader or student. The instructor notices this and compliments and praises the observer for modeling such behavior thus reinforcing that behavior.3. The imitated behavior itself leads to reinforcing consequences. Many behaviors that we learn from others produce satisfying or reinforcing results. For example, a student in my multimedia class could observe how the spare work a classmate does is fun. This student in turn would do the resembling extra work and also receive enjoyment.4. Consequences of the models behavior fall upon the observers behavior vicariously. This is known as vicarious reinforcement. This is where in the model is reinforce d for a response and then the observer shows an increase in that same response.Bandura illustrated this by having students watch a film of a model impinging a inflated clown dolly. One group of children saw the model being praised for such action. Without being reinforced, the group of children began to also hit the doll .Contemporary social learning perspective of reinforcement and punishment1. Contemporary theory proposes that both reinforcement and punishment have indirect effects on learning. They are not the sole or main cause.2. Reinforcement and punishment influence the extent to which an individual exhibits a behavior that has been learned.3. The expectation of reinforcement influences cognitive processes that promote learning. Therefore attention pays a critical role in learning. And attention is influenced by the expectation of reinforcement. An example would be, where the teacher tells a group of students that what they leave behind study next is not on the test. Stude nts will not pay attention, because they do not expect to know the education for a test.Cognitive factors in social learningSocial learning theory has cognitive factors as well as behaviorist factors (actually operant factors).1. Learning without performance Bandura makes a distinction between learning through observation and the actual imitation of what has been learned.2.Cognitive processing during learning Social learning theorists address that attention is a critical factor in learning.3. Expectations As a result of being reinforced, people form expectations about the consequences that future behaviors are likely to bring. They expect certain behaviors to bring reinforcements and others to bring punishment. The learner need to be aware however, of the response reinforcements and response punishment. Reinforcement increases a response only when the learner is aware of that connection.4. Reciprocal causation Bandura proposed that behavior can influence both the environment and the person. In fact each of these one-third variables, the person, the behavior, and the environment can have an influence on each other.5. mildew There are different types of models. There is the live model, and actual person demonstrating the behavior. There can also be a symbolic model, which can be a person or action portrayed in some other medium, , such as television, videotape, computer programs. Ormrod, J.E. (1999).Given the three concepts on how aggression can be associated with, I have considered that we cannot conclude that one factor is the strongest among the three. Our lives are interrelated one way or another, our unlearned drives, environment, and social learning can be associated on how we respond to situations that can unleash aggression.ReferencesBooksBeyond the Pleasure Principle. New York Norton, 1960.Ormrod, J.E. ,1999.R. A. Falk and S. S. Kim, (Eds.), The War System An Interdisciplinary Approach. Boulder, CO Westview Press, 1980, p.146.Stainton Rogers et al . 1995 p. 169Journal ArticlesDr. C. George Boeree, 1997 http//webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/freud.htmlAlexandra K. Smith, 1999 http//serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neuro99/web3/Smith.html
Monday, 25 February 2019
Organizational Behavior-No Fair Pay In This Place Essay
The purpose of this penning is to examine the motivational effects of represent train on doer performance. It is discusses whatsoever of the elements that contri justed to the employees in Hesperian Satellite social function to express feelings of inequality. Some of these elements include academic qualifications, educational background, just to consultation but a few. The paper also tackles some of the reasons why the vernal York actor is considered a resemblance otherwise as opposed to the role player in Seattle.More everywhere, the paper explores how the issue of inequality in the gaucherie- no neat conciliate in this place was either resolved or non. For instance, we identify in this case that this issue was non resolved. Last but not least, the paper also examines some of the other factors that whitethorn rescue contributed to the dissatisfaction that was engender by the two workers. Some of these factors include deprivation of conference, culture, leave out of adaptability, lack of empathy, just to mention but a few.IntroductionThe purpose of this paper is to examine the case study that revolves around no comme il faut pay in the piece of work and the fact that employees working from contrary cities attain different numerations irrespective of how much responsibility unitary has within the organization, their academic qualifications and the days of produce within the industry in which they are operating. (Armstrong, 2006, p. 62) Question wholeness What are some of the elements which contributed to the employees feelings of inequality? These include educational background, years of experience, responsibilities that one has and last but not least academic qualifications.The employees were stressed with the diverseness of work they had to perform such as having heavy deprave of disturbed lymph nodes and their urgent demands, complaining guests, just to mention but a few. (Meredith, 2004, p. 2) Susan was hired based on he r degree in Business Administration. She was responsible in planning, problem solving and supervising a number of employees and this included Dan Donaldson, a overt transaction spokesperson of the company. However, despite twain these responsibilities, she receive a earnings of $30,000 per annum.This was very disappointing since she had 20 years of customer relations and supervisory know-how, not to mention the current degree that she had authentic in business. (Meredith, 2004, p. 3) On the contrary, Helen who was based at the headquarters in hot York received $40,000 in only ten months as opposed to 12. This made Susan fantastic since she had no customer contact, no university education, no one to supervise and no seniority. In a nutshell, Helen had an annual salary of $48,000. (Meredith, 2004, p. 3) Pay determination whitethorn possibly have one or to a greater extent objectives, which may oft be in conflict with each other.The primary is equity, and this may scoop up n umerous forms. They comprise income distribution through reduction of inequalities, defending actual earnings (purchasing power), and the notion of equal pay for work of equivalent value. Moreover, pay differentials based on differences in skills are all associated to the brain of fairness. (Deckop, 2006, p. 65) mathematical operation pay systems in organizations are based on assessment of the record worker, often by their line administrator who may or may not be experienced in process.Performance pay is extensively renowned as contributing to pay inequalities, predominantly in this case ( crude York and Seattle). (Culbert, 1996, p. 68) Question Two Why the brand-new York worker was considered a comparison other but not the worker in Seattle? The New York worker was considered a comparison other because the front lines of the job were in Seattle where the client based was centered and the services were rendered. Moreover, employees at Seattle received heavy load of unhappy clie nts and their urgent demands while she contentedly remained in her comfort district that was stress free.Research has recommended that some individuals are more flourishing in their careers than others even when they have had equivalent learning and experimental opportunities. One clarification for these disparities may possibly relate to differences between quick intelligence (IQ) and ablaze intelligence (EQ). IQ measures academic competencies or ones cleverness to use supporter in making decisions and adapting to innovative situations. This can outflank be illustrated with Helen who works in at the headquarters in New York.However, as much as she is based in New York, all the tasks are carried out in Seattle, and this means that she is not using the teensy experience and experimental opportunities that she acquired to perform her duties. (Lamal, 1991, p. 72) On the other hand, EQ is a measure of expressive and societal competencies or ones adroitness to recognize expressi ve expressions in someone and others. Even though both can be enhanced through training and altered over time, EQ is separate from IQ in that it is ones readiness to standardize emotions in reaction to ecological stimulus.EQ has been popularized as an ameliorate skill that is a master interpreter of life success than intellectual achievement or technological aptitude. This can best be illustrated with Susan and Dan Donaldson who had superior performance, academic achievements, work experience and interpersonal skills. They had to deal with resolving customers issues on a daily basis while Helen and her fellow workers who were based in New York sat and waited for the final produce that came from Seattle. (Harris, 2001, p. 78)The workplace surroundings idea also sees entity firm level performance such as force, productivity, efficiency and competitiveness as a result of not only the sufficiency supply of adult male resources with suitable skills, but also a workplace surrounding s that incessantly optimizes the use of these skills throughout the way work is mean and prearranged, the suitability, access and association of supports and tools to do the work, the association of decision making, rewards and appreciation for performance.The New York worker is considered a comparison worker as opposed to the worker in Seattle since she lacks interpersonal skills, academic achievements, superior performance, just to mention but a few. Despite all these, she is considered the best just because she is based at the head moorage located in New York. (Bate, 1994, p. 81) On the other hand, the Seattle worker who has all the necessary qualities such as work experience, interpersonal skills and academic qualifications is looked down upon just because she is operating in Seattle. (Meredith, 2004, p. 2)Question threeHow was the inequality resolved? The inequality was not resolved at all. As a field of study of fact, once Mr. crowd together commented that nobody said tha t it was fair and rather, that was how the staff in New York are remunerated, that was the end of the discussion. Mr. James did not validate his statement, neither did he explain why that was the case. Instead, he was arouse in how Susan found out more or less Helens salary. (Meredith, 2004, p. 3) Participation in the labor force is usually regarded as an important measurement of equality. Having a job is significant to individuals.Jobs are a numerically important start point for livelihoods. They are also significant proportions of social respect, acknowledgment, individuality and ego esteem. Even though the sources and solutions for increasing inequality are multifaceted and point-blank to dispute, the corporeal and psychosomatic penalties are real and straightforward. (Mathis, 2006, p. 99) It is understandable that we require more than legislation, bylaw and exacting programs to generate a diverse workforce usual in association. We also need customs of understanding the cha llenges. This mean examination of what goes rail at.Both the need for continuous coercive dealings and the phenomena of the turning door or equity tell us regarding the pervasive and systemic causa of the status quo in workforce composition and in the organization and use up of business and government. (Max, 204, p. 104) When individuals talk concerning inequality, they tend to center completely on the take part of the equation. According to the case- no fair pay in this place, on that point is the gap between the employees in New York and Seattle and this is based on net amongst the employees. (Armstrong, 2006, p. 8)The verification of increasing disparity in the United States and around the terra firma is both obvious and disturbing. As power, capital, and probability are increasingly concert in the hands of the extremely few, this age of haves and have not is affiliated with a wide range of unenthusiastic outcomes for faraway too countless. A good illustration is seen i n the case-no fair pay in this place, where Western Satellite Office workers are experiencing inequality problems based on remuneration since they are not based in New York where the head office is primed(p).They are the ones who experience customer service problems since each and every customer wants to be served and at the end of the day, they feel so stressed and emaciated out, yet when it comes to remuneration they receive less than what the worker in New York receive. This is not fair since the worker in New York doesnt experience the pressure that the Seattle worker receives. (Lamal, 1991, p. 106 Question Four What are the other factors which may have contributed to the dissatisfaction experienced by these two workers? CultureA managerial culture affects how the company performs. Culture is the behavior of a group of individuals. This consists of the beliefs, civilization, acquaintance and practices. Individuals depend on it for security, evenness and the ability to act in resolution in a kick inn status. (Harris, 2001, p. 92) According to this case, the reason why Helen and Susan received different remuneration was because Helen was situated at the head office in New York. This was the culture of that organization that was based on the location of the city.Therefore, Susan having been situated at Seattle was resile on her $30,000 per annum, and this was regardless of her qualifications. (Meredith, 2004, p. 3) wishing of dialogue Generally, lack of communication on the part of the boss contributes to the displeasure among the workers in the association. Communication problems are a purpose of message and organizational procedure, and managerial factors. stiff communication of performance requirements to all workers volition reduce the number of complaints and grievances.Nonattendance of this communication domino effect in workers not performing. For instance in our case, when Susan was about to present her case, Mr. James had already predicted and he simply brushed the liaison off by making a comment concerning the issue. He didnt give room for discussion concerning that matter neither did he give an explanation nor a satisfactory solution. This resulted to laxity among the workers in the western air office. (Bate, 1994, p. 98)By not communicating well enough, Mr.James avoided to get into dialogue concerning important issues such as, the reason why employees in New York receiving a higher pay as opposed to employees in Seattle. This made him get along unavailable and uncaring to Susan and the employees of Western Satellite Office this resulted in painfulness teamwork spirit and cooperation within the organization. (Deckop, 2006, p. 110) Lack of Self awareness and accurate self-assessment Without self awareness and self-assessment, Mr. James was too quick to brush off the matter that Susan had presented to him.He was unable to accept useful feedback, and he didnt have a realistic awareness of his strengths or limitatio ns. As a result, it created problems in their work relationships and in their personal relationships. (Culbert, 1996, p. 115) Lack of Empathy When leaders fail to indicate sufficient empathy in times of hesitation or crisis, they will apparent be seen as unresponsive, hardhearted and in-authentic- all of which will make workers be less supportive and less communicative. The boss may be left field feeling misunderstood, and will have complexity reading their workers.This is exactly what Mr. James did and as a result, Susans ability to work drastically lessen and she became less concerned with her duties and responsibilities in the workplace. (Mathis, 2006, p. 120) Lack of Adaptability Without elasticity and adaptableness, Mr. James responded negatively to the core issue that was troubling his employee Susan. This revealed emotional strain to Susan since she had to shift priorities verbalised frustration with change had difficulties adapting Mr.James responses and tactics to fit t he emerging circumstance and ultimately she was hesitant in taking on new challenges. (Max, 2004, p. 126) Lack of self-management Without good self management, Mr. James reacted precipitately when he predicted that there was bound to be conflict at work. This made him respond to problems in a non-constructive manner that resulted to unwanted consequences such as laxity amongst the employees (Susan). (Harris, 2001, p. 118)ConclusionIn a civilized workplace, individuals who work well ought to be rewarded through aright pay, endorsement and new opportunities, the possibility to underframe up new skills, grasp from coworker and management, and the individual gratification and satisfaction that comes from doing a job well. Culture determines the graphic symbol of management, communication, and cluster dynamics within the association. The employees usually recognize this as the excellency of work life which directs their measure of motivation.The concluding outcome is generally perfo rmance, human being satisfaction, individual growth and expansion. All these rudiments unite to build the model or structure that the association operates from. However, all these elements are not revealed in our case since Mr. James chose not to allow room for discussion. He lacked communication skills and empathy and as a result, there was poor turnover in Susans output. Generally, in an organization, employers should be open with their employees and allow a assembly for discussion and participation.For instance in this case, Mr.James would have allowed Susan to present her queries and by and by on try to explain to her why the workers in New York had to receive a better pay than workers in Seattle. Moreover, there should be restructuring of some of the rules in Western Satellite Office and promote job enrichment. This will facilitate enlargement of the individuals within the association, better worker performance for the association, there will be maximum use of human resources for the general public at large (both in New York and Seattle), enlargement of the individual, and self-actualization of the individual.
Deception in the Twelfth Night Essay
Deception is seen widely end-to-end the play Twelfth wickedness by William Shakespe be. Many characters are very clear virtually who they are and what their motives are, while some are more manipulative. Deception is shown through the pellucidness of Orsinos character and the bearing genus Viola (Cesario) deceives people to play a man. Orsino is a character in the Twelfth Night that is considered much understood. He is very upfront somewhat his actions and motives.This is portrayed in the way that Orsino loves Olivia and the way he will do anything it takes to get her to be with him. He makes it very clear that there is only one thing that he wants to be with Olivia. As Orsino states his love in the play, Oh, when mine eyes did see Olivia first, methought she purged the breed of pestilence. That instant was I turned into a hart, and my desires, like fell and uncivilised hounds, eer since pursue me (1. 1. 20-24). He is very upfront about who he is as the count, he is ameliora te than the people around him and gets what he wants.The way that Olivia thinks so highly of him as a Duke, demonstrates how he is better than the people around him Yet I suppose him virtuous, know him noble, of huge estate, of fresh and stainless youth. In voices well divulged, free, learned, and valiant and in dimension and the shape of nature, a gracious person (1. 5. 260-64). Orsino is a noteable character who is frank and determined to get what he wants. Viola (Cesario), on the other hand, is whole deceptive of who she is.Although she deceptively dresses as a man, Viola does it so that she female genital organ stay alive in Illyria. The Captain is the only one who really knows what Viola is doing. As the Captain says, Be you his eununch, and mute Ill be. When my dialect blabs, then let mine eyes not see, (1. 3. 65-66) which he as well as knows the reasons of doing. Throughout the entire play, Viola has to lie about who she is, but hints about her secret occasionally, lik e when she speaks with Orsino I am all the daughters of my fathers house, and all the brothers, tooand yet I know not.Viola is a main example of a character that is deceptive by their appearance in the Twelfth Night. Deception is being deceived or take by false appearances or statements. There are different kinds of guile in the Twelfth Night, by appearance or by Shakespeares word choice. Deception by appearance is an easily seen trait throughout different characters in the play. Orsino is a great example of someone who is the turnaround of deceptive, whereas Viola is one of the most deceptive by her appearance and prat be seen throughout the play the Twelfth Night.
Sunday, 24 February 2019
Amelie †Intercultural Film Review Essay
Amelie is a cut movie about a young twenty something girl whos world opened up to her when her mother dies and she is tot furtheryowed to venture out. After a health misdiagnoses at a young child Amelie is stranded in her home away from all multitude and relationships until her mother passes away and she finds herself free. She becomes a waitress and decides to help all the pile around her until one day she herself finds love. This film shows a French cultural pattern where the people are open minded, whimsical, unique, and quirky. The main constituent Amelie, wants to get the most out of her life. She takes the viewer on a elbow room by dint of a series of subplots where she is seek to help people that edge her find happiness and joy. Paris and the people of France are shown in a whimsical and fairytale environment. all told the while, Amelie, is removed from all human get through which makes for an interesting film if one is attempting to view this film through the le ns of the eye of interpersonal communication. All the communicating in the movie is done through the use of metaphors, scheme, plots, tricks, and the like. Its interesting because Amelie doesnt directly communicate with people even though she is non anti-social. She is very social and likes to help people but she does so almost exclusively nonverbally.One exception to this is when Amelie helps a blind man to cross a busy street and, opposition to her normally silent nonverbal reference work, she proceeds to very quickly unwrap everything that she sees and everything that is happening to the blind man in exceptional detail. This is done as an act of kindness for someone who cant see and not as a form of actual or real communication. All real communication in this movie, is done in a bare(a) fashion of cat and mouse. It feels almost like interpersonal communication in this movie is a game that is not to be taken seriously. When Amelie finds a boy that she is romantically interest ed in, she finds herself needing to communicate with him only from a distance. Amelie one time again plays one of her games in order to conceal her identity. Nino, the object of Amelies affection, is a boy who collects old photos from an old photo booth. The use of pictures in this movie is overwhelming and must have some reason layabout it. Its almost as if the shells are communicating through the pictures instead than with words.Even when Amelie was quickly describing the surrounding to the blind man she was helping crosswise the street, it was as if she was creating a picture in his mind so he could connect with her. Perhaps Amelie can onlycommunicate through imaginativeness like metaphors and photographs because she spent her entire childhood alone with only her parents because they opinion she was too ill to be around others. I have combine feelings about this film because I can appreciate a equitable romantic comedy and I understand the feeling the director was trying t o create but Im not a sports fan of the fanciful fairytale romances which I think this movie falls into. I would have preferred a movie with a real underlining footfall and I could do without all the whimsy. Amelie felt like a child in a womans body, not unlike 13 going on 30 and for me the doe eyed cutesy character began to put one across on me and I found myself more annoyed than anything by the end. The telescope is Paris, but not the real Paris but rather a fantasy version of Paris not unlike a moon or the Paris you can see in old movies. The business relationship itself felt very Disney-like in that the mother dies in the beginning which is the vehement to the main character being forced unprepared onto the world, the main character then helps many sub-characters out along the way to finding her veritable love.Very Disney indeed. Im certain that I would not suggest this movie to my friends or my family, but maybe it would have a erupt in a cultural communications clas sroom. I think the only problem I would have with it is that it doesnt portray an actual or real culture, and only portrays a fantasy like culture. The lead character is able to form relationships and make the audience care about her without having to govern much at all, which can have some value when it comes to the direct of nonverbal communication. Also, there might be a value to getting a feel for the French culture from this film, because even though I didnt love the story or the film-making, there was something about the extend in the film. The dialogue did draw me into the French culture which was interesting because I dont speak any French. Even though I struggle to pinpoint the feeling or atmosphere of the film, I do think that something was captured even if it was just the Disney version of Paris and French Culture.
For all the Tea in China by Sarah Rose Essay
For all the Tea in China -How England s tea leaf leafl the Worlds Favorite Drink and Changed History as the supply foreshadows the story already. Before I had even up read the book I assumed it would be a journey of betrayal, action and only closed in(p) off to the events that occur res as Robert dowry on a lower floorhandedly takes chinas precious tea right from underneath theyre admit noses. But little did I know that it Sarah Rose has unified all the events essential to the to cultivation of tea in the mid Nineteenth-century. In Audition to this Historical non-fiction story that may be boring to others, or as one of my fellow classmates would put it Ive been spacing disclose through off the book I Believe that Sarah Rose Has painted a Vivid image of the nineteenth century, with out a single page, paragraph, or sentence wasted with unnecessary knowledge to the readers be retain from how the lofty Horticultural Society of England and the East India Company affected Engl ands economy, traditions were as easily as created based off of tea shipment such as the Annual Tea race. And how World Changed Englands East India Company to formally close down.Robert slew, a Scottish gardener, botanist, and worlds best make hunter, famously known for his The British tea Heist which Sarah Rose writes passionately and was inspi inflamed by Scott Anderson in this book, and in audition famous for obstetrical delivery back and documenting new oriental institutes from China to England. Such as cover girl tree peonies, and the uniquely streaked ornamental plant Hosta micklei. which was named after(prenominal) Robert fortune himself along with some other oriental plants found under his own travels not during the multiple communiques he was sent to do by the East India Company. Fortune while undergoing the process in sending India seeds that are healthy and germinated.. scarce how?Fortune had realized that transporting the seeds in side computer softwares w hile shipped doesnt stop the life cycle so the seeds that were in anything but soil were unsuccessful because the environment was unsuit fitted for the conterminous step of its life which was the sapling.Buy having the tea seeds in the layers of soil and in the warden cases protected from sea spray forced the seeds to germinate with little lacrimation because, of the warden cases the water that evaporated would just collect and drop back to the tea plant because of the morning due. Which has never been done before and changed the federal agency of transporting seeds across seas for decades to come, and also solved the problem of transporting bear-sizedr plants such as towering red woods and,England were now able to transport a whole species in in that location easy to tend to seed forms. The reason why Fortune had to take on this task of stealing Chinas tea secret was because. In the early nineteenth century China and Britain had a shaky relationship of trading Englands opium t hat China was so accustomed to for theyre finest tea which grew high among the finger like mountain karsts of Wuyi in the Fujian provenances.But it was China who Threaten to grow and sell on that point own opium, and Britain couldnt let that happen because England relied on that finance to fund there tea budget And so if China wanted to play that modal value so will the British, therefore they sent Fortune. Poorer Qualities of tea already existed seek to compete with chinas finest tea in the Experimental intellect a part of the Himalayas in India run by the British. But could not duplicate the process of making tea itself or how its grown with out the precious knowledge china was keeping from them world. When Fortune succeeded it had Put Britain at the center of trade because there companies would produce safer qualities of tea because the Chinese where easy killing people with dyes and pigments used in paints to color green tea, which squiffy Britains choice with the already popular black tea. And also the hold of opium production as tumesce as tea production, and civilization helped. Fortunes First 12 month period trip was pass traveling to the Zhejiang and Anhui provenances for Green Tea. He had to disguise himself as a well paid merchant which wasnt enough to get noticed but held enough respect he usually was given.He needed to do deceive the local Chinese and Tea producers in order to get the information but there was no spot in how he did it, which I legal opinion it would be a clutch more exhilarating to know the master plan of how he was able to deceive so easily and to be trusted with that much worth(predicate) information, and about importantly needed the information of how to process and grow tea or it would be useless to get the thousands of seeds and saplings necessary to start a growing tea profitably with out having a clue of doing so and let them die. to a fault During Fortunes Expedition it would be insufferable to travel the mu ltiple provenances of China with out a Guide or Help to carry his Warden cases by him self hence he had to take in servants a collie whom preferred to be called that and Wang a business negotiator which served well but was easily influenced into trouble to a common trait that most Chinese did at the time it was called the Squeeze which was extracting funds illegally from person trying to earn a few bucks. And handful of trouble came from Fortunes servants betrayal because Fortune would treat them as any well-ordered employee as they made mistakes or bad decisions that would jeopardize his goal he would punish them fairly but backfired.Another tradition the Chinese establish Is called Face which is the equivalent of dignity or p fill-inige, but the actual way it works is still really foggy due to lack of exposit about this subject. So when Fortunes two servant were chartered to serve him and he relied on them a lot which gave them a large amount of face, but because of a situat ion when his collie pulled a Squeeze. It Jeopardized his masters preventative but it was fortune who settled the feud by having him return the money and apologize which humiliated Collie that caused him to lose face. During Fortunes bite expedition to retrieve black tea from the Steep mountain of Wuyi, since both teas were so different and should be treated as two different plants there for Fortune was ordered to take two separate trips. Fortune had hire another servant named Sing Hoo he wasnt was a collie but he was strong and he was intelligent but not a businessmen man, the new loyal servant of Fortunes had at a time been in the service of a high- be mandarin affiliated with the lofty beard family at Peking. and also bore arms of his former office of the imperial court signified as a flag and serves as a passport throughout the country, it was a gift from the a former master.And during this second trip Fortune disguised himself as a high ranking mandarin from beyond the Grea t Wall of China which I thought would be hasty compared to lying low on the first trip. Also I thought it was amusingly clever that he chose the people from beyond the Great wall because, they were known for being abnormally taller vertex than the rest of the population in china which gave an explanation for Fortunes height while infiltrating China. If not for Fortunes treacherous task and everlasting awareness no matter what might of happened to make Fortune shun the country, he could probably hate every single thing in china but I doubt he would never be able to hate Chinas beauty from there undischarged dense bamboo Forests off theyre proud mountains to the peaceful city of peace of mind named Zhejiang.Fortune was also a naturalist who was touched, and changed, by China and its treasures mostly unseen by western eyes, in which found even more beautiful than the landscape of his own country. Green Tea was a misery because they had withered even before it had reached India o f the improper shipping technique. Even though it had failed Black tea was a success which Changed history Forever in Britains favor Trade wise. I had also thought even though its not a picture book I would suggest a diagram of important people of the East India Company and The Royal Horticultural Society of England. And definitely a Map of Fortunes Travels Both trips to India and Maybe that trip to Japan.
Saturday, 23 February 2019
Accounting Intern Paper
Company introduction KC ACCOUNTANCY CORP is a Southern California certified public accountant substantial, found in 2000. The follow offers a full range of business and consumer CPA services including financial reports preparation, IRS. FTB. EDD representation, levy return preparation, office computerization, brisk business start-up, general bookkeeping and impose preparation & planning. Job description During the intern period, I did four primary(prenominal) t bespeaks as follow 1. Bookkeeping The connection uses the answer foring softw ar c solelyed publish up and Quick Book to do the book keeping.In order to do the book keeping we bring to create a ledger for each(prenominal) the financial fliers and use the check and invoice provided by the customer to mark every(prenominal) move overments made from these accounts. We should filled the all the column of cells, which include consider, shout out of the payment, payee, category (for assess purposes), memorandum a nd a enrol of the check calculate or the invoice number. The reason for write the category is for tax purposes. later on study the payment, we demand to use the same softw atomic number 18 to enter the capital in precipitate. We nominate all money (only r pull downue) received by the customer.As same as the notes outflow, we motif to record the date, separate of the income, payer-providers, category, memorandum and a record of the check number. If the gild has the Loan or the investment, we should use the different ledgers to record it. Next step, we need to create accounts payable/accounts receivable. For the account payable we list utilities, rent, and opposite future(a) payments. We list two date one is the referable day another one is the collec send back day before penalty. For the account receivable, we list the income we ordain receive in the future.This ledger is intimately important, I need to aware that when the company actually receives the payment by t he customers or the bounced check will happened. The final step is to reconcile the ledgers with the bank statements. The company will provide us their bank account records and allow us to check each payment. This is typicly done on a quarterly schedule 2. Prepared, examined, and analyzed accounting records, financial statements, and other financial reports to mea trusted accuracy, completeness, and conformance to reporting and procedural standards.Financial statements include income statement, statement of bear recompense, poise sheet and cash flow statement. From the supervisory programs experience, I lettered that thither is specific logical order for preparation due to well-nigh financial statements use poetry from the other statements The order is quest * Income statement * account of retained earnings * Balance sheet * Cash flow statement Before financial statements are brisk, we need to adjust entries ground on revenue recognition and the matching principles. Ea ch transaction may affect one income statement accounts and one balance sheet account.Adjustments deign into one of five categories accrued revenues, accrued expenses, unearned revenues, prepaid expenses, and depreciation. Income Statement The income statement reports revenues, expenses, and the resulting net income. It transfers from revenue, expenses and capital gains or sackes ledger account balances into the income statement. Statement of Retained Earnings The Statement of Retained Earnings is prepared later on the income statement because we use the net profit or loss account balance from income statement.The retained earnings statement shows the retained earnings at the beginning and difference of the accounting period. It is prepared using the following information * Beginning retained earnings from foregoing statement of retained earnings. * Net income, obtained from the income statement Balance Sheet The balance sheet reports the assets, liabilities, and stockh nonage narianer equity of the company. It is constructed using the following information * Balances of all asset accounts * Balances of all liability accounts * owners equity Cash Flow StatementTo do this cash-basis report, we subtract cash disbursements from cash receipts directly. It withal takes information from all three previous financial statements. Two while periods of comparative balance sheets are examined in order to prepare a statement of cash flows. 3. Maintained every quarter paysheet records. At first I am very remaining why the company would like to outsource the payroll assist . The film director tell me small business owner usually spend approximately eight hours per month doing payroll because natural laws and the IRS have let the payroll knead make a metre consuming t affect.Outsourcing the payroll chamberpot let the company focus more than on running company alike avoid the risks of calculating mistake . Most important, federal, state and local anaestheti c payroll tax laws are frequently changing and becoming more compound The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the revenue service of the United States federal government. The agency is a bureau of the Department of the Treasury, and is under the immediate focalisation of the commissioner of Internal Revenue. The IRS is responsible for collecting taxes and the interpretation and enforcement of the Internal Revenue Code.I need to call each company on the list to make sure how much salary they pay for each employee. Company may pay their employee quarterly, monthly or hourly. Most of our customer is Chinese/Taiwanese possess company. I can use Chinese to call them . I need to clarify how many employees in their company and how much salary they need to pay. By using 1099-etc, we just need to type in the data in the system. The software will automatically calculate federal, state and local payroll taxes. The software supports Federal payroll forms such as the 941, 940, 943, 944 and 104 0 SchH. spend a penny 941 Form 941 is Employers QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return. Federal law requires employers to carry taxes from employees paychecks. Each clipping wages are paid, employers must conduct or take out of employees paychecks certain amounts for federal income tax, social credential tax, and Medicare tax. Under the withholding system, taxes withheld from employees are credited to employees in payment of their tax liabilities. Federal law also requires employers to pay any liability for the employers piece of land of social security and Medicare taxes.This portion of social security and Medicare taxes is not withheld from employees. Employers who withhold income taxes from wages or who must pay social security or Medicare tax, use Form 941 to report those taxes. The deadline for 941form is the last day for month that follows the end of the quarter. * Quarter One (January, February, March) due on April 30. * Quarter Two (April, May, June) due on July 31. * Quarter Three (July, August, and September) due October 31. * Quarter Four (October, November, December) due on January 31 of the following year.Every time, I update the information on the system, I need to print out two copy. One is for our company, the other one is for our customer . 4. Miscellaneous As a intern, I also spend close to time to doing miscellaneous thing such as put files in order alphabetically, print out the package sound out and paste on the envelope , double check the document and blame to the customer. Analysis of the company The company starts the business from 2000, the boss try unassailable to build a very good relationship with the customers.They are successfully to build the relationaship because the employer in the company al dashs put them self in the customers shoes, the existing customer will bring the new-fashioned customer. So the company does not need to post the advertisement online or anticipate other to design a fancy website to attract new custome r. Thus they can provide perfect and complete service with average price. Due to the good relationship with customer, the accounting office is also become an information exchange place. We can always see the customer to ask the boss to refer a dental, a lawyer and the business to others.It is how a good networking start. However, during the intern period, I find there are things the company could do better. First, the boss plays an extremely important role in the company. She require to check every document before mail to the customer or mail to the government institute and she assigns new task for everyone every morning. The company would be in a mass when the boss is not in the office. I calm down can remember, one time the boss has extremity and she cannot come to the office for two days.All document put on her table like a small mountain, and others has nothing to do. Second, a lot of things without a logical order, there is a simple example. When I start with register away the documents, I cannot find some somebodys name within the file. After I check with the boss, the boss tells me, someone they will put all family numbers file to pointher instead individual file. The problem is that only the boss fill ins who the family numbers are. It is hard for the account specializer to file the document however the boss is too busy to do this kind of things.Third, the company still use some out of date process. Every quarter, the customer needs to turn in their check record and the invoice physically to the accounting office. Most of the records are hand write. In fact I intend the accounting office can ask galvanic version from the customer, then it can complete the process more efficiently, because sometime I see accounting assistant struggle with the numbers or the word on the check or the invoice and with electric version, it can be send to accounting firm in time.I think the company know better what their business is, so it is not a big deal for them to change the physically version to electric version. too I know most software will automatically download the bank records and allow the account assistant to quickly mark which payments and deposits are already recorded in the ledger, and which must be separately accounted. This is typically done on a monthly schedule, but with software and online banking, it is can be finish on a weekly or even daily schedule. What I get hold of during this internshipI am a pupil who still thinking about my future career. This is a good opportunity for me to know accounting person and know more about how the accounting firm work. I learn some information from my coworker and the supervisor. 1. Future is Bright The future of accounting is bright according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics which projects a 16% increase in job openings by the year 2016. Much of this reflects the change magnitude complexity of corporate transactions, the introduction of Sarbanes-Oxley requirements after the Enron scandal and growth in government.Demand is in particular high in the tax and health care areas. My supervisor share her own experience with me, Emily, who is a 27 year old woman, who finish her MBA in California state Los Angeles, she tells me all the international student stay here after graduate are doing accounting relate job. It seems it is the only way international student can survive in U. S if they study in business field. 2. Managerial Accounting Ideas is best-selling(predicate) Many firms are focusing on activity-based management, process-view analysis, constraint checking and business process analysis as well.The world of management accounting is evolving rapidly and there is high demand for accountants who are knowledgeable about these trends 3. High item necessary We can find the requirement for most accountant and attender military positions are at least a bachelor degree in accounting or a related field. As an MBA student especially a prevail degree in accoun ting, or with a master degree in business administration with a concentration in accounting. We have advantage to apply accounting-related job. 4. Skill Requirements Becoming BroaderThere is high demand for individuals who have technical skills and good communication skill, and foreign language skills. controls are broadening as business globalizes. 5. CPA has highly valued A recent survey shows that over half of corporations which hire accountants feel that the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) important, however, in some case we can enter an accounting firm without completely the CPA. It means we still have chance and time to prepare for the test, never too late to prepare . My supervisor is a good example, she started to prepare her CPA after she start work in the KC Company. 6. High salaryThe median expected salary for a typicalAccountant Iin theUnited Statesis$44,652 for a typical Accountant II is $53,588 for a typical salute Accountant I is $46,874for a typical Cost Accountan t II is $58,020. for a typical Cost Accountant III is $70,574 for a typical Cost Accounting supervisor is $65,861 for a typical Cost Accounting Supervisor II is $75,452. for a typical Accounting Manager is $84,437for a typical Accounting manager is $127,660. 7. Start from a intern The supervisor suggests me start to apply the position in the company I want to begin my career and ask the intern position before I graduate.Thus, I will get more hired opportunity as a full time employee. Do be hesitant, start to apply Conclusion My Internship is one of the most beneficial things I do during my MBA. I really enjoy the time in K. C. Company. During this internship I learned a lot about the job and about how much hard work and dedication it takes to be a accountant. I know I am a person who dainty with numbers but not detail-oriented. In order to become a successful accountant, I need to change the way I doing things. To be a more competitive person, I need to review all the account material I have learn during those year.Even though some people say it is not a good way to learn from the textbook, however I believe reading the textbook is the best way to review all the important concept in the limited time. The berate and the text book can provide us solid primer knowledge. I will try to apply the accountant position now, after I understand the future of accounting-related job and the personality to be a good accounting worker. I will start my career in accounting files after I graduate. Reference IRS website http//www. irs. gov/uac 941 form http//www. irs. gov/pub/irs-pdf/i941. pdf
Analyse and present research information
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Friday, 22 February 2019
Do the Right Thing (Spike Lee) Film Analysis
Color Evokes Emotion spike out lee side, the director of Do the Right Thing (1989), makes legitimate the interview understands how the waken is affecting the characters on the day the pictorial matter takes place, and to do this he works tinct. To subtly express how heated, physically and metaphorically, the characters in the film argon, downwind uses warm color in such as red and orange. Likewise, he rids the presence of warm alter and uses cool colour such as vipers bugloss and white in order to signal to the audience that things have cooled down and the atmosphere has a more(prenominal) loving vibe . From beginning to end lee makes received that the audience is aware of the temperature outside.The film uses the words hot and heat a countless number of times throughout the movie, but Lee in any case uses visuals to engage a sense that is not generally used to account with temperature . The color red is present in the clothes that the characters wear, the buildings the characters live in and are in front of, and it is the color of numerous props in the film. For instance, the hottest location in the film, the Pizzeria, had tabletop items, small decorations on the seats and walls, and even the color of the brick oven were a very vivid red that really stood out.The uniform penetrating usage goes for the color orange, but in addition street lights are an orange color, and there is a eye-straining orange tinge to the entire film. Lee uses these warm colorize to allow the audience connect with the characters, and helps them feel the thwarting the heat adds to the already riled up characters. The presence of these heated colors also help enhance the notion of heat, for this film, representing the tension amongst the different races, and the minorities towards the whites. During the cease of the film the Pizzeria is set into flames, and its heavy orange glow is reflected on the faces of Sal and his sons.In the couple of scenes where tension is not so high, and large number are not completely suffering from the heat, Lee pull outdoor(a)s the orange tint and warm colors and instead replaces them with cool tone colors such as blue and white. Specifically, in the scene where the two boys unscrew the fire hydrant and use its water to entertain and cool off the people of the neighborhood the audience will notice an absence of the orange tint and the presence of people wearing blue and white. This cooled down scene is then interrupted and stressed by a white homo driving a machine that happens to be red.Lee also uses the cool toned colors to show love. When the main(prenominal) character, Mookie, and his babys mother, Tina, are having an intimate moment he has her remove the clothes she has on which happen to be warm colors. Similarly, when he goes to the freezer to retrieve an ice cube his son and Tinas mom are in there, both dressed in blue shirts. Taking away the warm colors and orange tint allows the audience to fee l the same kind of sense of relief as the characters feel in theses scenes. Lees usage of color is to help the audience feel, on a deeper level, what the characters in the film are feeling.Whether it be from the actual heat of the sunshine or the heat produced by the tension in the neighborhood and with the man. The most tension and hate filled moment in the film is topped off with a fire burning bright oranges and reds. Lee also made sure to allow the audience to experience more than just hate (or heat) by including scenes that did not have an orange tint or warm colors, but instead cool colors. Lee successfully appealed to the audiences feelings through the use of colors and made sure they could connect with the characters more personably.
Family Planning Essay
Building a family is a shared responsibility between the husband and wife. They must drive astir(predicate) responsible parenthood. Responsible Parenthood is the will and the ability to reply to the needs and aspirations of the family and children. This means that the couple must be sensitive about the needs of the family and their children to be able to be a healthy family. It involves an seemly preparation to object and decide the make out of children they want and when to have them to discipline the health of the whole family. Hence, the community health nurse should make trustworthy that the couples have the knowledge and services to make informed choices on timing, number and spacing of child bearing. The benefits of family supply are the following1. Family cooking helps couples plan pregnancies that would be least risky to the health of the mother and the child. 2. Family planning helps digest environmental problems like overcrowding which cause easy transmission of diseases. 3. Family plann9ing helps reduce the relative incidence of hereditary diseases like mental retardation, psychotic tendencies, blood disorders, etc. 4. Family planning helps especially low-income fathers to be less prone to suffer from illnesses such as hypertension, gastric ulcer, nervous disorders and communicable diseases. 5. Family planning helps the family members live healthy, more reproductive and fulfilled lives as each has been afforded the chance to discover and develop his potentials. 6. Family planning deduces the rate of population growth, thus enabling social and economic development.
Management Essay
1) What metiers for substitute ar discernable at the Oconomo set up? (5)The forces for deepen that are evident at the Oconomo plant are the c every last(predicate)enges dealing with high labor cost. As a government issue Lamprey is deciding to lower wages from $16 to $1.60 per hour. Also the center and Oconomo are disagreeing with this youthful change taking place with the wages.2) Which of the forces in force-field compend do you think would be more powerful than the other in this situation?Between the two forces I think the Driving overstretch would be more powerful than the other in this situation. The greatest force that drives the come with to expect change is that its operating at a high cost and instead of giving returns its giving forth loses. As a result, the aim of the company is to make changes so that it git appreciate profits in the future. In additional to there creation high cost the thing that needs to be understood is that in order for the company to meet its operations it must realize roughly of the returns from what it has invested.Having invested in the company the managers and shareholders should expect that the company is going to depict adequate returns which will be shared and at the same time change the company to stay in the foodstuff. There also exist the risks of the competitors who are in the market currently. For the company to make it in the market, it must change its working conditions so that they fit with the current market situation. other line of work is the workers point of refusing to cooperate. The company is planning to reduce the amount of pay its going to provide to its workers with a significant drop. This is a great trouble which workers are not ready to accept the desired change of the company. some other force for change is that competitors are in the market and of late they declare threatened the company from the services and products that they are providing to the society. Quality is one th ing that the company should look at so as to retain its market segment else the upcoming companies will show upperform the company.3) What is the primeval type of change needed changing things or changing the people and farming?The primary change that is appropriate at the moment is changing the people and their culture. The think as to why changing people and culture is of importance to the company is that having changed people all other things will work accordingly. Peoples culture is of importance in the way the company operates simply because if the culture or people fit in the objectives of the company then(prenominal) all other things will be in place. People are the important tar birth of any circulaten business set up. This means that in changing anything that is in respect to the companys operations then the people and their culture is the initial thing that should be taken into consideration. Another thing is that having changed peoples perception competitors will have no say because you would have drove the attentions of the market to your operations.4) What do you think is the key cause of the alliance leaders resistance to change?Union leaders are resistant to change due to a single fountain which the company is reluctant to handle. The reason as to the resistance is that Oconomo plant has plans to provide workers with less wages which they feel they cant live within that budget. looking for at some companies which are emerging, union leaders are not ready to accept the change simply because those companies are giving out wages which are high and the quality of services and products that they have is close outdoing the one Oconomo plant is providing. Jim has a hard time of convincing union leaders on what should be done. What he is supposed to do is to give union leaders the risk behind getting a new job if they lose the one they have. There are so legion(predicate) people in the town who are looking for job. Also, he should change over them to work as the negotiation is being carried out for a collapse change. There are benefits that workers get from the company and if they resign, such as medical examination and insurance benefits, then they will no longer get until they get another job.
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