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Sunday, 30 December 2018
East of Eden: The Discovery of Innocence
The Discoery of Innocence on the horse opera Frontier What happens in the tungsten? What configuration of change takes pip when an individual crosses over the boundary separating what has been settled from what has yet to be the frontier. Over the last few weeks I have continued to probe the mind of the air jacket as a air that has yet to be defined. M either propagation, authors and deal are not even positive(predicate) where it starts as it is an invisible border that gos nevertheless in the minds of those who seek to cross it.Once across this ambiguous frontier, the traveler ncounters a place in which time seems to be suspended. As in the story of the Garden of Eden, promised land (or the West) represents a sphere in which divinity has held the hands of time, and the people and creatures live in a state of eternal sa handsess. The conception of ghost towns in the West embodies the judgment of a place somehow organism removed from the influence of time. Ghost town s exist as settlements that people forgot. However, unlike settlements in the East where space is at a premium and any unused building would quickly be removed and replaced by something else, in theWest these places remain, like footprints on the moon on where no erosion of time skunk disturb them. The same principle applies to people. The West has the effect of amnesia upon the minds of those who partake of it. In many ways, it resembles the lotus flowers from The Odyssey. In the epic, any persons who tasted of the lotus flowers immediately forgot about billet and opted to stay where they could partake of the flowers. A interchangeable effect can be raise among the mountain men and explorers of the Rocky Mountains.Often times these men would become so stimulate by the rugged eauty and isolation they build in the West that they would spend old age in the mountains instead of the months they had planned on. These men became real life Rip spic-and-span wave Winkles, being s uspended from time for so long they were not aware of major(ip) events such as presidential elections, new territories, or wars. Not only is the West edenic in the way that time operates, it is also closely tied
Friday, 28 December 2018
House on Mango Street: Four Skinny Trees
The Trees of Hope and resolution In The House on mango tree passage, the author Sandra Cisneros takes you into a completely opposite world through the eyes of a young, insecure Esperanza ontogenesis up in a poor section of Chicago. A vignette that especially stood out was quaternion Skinny Trees. In this vignette Esperanza is describing quartet scrawny trees that atomic number 18 overlooked and underappreciated. Cisneros uses effectual avatar techniques that non only establish vivid images just trigger cold reactions. Her words trigger despair and look forward to, idolise and braveness, strength and weakness.Esperanza is connected to these trees on an ruttish level because what she is imagining in these trees is what she sees in herself. The trees served as emotional guides hearing Esperanza to have confidence. Cisneros projects Esperanzas emotions onto these four tight-fitting trees though unchewable personification techniques. Esperanza sees a distinct replic ate between her bearing and the trees. Esperanza feels as if, They are the only ones who understand me. I am the only one who understands them (74).Esperanza sees herself in these trees, with skinny necks and pointy elbows homogeneous mine (74). She sees these scrawny trees detain in the cover of mango tree Street and can relate because she too is stuck in the concrete of Mango Street. Esperanza sees a couple between her and the trees and imagines these trees with souls and emotions that reflect her own. She perceives the trees as overflowing of anger, They grow up and they grow coldcock and grab the earth between their fuzzed toes and bite the sky with violent teething and never quite their anger (74).It is bare that these trees arent really angry but that Esperanza is embedding her hidden rage into these trees. Cisneros vivid personification makes the trees strong symbols of Esperanzas emotions, her anger, fear, inconsequence and withal her hope, courage and importance . These trees are pose and misconceive but yet they keep on growing, keep on fighting. They await to exist, non giving up, Four who grew despite concrete (75). The four scrawny, angry trees symbolize two hope and courage.To Esperanza these trees symbolize an emotional guide, they teach her she can trade despair for hope and fear for courage. The trees are teachers. The trees could very intimately part with, theyd all droop like tulips in a glass, each with blazonry around the other (75). But they bustt they keep on growing despite that they do not belong. Esperanza takes courage from the trees to never give up. Esperanza has learned from these trees how to pass a peace with who she is.These four skinny trees that were probably planted by some(a) city worker on a concrete slab are objects in which Esperanza has brought to life with her own emotions. Because they too are misplaced like Esperanza but yet they continue to be and keep growing, they do not give up. They have ta ught her not to surrender to who she is but to accept it and keep growing. wholeness day Esperanza will leave Mango Street but instead of life history with despair waiting to escape she is sustenance with hope for the future and the courage to be strong throughout the process.
Thursday, 27 December 2018
'Relationships at all levels involve complex powerplay\r'
'Present this task in the form of a discussion surrounded by two in-personities. Base your response on your prescri sleep with text and at least(prenominal)(prenominal) three slightly other related texts of your ingest choosing.\r\nIntroduction music to ‘Oprah symbolises. Oprah Winfrey walks onst age, waving to the au come aboutnce.\r\nOprah: My my my, how be you presently ladies and gentle workforce? rise dont I engender a special rise for you today! An uninterrupted special of Oprah, thats right no advertisements, no newsbreaks, we moderate a amusement park guest and Im just so, so delightful that she could join us! Now as you crawl in, Im an open minded person and I just love talking to sight, sorry, pull water that personalities, from exclusively walks of life. This lovely girl has an astounding personality, and faced with a crisis, she remained dignified. Ladies and gentlemen, please obtain medick!\r\nmedic trots onstage to a hearty round of ap pla example.\r\nOprah: medick, how are you miss?\r\n medick: Im colossal Oprah! Just beamy to be a delegacy from Animal arouse. Whoops! I sedate direct it that afterward t protrude ensemble these years! pieceor house Farm it is now.\r\nOprah: hygienic just to update our audience, medic has been mavin busy babe. After leaving bitor house Farm, trefoil has polish offed her doctorate in psychological science! You go girl!\r\nInterrupted by round of applause from audience\r\nAnd today shes hear to talk to us astir(predicate) top executiveplay.\r\nmedic: Thats right Oprah. Back at Animal Farm, I guess I was a little slow to train except they ne on that pointstimated me. Since I found who I re completelyy am, its just so s bottomlandy! And studying psychology, I became very fire in former and how pack fool former.\r\nOprah: So do you have a hero, or heroine? fewbody who you look at, as the epitome of cause?\r\nCl over: considerably non so a great deal(pren ominal)(prenominal) a hero. scarcely I count on Shakespeare was staggering, the demeanor he portrayed author play. I mean, look at Ot nether regiono. Iago is basi surroundy a slimy worm, but he gains so much comeor be go hes so hefty and confident in himself. He plays Othello and as Othello weakens, his strength just grows. Its fascinating. And Julius Caesar.\r\nOprah: Tell us more than more or less Caesar.\r\nClover: comfortably Julius Caesar happens to be a personal popular of mine in truth. Caesar himself was a hefty man. Hed proven himself in battle, sucked up to the leaders of the date, crimson helped Pompey at one stage to gain berth. By accomplishting his foot in the political door archean, he was pave his appearance into role. And oh, was he arrogant! ba assert it was arrogance bred of index. The man spoke of himself in deuce-ace person â€Å"…Caesar commands thy to speak!…†So strong-arm! He instantly commands power and elevates himself to others by speaking of himself in third person.\r\nOprah: So you analogous a paramount man?\r\nClover: Oh much more than that. I mean, pull d declare the very source act, I laugh every time! Marullus is resembling the majority of the Roman amphetamine crime syndicate, he conceives the phratry as a pack of sheep. The bastard still refers to them as â€Å"…you blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things!†His metaphor, eitheruding to ‘dumb stones is funny in itself. He thinks the press is brainless and cryptograph more than rocks and stones! merely when you think almost(predicate) it, the full city is built on stones and blocks- the important buildings, the roads and streets. The meeting, the mob, is the foundation of the city on which those in power essential(prenominal) sit. So the herd really does posses a trade of power! They just arent advised of how to use it.\r\nOprah: Hmmm, so youre arrangeing the mob could subs cribe to or break a guy in power?\r\nClover: Well yes. When Murellus and Flavious encounter a pair off of tradesmen in the first scene, the tradesman mocks them and thus gains power done their discomfort. thithers Murellus and Flavious, speaking at the workmen â€Å"…what trade art thou? service me directly…†and craft them â€Å"…knave…â€Â, so the cobbler tells him hes a â€Å"…mender of dingy soles…â€Â.\r\nQuiet laughter in the audience.\r\n notwithstanding Cassius is more than just a commoner, he has ambition, at that placefore the powerplay that Cassius and Caesar engage in yields much bitterness from Cassius. I mean, Caesar at the scratch is absolute ruler â€Å"…He doth wax the narrow world; Like a Colossus, and we petty men; Walk under his huge legs…â€Â. Dramatic, emphatic language is utilise even by Cassius hereâ€Â…doth move…†and â€Å"…Colossus…â€Â, emp hasising his power and strength in the society. Whereas Caesar strides, the rest of the â€Å"…petty men…†salvage walk. However Cassius shag identify that Caesar is puissant only because the rest of Rome has allowed themselves to be â€Å"…underlings…â€Â. Like the Chinese Communist caller, Cassius recollects those who have proven themselves within the political class should be in power.\r\nOprah: So the cobbler beat outs power over the senators by, rise draw inping them off? sidesplitter, there you have it ladies and gentlemen, those bracing remarks youve been s notifying in your head, let em rip!\r\nClover: Well, you have to remember that these commoners were pretty darn clever. They gained power by jest their war crys. exactly and past, Murellus pul lead some back curtly after. He throws rhetorical call into questions at the â€Å"… savory knaves…â€Â. Its pretty nearly done on Murellus part, he fires seven q uestions at them resembling â€Å"…wherefore rejoice? What conquest brings he home?…†before anyone else back end get a single word in!\r\nOprah: So he has power cause hes the one speaking? Well, lord I must have a hell of a lot of power!\r\nClover: Pretty much. Hes asserting himself once more. A lot of stuff can be state through the spoken word. Theres this commentator in Australia, Alan Jones. Hes a very strong man d cause there. I saw a documentary about him. Through his speeches and comments, he gains so much power. His medium is radio, and there are definitely people who call into the show to voice their opinions, but for a large part of the time, Alan Jones speaks uninterrupted. He himself is a gifted orator- he was the speech generator for an Australian Prime Minister even!\r\nOprah: So what about at Manor Farm? Or Animal Farm? Who won in the talking steaks there?!\r\nGroan from audience.\r\nClover: Well actually, thats a very interesting question. The pig who woolgather up the Rebellion, obsolescent major(ip), he displace an audience and we all used to listen- his word was law instantly. It was his quiet way, the regal way he â€Å"…sat ensconced on his bed of hay…â€Â. tho later, short sleep of itinerary was the public speaker. And he enforced it- with his mend dogs. They had us all scared half(a) to death! His was a physical powerplay, intimidation. And because he used the crowd so to speak, he knew that we would all follow him, he wasnt questioned. But Squealer, good he operated differently. He was a suck up, thats for sure. But we believed him, listened to him, he â€Å"…could work on black into white…â€Â. Squealer was analogous an advertisement, a living, breathing propaganda machine. Propaganda in itself is powerplay though. The quantify pickup ran an article about the Chinese Communist company, demonstrating how it uses a great devote of propaganda.\r\nBack to Squealer thoug h, he managed to make everything sound very convincing, he secondhand our naivety. One particularly vivid, emotional importee for me was when Boxer was injured. Squealer appeared to be â€Å"… plenteous of sympathy and concern…†and he tell all these nice things. He told us that Boxers last wish was to see the â€Å"… aerogenerator finished…â€Â. That his last words were â€Å"… anterior comrades!…â€Â. He used every misadventure he could to turn the situation around through his clever words to be in favour of ‘Comrade snooze. He used us. We werent the most meliorate puppets, I mean, I admit it. Like Stalin led the uneducated , we never doubted the system because we couldnt imbue any other way.\r\nOprah: Sounds like a nasty piece of work, doesnt he ladies and gentlemen? anatomy of like those men who whisper overbold nothings and then drop you like a hot potato!\r\nClover: Someone who did use the spoken word well thou gh was Mark Antony. And he knew how to officiate the crowd as well. Unlike the senators, he didnt abuse his power over the crowd, well not in an insulting demeanor anyway. Antony respected the crowd and the power they held, but in his own way, he still played them. â€Å"…Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!…†He gets their assistance and draws them all together. By getting the crowd on his side, he has power quarter him. And oh, he does play Brutus too! â€Å"…Brutus says he was ambitious; And Brutus is an honourable man…â€Â.\r\nOprah: Well doesnt that just drip with sarcasm!\r\nClover: It sure does Oprah. And Antony dishonours Brutus, ridding him of his power because he has dishonoured him in the eyes of the crowd- where the real power lies. I mean, politicians need the crowd, they are only in power when they have the power of the people put uping them. Alan Jones, he had the admiration and committedness of his students and his team and â€Å"…it was a hypnotic power of a charismatic man…â€Â. As much as I loathe to admit it, Napoleon had us under his command, through intimidation. And trickery too I might add. The Chinese Communist Party has an uncanny likeness to Napoleon and his way of running things. They play the crowd through intimidation and their hold over the Army, well lets say guns make sure that hold remains firm.\r\nSorry Oprah, Ive digressed again! Antony has something the crowd wants. Well he doesnt really, but he sleep togethers the crowd give be delight with gifts and such- through Caesars will. He leads the crowd to think what he wants them to think by bug them, with the promise of reading the will. Its a tough exploitation and goes to show how much power comes with knowledge! He ensures that the plebeians remain hard-core to Caesar â€Å"…they were traitors!..†the crowd cries. And then â€Å"…The will! The testament!…†and so Anton y tells them what they want to hear.\r\nAnd he did a good job of it too. Alan Jones, in his early days as a teacher gained his power through his crowd, but foreign Antony, Jones was able to choose his crowd to some degree. He valued â€Å"…more exceedingly those who were prepared to follow an established halt plan…â€Â. This in itself is very demanding and forceful. He gains power through establishing a crown set of rules- his own rules. Jones went through a tough time, he was in bustle because it was alleged he accepted endorsements. However, he remained as powerful as ever. It was state in the documentary that if Jones â€Å"…didnt lose his audience, he didnt lose his power…â€Â. This acknowledges to an even great extent just how important the crowd is in giving power. The powerful know how to work the crowd in their play for power.\r\nAnd particularly in Julius Caesar, we can see that power often corrupts. Powerplays are about power transferr ing from one party to another. When this proportionality of power inevitably becomes unequal, corruption and immorality often creep into the equation. Even Antony, after gaining the crowds support with Caesars will, manipulated them to his own payoff, calling Lepidus an â€Å"…ass…†and compare him to a horse. Although I myself believe that this is a great compliment! Actually, in Rome at this time it seems that likening one to an creature inflicted a great deal of insult. In Brutus and Antonys rally animal imagery shows just how fundamental power plays are- within nature and within gays nature â€Å"…you showed your teeth like apes and fawned like hounds…â€Â. Yes even those who posses great power can stoop to childish name calling!\r\nOprah: They seem to be very strong, very forceful.\r\nClover: Jones in particular was. He â€Å"…didnt accept fence sitters…†They were either on his side, or against him. By defining those disentangle boundaries, Jones is commanding power from those who are with him, because they support his opinion and their loyalty lies with him, and from those against him, because they are still playing by his rules, he forces them to make a decision and lets them know that hes not afraid of it. However, in Julius Caesar, Cassius isnt so forceful with Brutus. He is preferably gentle, very problematic and strokes Brutus ego to pass on him over. â€Å"…no man here; But honours you…†says Cassius to Brutus. Cassius does actually recognise that the power in administration lies with the people, as does Cinna â€Å"…O Cassius, if you could; But win the noble Brutus to our party…â€Â. He knows that Brutus reputation precedes him and basically, wants a piece of it. If Brutus is on his side, then Cassius is going to look a whole lot more reputable. Brutus honour will garner the crowd.\r\nOprah: well it sounds to me like the people in power get all t he perks! But if theres so much power in the crowd, then how come its the leaders that get all the glory?\r\nClover: Cause theyve won the war. Won the powerplay, the struggle. In reality, the power of the crowd disseminates to support the view class, ruling party. The most powerful. Like I said before, the Chinese Communist Party are alike Napoleon and his pigs. Napoleon stopped the Sunday meetings, he wouldnt let us in on anything, wouldnt let us have a say anymore. The Chinese Communist Party are insiders, â€Å"…picked, then rotated through a series of jobs to test their loyalty. They use seclusion as a weapon, â€Å"…part of an old fashioned weapon of rule…â€Â.\r\nIf no one knows anything, then they have the advantage of the element of surprise, if it is others trying to discover their secrets, then the power is shifted to the Communist Party- power lies with knowledge. At the farm, Moses was asleep in the barn when Major first told us of the Rebellion. He didnt wonder because he didnt have in. Like the perform when communism was introduced- they missed the boat and thus the communists had the power.\r\nOprah: So what if two big name calling clash? Like the Sunday shadow movie and youre trying to figure out whether to watch Mel Gibson or Tom canvass? What happens then?\r\nClover: Well personally I prefer Mr Ed…\r\nOprah: Hey, whatever floats your boat hun!\r\nClover: But the settle to your question is simply, one of them has to go. Just like Stalin ousted Trotskey, Napoleon got rid of Snowball when he became too much. Napoleon was smart, he knew the aerogenerator would be a great idea. He knew that this would make us look at Snowball more favourably, and Napoleon couldnt generate to lose the support of the crowd! We all â€Å"…came to look at Snowballs drawings at least once…â€Â. â€Å"…Only Napoleon held distant…â€Â. It even came to the point where half of us where in full suppor t of Snowball- we valued him in power. â€Å"…Vote for Snowball and the three day week!…â€Â. So he got rid of him- powerplay using force. Snowball was a better orator than Napoleon â€Å"…in a moment Snowballs eloquence carried [us] away…â€Â.\r\nAnd it was then Napoleon knew he was in trouble, so out came the dogs. It was terrifying we were terrify and â€Å"…scared…â€Â. Napoleons answer to any flagellum to his power was simple- force. Like the Communist Party. The magazine article left no question as to the forceful nature of the meeting: â€Å"…Whatever the leadership lineup that parades before the cameras this week, the message will be the same: leave the driving to us…â€Â.\r\nOprah: Do all people who gain power tend to have this group humour? You know, strength in numbers?\r\nClover: Well Caesar didnt need anyone but himself! But neither does each(prenominal)an Jones really. I mean, they all use other peo ple to gain power. But it has been said of Jones that he was able to â€Å"… polarize people…â€Â, that he was very much a â€Å"…solo performer…â€Â.\r\nOprah: All this talk about all these men! What about our sistas hun, there has to be some powerful girlfriends in this mens gild!\r\nClover: Brutus wife Portia, shes a fair sex and a half. Now, I dont know about you Oprah, but Id do nearly anything to get the truth outta my hubby. Id willingly kick him in the leg, you know, throw a feed store at him, that kind of thing. She doesnt think much of her sex â€Å"…I grant I am a woman…â€Â…\r\nOprah: Wow those hunnies really needed someone like me around, right ladies?!\r\nCheer from the audience\r\nClover: But instead, she gave herself â€Å"…a voluntary injure…â€Â.\r\nOprah: Hell, now wouldnt that make the hubby get in his boots!\r\nClover: Yes, it did! But it worked, Portia gained power in Brutus entrusting h er with his mens secrets by this act of, well I like to call it insanity but some would say determination.\r\nOprah: Well if thats that kind of guy Brutus is, I dont think Id want to know his secrets!\r\nClover: Brutus is a very complex man. His was of having power is by being unemotional…he holds his passion at bay and tries to rely on reputation and form and brilliance rather than feelings. He is â€Å"…vexed…with passions…â€Â. Although Brutus tries to receive some power in his exchange with Cassius â€Å"…Would not; Be any however moved…†by detaching himself from his emotions, Cassius appeals to Brutus sense of personal worth â€Å"…Men at some time are masters of their fates; The fault, devout Brutus, is not in our stars; But in ourselves, that we are underlings…â€Â. However, the guy is only human, and Cassius knows that he can seduce Brutus into complying, he can flatter his way into gaining power over Brutus â€Å"…Who is so firm that cannot be seducd…â€Â.\r\nOprah: Its fair to say Clover hun, that youve had some well, quite negative encounters with leaders and power in your lifetime. What are your views on it all now?\r\nClover: Its human nature Oprah. And animal nature too I guess. I mean, out in the wild its option of the fittest, but in this day and age its survival of the fittest, smartest, best talker, the one who can get into the head of the crowd. We need leaders. Hell, even a farm of animals need a leader! I mean, under Jones, we were miserable. He was someone in a touch of power who exploited us. We werent as educated as he, hence less powerful and his routine made the farm like a well oiled machine- at our expense. On our own, it would have been fine, except Napoleon became corrupted also, by power again exploiting us. The Chinese Communist Party, they are a self perpetuating group who breed their own leaders- sacrifices made by the party for the party.\r\ nAlan Jones tended to guard favouritism to his students, selecting the strong and talented and dedicated. There are flaws in all these powerful people, even Caesars arrogance and Antony, his manipulation of the crowd. But powerplays are exchanges I guess, and power is gained by exploitation of the oppositions weaknesses. By reducing the power of one, your own is strengthened. Thats just the way it is I guess. Old Major, he wanted a perfect place, his own version of ‘Sugarcandy Mountain I guess. â€Å"…Above all, no animal must ever tyrannise over his own kind. Weak or strong, clever or simple, we are all brothers…â€Â.\r\nAll that said, Ill seize- its human nature. At the conclusion of Julius Caesar, we can know as an audience that this scenario will repeat itself. More people will suffer, sacrifice, die for power, it is the nature of humanity.\r\nOprah: Well Clover, thats about all we have time for. Its just been an amazing story youve had to tell, youve cer tainly opened my eyes. Id like to thank you for coming on the show today…\r\nClover: Its my pleasure Oprah. Thankyou for having me!\r\nOprah: Youre congenial, youre welcome darling, now ladies and gentlemen lets thank Clover!\r\n assault of applause from audience\r\nMusic plays and ascribe roll.\r\n'
Wednesday, 26 December 2018
'Home Schooling vs Public Education\r'
'Home Schooling vs cosmos facts of life Ann Brickler COM/155 University Compostion and Communication I butt against 10, 2013 Stephanie Cook Home Schooling vs Public Education The debate stingtinues and often leave turn into heated arguments between the twain opposing sides. The side of the fence that you prosecute aim is ultimately your decision on what graphic symbol of education your baby witnesss. Home give instructioning may pick up many benefits, a cosmos enlighten education may provide a better eruditeness environment for a student to learn and succeed.There argon so many forms of education that a mortal may receive today with deuce of the forms as headquarters tutoring and everyday education. There be some benefits to the several(prenominal) of home naturalisehouseing, such as world able to learn on your get windsume time and having one-on-one instruction. Child synthetic rubber is a pro for the conjure as they ar non having to worry almost bull ying in shoal and non having their tyke capable to drugs or inebriant by their peers. There argon to a fault pros and cons of public education with the pros being the small fry is receiving an education from a professionally handy instructor.They be better prepargond in everyday t each(prenominal)(prenominal)ings that the pincer will receive. The course of study is outlined for the form on what the sister will be taught and what is expected to be taught to the churl by way of a naturalize board developing the curriculum. Children atomic number 18 also learning on how to interact with new(prenominal) peasantren and realizing on how diverse a world we view. The cons of home schooltime surpass what some people believe as a benefit. One being that the parent is not a professional teacher such as English or music class. The parent does not ca-ca the technique in giving their kidskin a quality and prolific education.An different con is the student is not being ex posed to a diverse environment. The child is not able to grow with their peers and associate themselves with truth and what is out thither on the streets that children have to get by with when they are in a public school setting. Child guard bed be a con in public education with what has deep been happening with the shootings in schools and bullying by former(a) children. You should not shelter a child because of the cons as this is something that atomic number 50 be dealt with while growing up. Children learn how to deal with issues such as these and grow oft because of them.Another con is the standardized interrogation that children are expected each year to take at the beginning of each school year. This test gives the school board a better concept on where each child is in their learning course of instruction. It also is one factor on whether a child will move ahead in their grade level in the fifth and eighth grade. Children are well-tried and quizzed weekly in thei r classes and that determination in itself will give each teacher a concept on what the child is retaining and whether they should move a commodious in each grade level. Socialization for home schooled children as an individual or a mathematical group can be a scrap for them.Public schooled children have a better favour to them when they are put in a group together to socialize amongst themselves relating to a topic they may be learning about in their class or to do a project together. They are able to gather ideas and listen to other ideas which enable more learning for them. When you are home schooled the only case of acculturation in a group you are going to have is with either your blood relation or with your parent. That can be a good thing only if that child is a type of introvert and has a difficult time relating to others in a traditional school setting.There are homeschool groups that you can espouse with your child to meet other parents and children, but there may no t be many of these groups out there for you to select from as there are children whom are more likely to receive a public education. Another wages the child in a public school has is being able to act in bids that are offered. The home schooled child does not have that offered to them. A child who is home schooled can request to join a sports team in their school district but that does not forever work for them. The district can consecrate no to them joining a school sport.A public school child can join a school sport at any time it is offered; however, they are expected to maintain a grade point average of a C. If they do not, they are suspended from the team if they are involved or denied completely from try out for the team. Public school provides a more diverse and social dwell in contrast to home shoal. Parents whom are homeschooling their children should be qualified to teach as a public schoolteacher. A public school education can be much more fulfilling and gives chil dren the tools they need to succeed.Socialization and interaction with other children is a benefit to any child to help them learn and grow with others in their age group. Home schooled children may not be susceptible to drugs and alcohol or school bullying but sometimes the risks outweigh these factors. There is no interrogatory done by the district of the home schooled child and to know exactly where they are in their grade level. Standardized testing does aide the district for public school children but is essentially given at the beginning of a school year where it can be a lead astray statistic on what the child in a public school does know by the end of the school year.Whether you choose to circularise your child to a public school or teach them on your get, be sure that you have the proper tools to do this. Your child’s future depends on you and the education they receive. Overall, the knowledge the child gains and the get ahead they receive between the two, home s chooling and public education has each of its own benefits and each of its own drawbacks. As long as the student’s take are being met, regardless the extract you make for your children, whether it be home schooling or public education, either type of teaching will be the scoop up choice because you made the choice.\r\n'
Saturday, 22 December 2018
'Organized Crime Essay\r'
'Ever since the time that kind beings began living in any physique of community setting, it is likely that unionized umbrage, albeit in a primitive form, was born. Today, create shame is quite different than the stereotyped gangster of the years of Al Capone. With this evolution in mind, this essay will answer respective(a) questions about the youthful face of create hatred. Why Does Organized abuse nevertheless Exist? Organized crime cool it exists now for a variety of reasons, specially when the development of the modern ara is taken into account.\r\nFirst, on the most basic level, the perfect organized crime organizations still give rise out a vital function in e real corner of the world as a means of managing drug trafficking, felonious gambling, prostitution and many another(prenominal) more characteristic faults that re bequest profit suitable opportunities for the criminal enterprise. The manifold nature of the political, technological, and economic world in the 21st century also lends itself very nigh to the proliferation of organized crime. For instance, the many spheric terrorist groups that atomic number 18 active at the inaugurate time are very well run organized crime groups (Washington Times, 2003).\r\nTechnology, and its touch on to worldwide commerce has also fostered present day organized crime; in a far cry from the days of â€Å"Murder Incorporatedâ€Â, organized criminals today often use the Internet and related devices to commit what is called transactional crime, such as edge fraud, embezzlement, stock market swindles, and more (Punch, 2005). What are the Roles of Various Law Enforcement Agencies in bit Organized aversion? Traditionally, the various legality enforcement agencies served the purpose of protecting the common good and to promote common decency by eradicating the vice and corruption that organized crime fueled.\r\nIn most cases of local anestheticized organized crime, local or state po lice agencies were able to keep organized crime in check; in the extreme cases when organized crime was international in nature, world police organizations such as Interpol and the FBI got involved. Presently, however, referable to the globularly terroristic nature of organized crime, which represents as much of a threat to global security as it does to the quality of normal life, organized crime has been altercated by the fortify forces of the nations of the world (Olson, 1995).\r\nIn these circumstances, world leaders have formed crime fighting alliances to act as a global police force to bring international organized criminals to legal expert (Fighting Organized Crime, 2000). What are the Challenges with Undercover Investigations in Organized Crime and the employment of Informants to Prosecute Organized Crime Figures? Undercover investigating, due to its very nature, poses its cause unique challenges; the need for the undercover incumbent to maintain his or her assumed identicalness, in effect infiltrate criminal groups, and bring criminals to justice is perilous to say the least.\r\nWhen undercover probe is employed in organized crime, a whole new realm of challenge and danger surfaces. To begin with, organized crime groups are typically tightly knit, make the introduction of a new person, oddly one whose whole life was created as a work of fiction passing difficult. Once â€Å"insideâ€Â, the undercover police officer must(prenominal) also maintain the identity at the peril of the investigation at least and their life at worst. Use of reservoirs to prosecute organized crime figures is highly challenging as well; the reliability of the informant, who is of course a criminal, can make or break the investigation.\r\nMoreover, keeping that informant in place without being revealed as an informant is daunting and also risks the investigation and the life of the informant. Conclusion Organized crime is alive and well in many forms, given t he complex nature of the modern world. As time goes by, fighting organized crime will become more and more difficult, and the stakes will get higher(prenominal) and higher. World leaders and law enforcement must work together to make a difference.\r\n'
Thursday, 20 December 2018
'SME Challenges to Access to Finance\r'
'1. SMEs usually fork over limited financial resources compared to a large company. oftentimes it is hard to finance the standard model for bundle make improvement (SPI) activities. They try to avoid unwarranted overhead for the full custom standard cognitive process implementation. 2. The proven best practices for the large companies might be too expensive or time overwhelming to perform in SMEs because of their limited resources and business model. 3. The volume of exquisite companies are independently financed.\r\nThat causes a laughable financial situation for many small businesses. So they can’t always afford to corrupt required expertise that possesses the skills required in a particular position. 4. A first step toward process improvement is identifying the strengths and weaknesses of organization software processes. For this, an assessment to visualize the processes against a reference model which helps to determine the processes might to meet the required quality, be, and schedule goals is required, but small companies have difficulty running those. 5. The small surface of a company not only causes for the challenges of net cash in ones chipsing, market and business issues for small software companies. It also creates problems for gaining and supplement technological know-how. 6. Large companies can improve the work efficiency using all needed toolkits. minuscular company also need these tools in both step of software process but racy licensing costs often put their project cost over expectable levels. 7. SMEs suffer from the lack of literature and publications describing efforts on an improvement initiative.\r\nBut adoption of internationally accepted software process practices is essential for the conquest of all software companies to compete in the world(a) software development market. 8. Many SMEs have octuple business operations like service, product, and consultancy. A presumptuousness employee may have to change the projects more frequently. This leads to spare challenges to improve the required level of competence for diametrical projects with different technologies. 9. A given employee of SMEs may at the same time play multiple roles. For that, he may slue tasks or consider many tasks as commencement priority. Thus many important tasks may be left undone. In some cases, these tasks may be contradictory or mutually exclusive (e. g. A person is responsible for product cost decline and improvement of customer service simultaneously). 10. In SMEs the clean project duration is shorter than in large companies. private instructor faces challenges to reallocate employees more frequently to different projects.\r\n'
Wednesday, 19 December 2018
'Engineering Notebook – How to Keep One\r'
'That means, Write EVERYTHING Down, even include a dentist appointment; thats what helps make it a believable effective Document and suitable for assessment purposes (and believe it or not patent applications too! ). So, keep the notebook up to date and involve it meeted a lot by those whom you, report to and understand your work. Also, it can jog the previous(a) memory and reduce the number of times you do the same tests. â€Å"… mmmm I’m sure I’ve already do that?… †Of course, It wont Hurt when Final Reports be Due either! Heres How: )\r\n engagement a funk (stitched binding) notebook. DO NOT use a undo leaf or Spiral bound notebook! 2) Entries Should be in Permanent Inkâ€not Pencil. 3) The Title, unit Number, date and Book Number (should you pauperisation more than one! ) should be accurately save when starting a New Page. 4) All in data formation is to be recorded directly into the notebook. The inclusion of all in all elaborat e details is preferable. Notes and calculations should be done in the notebook, NOT on loose paper. In the episode of an error, draw a single line with the incorrect data.\r\nDo Not Erase or use correction fluid. All corrections should be initialled and dated. 5) In the case where you have used cad or computer simulation to provide curtilage then this should be stored in a booklet BUT referred to and cross referenced (using consistent format of date / time / names etc. ) in your notebook 6) After entering your data / goal ideas / calculations etc. , sign and date all entries. Witness or witnesses should sign and date each access too. The witness must observe the work that is done, and have sufficient knowledge to understand what they read.\r\nNames of those introduce during any demonstration should also be recorded. 7) Use Both sides of a Page and Never submit any White Space: â€Å"X†forbidden or Crosshatch all unused space, and dont eat up to initial & date t he crossing tabu!. 8) All contents of the notebook / folder should be unplowed secure & safe. It should be kept in a SAFE place to protection against Loss. [The website shown below is full of ideas about design, electronics and tips †but done in an easy to read anecdotal and often humorous way]\r\n'
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
'Managing Rapport through talk across Cultures Essay\r'
'Spencer-Oatey certainly does non neglect the concept of coating in her deem, the aid component of the rather lengthy title, though she concedes that ‘ enculturation’ is ‘notoriously difficult to define’ (Spencer-Oatey, 1). In champion of this, she cites several authors stick noted that â€Å"…despite a century of efforts to define enculturation adequately, thither was in the early 1990’s no agreement among anthropologists regarding its record,†(Apte 1994, p.\r\n2001) due to the ambiguity of the term, Spencer-Oatey (2000, 2) defines market-gardening as: â€Å"…a hirsute set of attitudes, beliefs, behavioral conventions, and elementary assumptions and determine that atomic number 18 provided by a group of lot, and that see each member’s behavior and his/her realiseations of the ‘ inwardness’ of some other people’s behavior. †This definition opens up the field for several issu es. At one point, culture is manifested â€Å"at different layers of depth, ranging from inner core basic assumptions and values, done with(predicate) outer core attitudes, beliefs and neighborly conventions, to fold level behavioral manifestations†(Spencer-Oatey, 2).\r\nThe second issue concerns the sub-sur suit aspects of culture as influencing people’s behavior and the meanings they themselves impute to the behavior of other people, i. e. personality. Due to the fact that the members of a heathenish group â€Å" atomic number 18 unlikely to shargon identical sets of attitudes, beliefs and so on, but rather represent family resemblances,†(Spencer-Oatey, 2), she puts forth the thesis that in that respect is â€Å"no strong set of features that can distinguish definitively one cultural group from another†(Spencer-Oatey, 2).\r\nThis is of cut through stemming from the thesis that culture is associated with social groups. In the social scienc es it is a habituated that all people simultaneously belong to a number of different groups and categories, e. g. ethnic groups, professional groups, sex groups, etc. Another authoritative term instanter related to culture is the concept of ‘cross-cultural,’ which for Spencer-Oatey (2000, 3) refers simply to comparative schooling, i. e. ‘data obtained independently from ii different cultural groups.\r\n’ A related term is that of ‘intercultural’ †interactive data obtained ‘when twain different cultural groups interact with each other’ (Spencer-Oatey, 3). The speaking component highlighted in the halt’s title itself refers to the management of social transaction as a detail aspect of intercourse. Spencer-Oatey goes can to the work of earlier authors such as Watzlawick, Beavin and capital of Mississippi (1967, as cited in Spencer-Oatey, 1) who had initially proposed that â€Å"all chideing to has a conten t component and relationship component.\r\n†In a similar study, Brown and Yule (1983) had identified ii main functions of language: the transactional (information-transferring) and the interactional (maintenance of social relationships), with two corresponding goals †the coherent and accurate conveying of information (transactional) and communication of friendliness and good will in a comfortable and unthreatening carriage (interactional). In both cases, culture definitely plays a portentous role, and in the two studies it is utilized as an instructive variable quantity.\r\nAttempting to use culture as an explanatory variable to accounting system for similarities and differences in communication crosswise cultures necessitates entrance ways to â€Å"unpackage†culture before it could be connect to communication outcomes and operative psychological constructs (Spencer-Oatey, 2000). There are propertys to cultural variability which could be viewed as psycho logically comparable among cultures, and these are often used as the tools to account for the differences. There remains however a number of problems in the use of cultural-level values to account for variability in communicative behavior crosswise languages and cultural groups.\r\nFollowing Gudykunst (2000, as cited in Spencer-Oatey) cultural level variables, e. g. man-to-manism and collectivism, prove to be wanting(p) if one aims to establish a exemplar providing causative explanations of social behavior. Cultural level variables may ca-ca a direct effect on social behaviors through its model on cultural norms and the rules specific to a conkrence culture yet it is measurable to note that the members of a culture are not socialized in the same way, nor do they latch on a culture’s rules to the same extent.\r\nAs such, the socialization processes at the individual level distinctly play a mediating role in the influence of cultural level variables on social behavio rs. With regards to communication, for Spencer-Oatey et al (2000) pragmaticalal variables, i. e. factors influencing how people both produce and interpret communicative behavior, can mayhap yield important dimensions of cultural variability at the individual level. Of particular interest are two influential aspects of socio-linguistic pragmatics †interactional ‘rules’ (maxims) and contextual factors.\r\nThe view that it has now become inevitable to move beyond a value attack in the conceptualization of culture has merit, and Spencer-Oatey provides the wished confirmable illustrations to give strength to the argument of the need to explore new ways of conceptualizing culture. Contemporary development in linguistics suggests two important ways in which culture can have an impact on language use: pragmatic maxims, and the conventions of use of a particular language (variety).\r\nIn illustrating the limits of culture as an explanatory variable, a discussion on courtesy possibleness is presented. ‘Politeness’ often refers to the â€Å"use of comparatively formal and differential language†(Spencer-Oatey, 2), though as Fraser and Nolan (1981, 96) carefully point out, it is in actuality also a contextual judgment in the sense that â€Å"…no sentence is inherently polite or impolite. …it is not the expressions themselves but the conditions under which they are used that forge the judgment of subtlety.\r\n†Further more(prenominal) than, politeness maxims fall out to have ‘ customary valences,’ wherein one pole of a given dimension is always viewed as more desirable than the other (Spencer-Oatey 2000). Yet interestingly, in different cultures and even in different speech contexts within the same culture, there are different points on the continuum that are more favored everyplace others. There is already a significant body of work researching the universal and culture-specific aspects o f politeness behaviors available.\r\n domicil (2000, cited in Spencer-Oatey) conducted a series of analyses contrastive the English and German spoken and written intercourses over the past two decades. Among the interesting findings is the tendency of German students to use less verbal routines than their English counterparts, which appear to lend credence to the insight that they are more direct, content-oriented and self-referenced (House, 162). A temporary cultural dissonance is give tongue to to result when participants are unable to retain unrestrained equilibrium (House, 2000), i.\r\ne. they are overcome by a sense of mistake and disappointment. Emotional reaction for House (2000) is often a â€Å"major factor amenable for a deterioration of ringing and for the mutual ascription of negative personal traits which, in turn, prevent whatsoever recognition of real differences in cultural values and norms. †Crucial to Spencer-Oatey’s work is the concept of â €˜ resonance management’ as an analytical framework, of which a precise discussed is presented in Chapter 2.\r\nAs several attempts have already been undertaken to create language use universals, the concept of ‘face’ as a â€Å"universal gentlemans gentleman need and the key motivating force for politeness and reverberance management†has been proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987, as cited in Spencer-Oatey 2000, 12-13). Two related aspects comprise the ‘face’- peremptory (representing the desire for approval) and negative (desire for autonomy). Meanwhile, critics such as Matsumoto (1988), Ide and monoamine oxidase (1994) relegates prime splendor to that of social identity, as illustrated in Chinese and Japanese cultures (as cited in Spencer-Oatey, 67-68).\r\nA discourse-processing flack is a forefingerful analytical tool towards in-depth information of how rapport can be mismanaged crosswise cultures through communication. It involv es detailed descriptions of the processes utilized in the production and perception of discourses, as well as illustrations of how misunderstandings can occur amidst and within cultures. Emphasis is on the discourses invoked by the participants. With regards to communication processes, prime importance is given to how the discourses are socially constructed and then understood and internalized by the participants of the discourse.\r\n unsuited discourse studies (Spencer-Oatey 2000) in particular, as illustrated by the researches presented in the second part of the book, are of prime importance when one aims to explain intercultural misunderstandings. Meanwhile, in a pragmatic transfer approach to the study of intercultural communication, its explanatory power in accounting for intercultural encounters is largely based on existing pragmatic knowledge in the communication process (Spencer-Oatey 2000). ‘Pragmatics’ is â€Å"the study of the relationships between linguis tic forms and the users of those forms†(Yule, 4), i.\r\ne. it is primarily concerned with the notion of implied meanings. The pragmatic transfer framework draws on the perspective of relevance theory. For one to be able to communicate effectively and competently, one demand to know how to choose the appropriate form and the appropriate meaning in order to avoid inter-cultural pragmatic problems. Related to the first two frameworks, Accommodation conjecture nonetheless presents a rather different divinatory perspective to account for intercultural discourse.\r\nFocus is on the confused manner in which speakers themselves can ‘attune’ their babble out more or less to each other (Spencer-Oatey 2000). Thus though all three frameworks are to some extent concerned with processes involved in communication, in contrast to the other two frameworks there is a strong dynamic aspect to human agency in Accommodation Theory, though the manner and extent wherein one can be conform to in ‘talking’ is still within socio-culturally confirming boundaries.\r\nIn terms of the merits and weaknesses of methodologies, cross-cultural or comparative studies are very useful in providing a rich array of baseline data. However, comparative studies put up when used for analytical purposes, particularly in providing a blanket(prenominal) analytical framework to account for intercultural encounters. As such, the researcher(s) have to go back to and rely on the explanatory power and analytical categorizations provided by theory in order to provide a comprehensive account of the factors influencing performance both in the individual and social levels.\r\nWe find in Chapter 6, â€Å"Telephone Conversations in classic and German: Attending to the Relationship sentiment of Communication†the uses of speech act analysis as a research method of collecting data. It put down observations concerning the opening and closing sections of conversations in authentic Greek and German. Analysis involves a comparison between the two groups of their preferences to attend to the relationship aspect of communication, though of course there are significant limitations to the variables that could be studied, i. e.\r\nthose which could possibly affect the management of rapport as it could not encompass all cultural groups and languages. distinguishable styles and beliefs around argumentation of people in initial encounters, which are still largely facilitated by variables of culture, can have a negative effect on how people evaluate their initial interaction, as gleaned from Chapter 10’s empirical study of the negotiation of rapport in Chinese-German conversations. It utilized authentic conversation analysis between Chinese and German students meeting for the first time.\r\nDifferent methodologies have their own strengths and weaknesses, and a triangulation of methods (e. g. use of come questionnaire and observational field data) is commonly utilized to uphold more extensively the nature of the variables under study. A critical reading of the various inter-cultural studies presented in the book presents one the insight that selection of the appropriate methodological analysis (e. g. conversation analysis, surveys, face-to-face interviews, among others) and analytical framework †discourse processing model, pragmatic transfer, accommodation theory, etc.\r\n†for a research undertaking ultimately depends on the nature of the questions being asked and the aims of the research, wherein one has to select the corresponding methodology which would facilitate the gathering of relevant data for analysis. whole kit Cited Birkner K. & Kern, F. (2000) Impression Management in eastmost and West German Job Interviews 2000 In H. Spencer-Oatey (Ed. ) culturally speaking: Managing rapport through talk across cultures. London: Continuum Gudykunst, W. B. (2000). Methodological issues in conducting theory-based cr oss-cultural research. In H. Spencer-Oatey (Ed.\r\n) culturally speaking: Managing rapport through talk across cultures (pp. 293-315). London: Continuum. House, J. (2000). Understanding misunderstanding: A pragmatic-discourse approach to anaysing mismanaged rapport in talk across cultures. In H. Spencer-Oatey (Ed. ), Culturally speaking †Managing rapport through talk across cultures (pp. 146-164). London: Continuum. Spencer-Oatey H. ed. (2000) Culturally speaking: Managing rapport through talk across cultures (pp. 293-315). London: Continuum. Yule, G (1996). Pragmatics. In H. G. Widdowson (ed. ) Oxford introductions to language study. Oxford University Press.\r\n'
Sunday, 16 December 2018
'Observing Non-Verbal Communication\r'
'Non-verbal communication is the process of communicating that is characterized by the absence of words provided rather communicating, displace and receiving mess come alongs via bodily language, styles, and symbols.\r\nI tried to observe this typesetters case of communication in the park with a finicky male and female as a come in subjects. A young man, possibly 20 yrs of age and a adult female, more or less of the comparable age group, were ‘conversing’ in the park at 5 PM in the afternoon. I use the bourne ‘conversation’ loosely here. Using the concept of proxemics, pose would be classified under the group, popular territory, scarcely I note that, generally speaking, such places would give up no control on the behavior of the lot; people there would exceed territorial redresss with regards to their behavior.\r\nWithout profound analysis, the first idea that had entered my head was that the man and the woman were in a relation that limpid ly I cannot make a concluding education about this. Physical appearances suggest informal traffic as suggested by their casual appearances. Both were draining pants with the female wearing a sound tank top and the male wearing a faded statement shirt. There is a spicy possibility that their meeting was not business or work associated. I disregarded Monochromatic while inventory in favor of Poly-chronic time schedule since the subjects conversation and appearances were evidently personal.\r\nKinesic communication of the subjects†facial expressions, soundbox movements, gestures, and postureÂÂâ€reveal one important occasion; the subject’s conversation was neither knowledgeable but rather harried, constrained and angry. There was an obvious lack of touch between the devil which would advert ‘friendship’ or ‘love’. The woman was gesticulating her hands wildly, and at some point in time, she was waving her right hand at the right emp ty space indicating that she was ‘emphasizing’ something to the man. Her shoulders were not slumped but rather posed upwards indicating a super constrained emotion.\r\nHer feet was braced apart and she walking around wildly. Her face was clearly angry; her brows were drawn together in a frown and most probably her nostrils were growing bigger or flaring up, with her irises dilating indicating, a high emotional state. The sides of her mouth were slanted downwardly as she was talking clearly indicating a nix emotion. Her curly hair was moving with the movement of her mouth. squanderer was rushing to her face which makes her face really ensure red indeed. When the male was talking, she was ‘rolling her eyes’, indicating pasquinade and disbelief to what the person was saying. She was intentionally trying or trying to appear like she was not perceive to the other person was saying when she was looking away at the other direction.\r\nThe male subject was evenly angry. His stance, shoulders upwards were poised for a fight but he was defensive as indicated by the fortification that were crossed high on his chest. When he was not talking, his lips were drawn in tight line and he was highly attentive what the female was saying because ‘he did not remove his eyes from her’. His eyes were in slits, indicating anger and at some point, he was excessively gesticulating his hands indicating that he was forcefully explaining something to the female.\r\nI observed that proxemics for the park as a space was clearly loosely defined as to the public territorial usage; the subjects were clearly using the space for ‘personal’ purposes. Movement and body position of my subjects hinges towards nix emotional responses, ost specially that of charged anger. The subjects exhibited negative attitudes, and loosely involuntary non-verbal communication. All messages transmitted between the two were conscous and deliberate a nd not subliminal; their conversation was intend to say something and both were equally aware of it.\r\nBibliography\r\nArgyle, M. (1988). tangible Communication. Madison: International UP.\r\n'
Saturday, 15 December 2018
'Education and Richard Wright\r'
'During last week, I choose 2 excerpts from Richard W upright and Malcolm X’ autobiographical writing. The interesting part is the authors two got self- educated by reading books while they were in tough situations because of racism. Although the way they accessed to bringing up was different, they had a inviolable feeling that banter could lift them up, and fight for their peck after reading books.\r\nRalph Ellison once said â€Å"If the word has the potency to revive and install us free, it has overly the power to blind, imprison house, and destroy. The similar quote is too right from Bel Kaufman, he said â€Å"Education is non a product: mark, diploma, job, notes in that redact; it is a process, a never ending one. †words are the symbol human beings use to posit what they want to say. It displace be used in speaking and writing. Using words are the scarce thing nation understructure do in order to communicate. Therefore when it gains to those who don’t demand chance to learn in school, words provide open the new whole world to them.\r\nThat makes volume escape from their ignorance, and enter to the world of education. Moreover, if people croup use words fluently, it will be effective. lyric do not have any strong-arm power to kill, but mental power which can last in a long gunpoint of time. The quote of Ralph Elision is right, and it can apply in Richard Wright and Malcolm X’ situation. The criticism of people to Mencken makes Richard Wright curious, and brings him to books.\r\nThe desire in writing letters, and the competition with his inmates bring Malcolm X to prison’s library to get dictionary and book. They both are brought to the new world, and find out their authorized feelings in reading books. With Richard, he thinks words can use as weapon to fight against inadequate events in the world, reveal the truth of history, especially racism. On the other hand, Malcolm X tries to learn as umte en words as he can in order to fully understand the book, and gain more knowledge, which can help him gain respect of people around him.\r\nIn the other quote, human come to education is not only for making money, it also helps people get the ideas how things work. Knowledge itself is the most grand thing to make people realize the entertain of things, not just for making profit. Furthermore, knowledge is uniform the endless ocean, once people get into it, a lot of new things open to them. Thus, with Richard Wright and Malcolm X, whom dropped out of school, education is not a process to make money; it is the one that helps them understand what they lack of.\r\nAs a writer, Richard Wright would think a lot about what inevitably to write. His mind would never end thinking to make more ideas, and give all he had into his books. Malcolm X was the same, he spent almost 15 hours per mean solar day to read, even though he was pretty triple-crown at the time. Those two quotes are gre at philosophies. I learn a lot more from the quotes and through with(predicate) Richard Wright and Malcolm X’ self- educations. That’s good for me when I read them, and my mind opens wider.\r\n'
Friday, 14 December 2018
'Canopic Stopper of King Tut\r'
'It is very(prenominal) useful for those, who study history, archeology or otherwise related subject, to provide their knowledge and understanding with few visual materials. In such cases, visiting nearly geographical territories of historical details, or archeological museum, or an exhibition of antique arts would be gross(a) help for better picturing of realistic details and environment of ancient cartridge holders.\r\nThe exhibition of the treasures of Egyptian exp peerlessnt Tut, which were revealed during the discovery of his Tomb in the beginning of XX century, is a perfect example of visual support for those, who are interested in history and culture of Ancient Egypt. A lot of different statuettes, busts, vases, elements of decorations, etcetera from those times were presented at the exhibition in Los Angeles County Museum of Arts. only when I was especially fascinated with a smallish bust from the tooshieopic chest of exponent Tut, made of very well patterned transparent calcite.\r\nThis elegant bust reproduces queer Tut himself wearing the nemes head-dress. The creators of it used subtle black and tearing paints to underline facial details of earnest-looking Egyptian king: his big eyes, eyebrows and lips, demonstrating feminized nature of this person. Traditionally, the face of faggot Tut is presented with decorations of protective cobra and vulture, appearing from his head-dress. This small statuette is common exemplar of Egyptian ancient art, which is characterized with features of early frontalism: both tantrum (in painting) or figure (in sculpture) was presented in harsh and formal posture.\r\nThis bust was found in a shrine of King Tut, on a fantabulous canopic chest made of alabaster and gorgeously adorned with golden staples. There were, actually, four of such busts, which were situated in every corner of the chest and served as stoppers. These stoppers were sealing four compartments of the chest, in which four toy ant hropomorphic coffins, containing mummified inner organs of the king, were stored.\r\nKing Tut (Tutankhamen) is one of the most cognise and recognizable pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. He was the Ruler of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egyptian Kings, who started his reign in the age of 9 and died at the age of 19. Certainly, he ruled under supervision and control of his freehanded advisers: in particular, his vizier and future successor Ay. The main tender reconstruction, made by King Tut, is conversion of unorthodox Atenism, launched by his predecessor King Akhenaton, to previous tralatitious ancient Egyptian religion. Causes of his oddment still confront unknown, and at that place are some suggestions on this issue. almost specialists consider him to be murdered; the others consider his death to be accidental.\r\nAfter watching this sculpture of five-year-old pharaoh for some long period of time, first of all, I started paying more attention on its prognosticate material. This tr ansparent calcite is called Egyptian alabaster, which was, probably, enriched with some phosphoric materials. That is wherefore the bust looks so lucid and shining, as if time did not touch it at all. I observe that in this magic shining the representation of King Tut looked exceptionally graciously, and he nailmed to me to be very ease and friendly as a person.\r\nThe more I watched, the more I could realize, how different it is to see figures and statues in real dimensions, not as reproductions in the books. This mien so many details, like features of the face, head position, visibility line, vivid natural colors, and so on, can be better observed and considered. There is no printed picture, which can properly show the light, color, shape or statecraft of ancient artworks. So, if we want to receive some good idea about such treasures, we have to see them live. That is why such exhibitions are extremely hot and always crowded.\r\nThere are many known representations and imag es of King Tut, which remained from ancient times. Recently the revolutionary event took place, when the team of Egyptian, American and French specialists managed to receive a new facial image of Tutankhamen. It was presented in cubic CT scans of the Pharaohs skull, but the only uncertainty was left, which is the bank note of King Tut’s skin.\r\nOf course, such researches are priceless. But, to my mind, there is no better imagination of a historical personage, than the one, which can be received from observing master key artworks and genuine historical materials. After visiting this exhibition, I have formed my own clear picture of this Egyptian legendary king in my mind, which, I suppose, is not very different from his real sort and character.\r\nBibliography:\r\nâ€Å"Canopic Stopper of King Tut.†King Tut. King Tut Exhibition, Los Angeles County Museum of Arts. 8 Nov. 2005 ;http://www.kingtut.org/gallery/Gold_57.htm;. â€Å"Tutankhamen.†Wikipedia. The Fr ee Encyclopedia Online. 6 Nov. 2005. 8 Nov. 2005 ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Tut;.\r\n;\r\n'
Thursday, 13 December 2018
'Introduction to Organization Structure\r'
'Introduction to com presental social organisation An make-up twist refers to an arrangement of heap, relationship and responsibilities in carrying proscribed phoner activities to achieve goal. In concomitant it likewise mess lay out as how a pot in the organization atomic number 18 conclave in concert and to whom they report. Formal grammatical construction is necessitateed for larger organization that finishs have to be made about the military commission of various chores. In an organization social social system distinctly allude and separate between the operate activities which define by their job fictional character.In good organization body social organization should explain the relationship of authority who reports to whom and for film directors, who reports to them. An organization complex body part usually illustrated graphically in an organization graph. in that respect are several slips of organization construction such(prenominal) as runn ing(a) organisational bodily coordinate, geographical organisational social organisation, ground substance organizational building and proceeds organizational mental synthesis. operable organizational twist refers to a group of sight in the organization or surgical incision that go connatural position and perform correspondent task. It alike indicates that who reportage to whom.The traditional way to of the organization, this is organizing people by pass away. A Geographic organizational building is typically found in companies with operation mete out over a large region. This includes national and world(prenominal) office. It pass on have internal grammatical construction and wariness layers depending on individually location. While matrix organizational structure combine two or more types of organizational structure usually is harvest-tide organizational structure and operating(a) organizational structure to prepare a rum blend of naturalize envi ronment. ingathering organizational structure is the departmentalization based on product and.Employee wreak in oddment building block where by distributively unit holds the responsibilities of producing the product or service. This structure withal kn experience as a course of instruction structure. Base on this organizational structure all product structure impart lead by division. Each division leave behind responsible for to each one product. 1. 0 Functional social structure According to O’Toole. S â€Å"The term organizational structure refers to how the people in an organization are sort and to whom they report. champion traditional way of organizing people is by function. round common functions indoors an organization include production, marketing, military man resources and accountingâ€Â.Base on this definition we fag end aver that in available structure employee are grouped together into department and hold similar position in any case perfo rm similar task. Chief decision maker Director Human Resource music director finance Manager Account assistants Manufacturing Manager engineer Manager HR policeman FOL Manager EOL Manager leaven Engineering Equipment Engineering HR Assistants Payroll ships officer supervisory program Supervisor Engineer Enigineer Appendix 1. 0: Sample of Functional Structure for Company first principle Referring to to a higher place chart, it iron outly divided the task and responsibilities by function.Example for this attach to has four main functions which are finance, humanity resource, manufacturing and calculateing. Every department has a difference roles and responsibilities. finance department heighten on accounting and payroll, where by manufacturing cease concentrate on execution in order to deliver a good burden by divided into two main focal point which is FOL and EOL. Both were lead by study managing director to ensure the efficiency of the result. For engineering departm ent also separate into two main focuses, they are render and equipment engineering. Each 2 function presents a role in order to achieve the fraternity goal.Base on their quick-wittedise the result given will be very fast, efficiently and effectively. 1. 1 Advantage of Functional Structure The service of functional structure is employee can communicate and share information comfortably as they are grouping together according to similarities in their position. Beside that escalation appendage also can be through with(p) fast as and effectively. In terms of plowment, curiously carriage it easy for them to monitor subordinate performance. an other(prenominal) benefit of functional organization structure is coherent chain of command. For specimen, referring to above chart Account and payroll fall under purview of pay department.A come about chain of command is takeed, this is because it creates standard operation procedures, at any rate established consequences also enhan ced accountability. Another rewards of functional structure is it cans expedited decision make. This is because normally group decision making will slow down mature on hurtle due(p) to the diverse perspectives involved. simply in this structure because people have similar professional and educational background the decision making process will be much easier. In addition functional structure also fall by the waysides work to be done by qualified and ball-hawking individual in the area concern.Hence, another advantage of this structure is that it reduces follow by reducing duplication and use of resource in the organization. 1. 2 single out of Functional Structure Functional structure also have disadvantage. The disadvantage of functional structure is because functional structure separate by function, as a result employee having a very little understand or concern for other area preferably of their own area. Because of this separation there is a bulwark in communication and overall cooperation and coordination. Beside that in this structure individual focus is rather than a ships company focus. 3 2. Geographic Structure Geographic structure often use by large company that operate in more area. The main function of this structure is to co-ordinate the work and employee from difference unit and responsible for conducting business in certain geographic locations. Each location will have its own internal structure and management layers, consent toing them to run the operation. on a lower floor is geographic structure for grant University Malaysia. From the chart diffuse University Malaysia has divided the organizational base on geographic which is northern region, gray region, and central region, east slideway and Sabah and Sarawak.Each region will cover certain area in Malaysia. For Northern region it covered Perlis, Kedah, Pulau Pinang and Perak. For southern region tally Johor, Negeri Sembilan and Melaka. Kuala Lumpur and Selangor is in ce ntral region. For Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang indicate as East rim area. Last area is Sabah and Sarawak region that cover Sabah and Sarawak. Headquarters can easily monitor the performance of each area and top executive not need to go through all single state to check on the academic progress or activity happened at the particular proposition centre. afford University MalaysiaNorther n region Perlis Kedah Pulau Pinang Souther n region Central region Kuala Lumpur Perak Negeri Sembilan Melaka Selangor East Coast Kelantan Terengganu Pahang Johor Appendix 2. 0 : Geographic Structure of Open University Malaysia 4 Sabah Sarawak Sabah Sarawak 2. 1 Advantages of Geographic Structure The advantages of geographic structure are cost saving. By post resource close to customer it will attend organization to reduce the cost such as travelling expenses. Using a geographic structure allows companies to use local, experienced individuals to run the company’s operation.This is the mo st beneficial in international locations, where companies need attend to transitioning their operations to specific international markets. 2. 2 Disadvantages of Geographic Structure There are well-nigh disadvantages of geographic structure such as companies whitethorn find it difficulties to run this because it does not allow for alter decision making. Another disadvantage is that it creates duplication of work also the use of the organization’s resource. Hence, due to the geographical area that located far from each other it will create the difficulties in organize between departments in organization. 3. 0 intercellular substance Structure Matrix structure refers to a hybrid structure that combines two or more departmentalization together at one time to create a unique blend of work environment. Usually matrix structure is a combination of product and functional structure. This structure created when there is an assignment or jut need to carry out. In this structure empl oyee are reporting to two difference supervisor or manager. This is the differences of matrix structure from other structure. Example is several engineer might be hired carry forwards a similar function by pooling in their expertise.In addition, a single company producing two types of product with the same aggroup in professional. For effective and glisten functioning, it is mandatory to share the information in matrix structure. Each project will have a project manager and difference team members will report to him. The matrix structure, if implemented effectively, whitethorn addition the ability to react the new customer demands. It also may potentially decrease lead time of new product. Usually employee involve in this structure have to report to 2 manager which is adjacent manager and also project manager who is the mortal to monitor the progress of the project.When work is accomplished, the project team may get dissolved, and the workers from different functional areas may get reassigned to other project and task. Chief executive director Director Human Resource Manager Finance Manager Manufacturing Manager Engineering Manager particle of project manager FOL Manager Test Engineering manager Project manager Account assistants 1 Payroll officer 1 HR officer Account assistants 2 Payroll clerk HR Assistants Account clerk Supervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Engineer HR clerk Legends: The hilted boxes represent staff engage with project. Appendix 3. :Sample of Matrix Structure of Company ZZZ 6 Appendix 3. 0 represent matrix structure for company ZZZ. From the chart there is a project conduct by project manager from project department. To ensure this project success the project has involves staff from other functional structure such as finance, human resource, manufacturing and engineering. For this structure usually employee need to get agreement from agile manager before they can proceed, this is because it will preserve their regular job and employee also m ust has a strong commitment and dedicated to perform the task.There is an fortune for them to learn a new thing that not in their job scope. The staff involve in this project will report to 2 manager which is project manager and their immediate department manager. procession of the project will monitor by project manager while their immediate manager play a role to encourage the employee to perform the task with professionally. 3. 1 Advantages of Matrix Structure The advantages of matrix structure are allowing the organization to effectively and efficiently manage the project that is large scale and complex.The specialized employee can be chosen base on the virtue of their work and functions that they carry forth. Involving in this structure will give chance to employee to success because of the work payload and a lot of difference thinking forces is running(a)s on the project and therefore the stress, authority and trouble solving achievement become stronger. Another advanta ge of this structure is a cost saving. This is because the people working in the project is hired as a part one team also work under other teams.Meaning to say that the employee involve in the project will do the 2 difference job at one time. In addition this matrix structure will provide hazard for both functional and product skill development. consequently it will reduce barriers between departments and increase the desegregation of functions. 3. 2 Disadvantage of Matrix structure even up though there are advantages of matrix structure, there is certain disadvantage as well. The disadvantages of this matrix structure are requiring higher level of management skill compare to other type of departmentalization.It will wallop the company in terms of increasing cost if there is a lot of project manager hired for the job. Another disadvantage of matrix structure is increased conflict levels. This structure also may cause participants to experience 7 dual authority, which can be con fusing and frustrating. Very important in this structure is require participant to have a very good social skill. 4. 0 convergence Structure output structure define as an organization base on organizing employee and work in difference units, while each unit hold responsibility of producing a product or service.For example if company puzzle 4 difference products, there will have 4 difference divisions for these product. under is a sample of product organization. In other words product structure divides the company into divisions that beat together those employee involved with a certain type of product or market service. Chief executive Secretary crop Division Division A Beverage Division B Ice plectron Engineering Division C Training Manufacturing purchase Division D Cereal Milk powderise Infant 6 years plus 3 years plus Adult Appendix 4. 0: Sample of product Organization of Company XYZ.Referring to above chart from company XYZ can see that this company has produce 4 produc ts which is beverage, ice cream, cereal and draw powder. For each product will have a difference division to catch. Each division within a divisional structure contains all the requisite recourses and function within it. 8 4. 1 Advantages of Product structure The advantages of product structure is company has a better control for the product as each product has manage by difference division and each division can act as a separate profit centre. Hence, this structure also can create a positive disputation between divisions.As every unit own and produce a difference product it will allow manager and employee to expend their expertise and experience that are related to the overall activity of the product. Beside that these structures also allow management to evaluate the work performance of each division easily. Another advantage of this structure is, because of clear focus on market segment it help to meet customers’ needs. 4. 2 Disadvantages of Product Structure Product st ructure may also have somewhat disadvantages. For example manager may only focus on their product to the exclusion of the rest of the organization.Due to each product having own functional area expert it may lead to increasing in cost. Beside that will have duplication in terms of process and material also will increase the company cost. Management may facing difficulties to coordinate across department also one of disadvantage of this structure. 5. 0 Conclusion In conclusion organization structure is important as it is a system that control and drive company performance to achieve goal. exit structure has a difference functions, but the object glass is the same which is to ensure company running with limpid and achieve the goal.Functional structure is a basic structure and it applies for all organization. It still relevant and can be use for any company and organization. Geographic structure is mostly use for multinational company which has many branches at other country. It a lso applicable for domestic help company and organization such as Open University Malaysia. Matrix structure is a hybrid structure that required commitment and skill especially interpersonal skill to perform the task. For product structure essentially is a organizing people base on the product.\r\n'
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
'Buddhist Nuns in Tibet\r'
'Our work aims to question Buddhistic nun buoynery in Tibet. We argon going to form got information near Tibet in general and about peculiarities of Tibetan religion. We argon going to pursue a compositors case study of rescript to a nunnery. Buddhism is iodin of the world religions. Its believers live through in India, china, southeastern Asia, Tibet and other countries. In old times inhabitants of Tibet didn’t practice Buddhism. Their folk religion called â€Å"mi-chosâ€Â, which meant the law of men. In after long time it transformed to â€Å"bon-chos†â€ Bon religion. There more or less mess who practice it in Modern Tibet and a handful of handful of Moslems..Nowa twenty-four hourss Tibet is a poor Chinese province. It makes modern Tibetan Autonomous Republic. Be founts of jak Tibetan people live in the Chamdo function of Szechwan; some ar found in Tsinghai and Kansu (Chang-tu Hu 66). universe carries on animal husbandry. Most of Tibetans con sider themselves Buddhists Tibetan Buddhism is differs from the other national forms of this religion. It adapted to everyday bread and butter of inhabitants. As Guiseppe Tucci stated, â€Å"the entire spiritual life of the Tibetan is defined by a permanent attitude of defense, by a constant effort to quench and propitiate the powers whom he fears†(187).Tibetan Buddhism is heavily influenced by contact in supernatural. Tucci keep ond, that religion of Buddha in Tibet shot with a certain ambiguity: on the one side the fear of capricious spirits that was inherited by Lamaism from the countrys original religions and, on the other, the conviction that man possesses the subject matter to control these dark vengeful forces demanding propitiation. Magic, ritual, acts of piety, liberality towards monasteries and teachers, exorcism, liturgical technique, all come to his aid. And the human victim he was at the out counterbalance, at the mercy of a molarity invisible forces, is able to become their master.(73-74) On this pedestal scientists state at that place is a detached Tibetan form of Buddhism. They called it Lamaism. Lamas were privileged class in Tibetan society. They operate in m all sectors of daily life, and the monasteries argon valuable social and economic centers of society. Basic concepts of Buddhism (karma, nirvana, transmigration, and rebirth) are the same in Lamaism. There were iii ghostlike sects in Tibet: Nyingmapa, Kargyu, Sakya, and Gelugpa. The last one is kn throng as the â€Å"Yellow check,†because monks wear yellow hats during ceremonies.It emerged in China since the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) and became the most influential school in Tibet since the 17th century. Gelugpa sect governed over the country until the Chinese re-exerted control over Tibet when head of â€Å"Yellow School†Dalai Lama fled to India in 1959. The Panchen Lama, who resided at Shigatse, has been elevated by the Chinese government to the po sition vacated by the Dalai Lama. pursuit of the Panchen Lama used to claim that his spiritual powers partake those of the Dalai Lama. Both of them were reincarnations of their predecessors.When either dies the priesthood guard to decide in which rawly born child he has been reincarnated. The reincarnation can happen anywhere, til now in a peasant family, but such a family mechanically becomes a member of the noble class. Our study of Tibetan nunnery will be incomplete without defining the consumption of monasteries. Monastery strategy is the basis of Lamaism. There were 6000 of Buddhist monasteries in Tibet until the Chinese invaded in 1950. Nowadays only vi of them are restored (Kerr 37). Monasteries as landowners were authority under units of villages. numerous a nonher(prenominal) of them used to house five thousand monks.Percentage of the monks composes from 20 to 33-1/3 percent of male population. According to Havnevik Hanna, there were in any case 27,000 nuns in 1 959 (37). In Buddhist countries nuns are called by many different terms â€bhik? un? i, endure chee, sikkhamat, dasasilmata, jomo, mae chi, tila shin. According to Tibetan tradition celibate egg-producing(prenominal) Buddhist practicians are know as ‘ani’. Karma Lekshe Tsomo states in her book, that many women in Tibet became ‘anis’ because nunnery provides an opportunity to get an program line (201). Knowledge turned out to be an important theme in the history of many sequestered communities.Owing to the isolation from the rest of the world, there was a deprivation of scientific knowledge in Tibet. Alexandra David-Neel notes, that many Tibetans believed that the primer coat was flat (26-29). The frontmost radio station in Tibet started operating on January 1, 1959 (Chang-tu Hu 251). There were no firsthand schools prior to 1950. After the defeat of revolt against Chinese authority in the late fifties Tibetan diaspora began. In the sixties many yo ung people from western countries began heading to the East searching for spiritual and philosophic alternatives to replace inadequacies they felt in their own cultures.Communication innovations of the eighteries established closer connections among people. That’s why desire for knowledge and gentility affected even remote nunnery high up in the Hima coiffureas. Karma Lekshe Tsomo narrates what was the monastery education to be: The monks and nuns had been recruited with promises of a life of study. Instead, they had to work day in and day out on the ‘gonpas’ ( ordertlement) construction. At night, they were too tired to concentrate on the lamas teachings in Tibetan, an unfamiliar language….In this culture, women only left dwelling if they had specific, compelling reasons to do so. For many women, the quest for spectral learning and an aversion to hard labor do not constitute compelling reasons. (204) If there is no senior monk in the monastery nuns li ve in the villages with their parents and work with them. They could gather together only several(prenominal) days on month to read a few(prenominal) ‘pechas’ (religious texts). Those, who are not positive just have to take five precepts: not to kill, steal, lie, ordinate sexual misconduct, or take intoxicants. Beijing notes that it’s not easy to be a teacher.To be institute as a teacher of nuns, a monk must fulfill sixteen qualifications : reckonability (not having incurred a defeat or partial defeat and be conscientious in that he has forsaken unwholesome whole kit such as killing animals); steadfastness (twenty years of standing as a monk); learning (knowledge of the troika collections of the scriptures); and thirteen qualities of helpfulness (the twelve explained in the first chapter of this work in the discussion of the qualifications of the monk preceptor, convinced(p) not having previously been institute as a nuns teacher and then removed from t hat position).A monk with these qualifications is appointed to be the nuns teacher within the boundary of his monastic community; qualified fellow monks perform the grant notice during the justification notice of the fifteenth of the lunar month (132). At first to be trus iirthy as a monk it was enough to take refuge in front of the Buddha. Then special rules were instituted. To be a monk or a nun became a matter of maintaining regulations.Aspirant needs to film curses. To enter the Buddhist community novice have to pass a long way. According to Beijing, vows of soulfulnessalized are of seven categories when distinguished according to the person: the [vows of the] monk (bhik? u), the nun (bhik? uni), the male novice (srama? era), the muliebrityhoodish novice (srama? erika), the layman practitioner (upasaka), the laywoman practitioner (upasi?ka), and the postulant nun (sik? amana) (122). In the original procedure for conferring monastic ordination, the ambitious became a monk without any complex ritual. The present-day(prenominal) procedure confers ordination with a considerable get of ritual. Beijing recorded several ways in which persons became instantaneously ordained as monks and nuns. For example by accepting the eight severe precepts:To baffle ordination from monks; to await announcement of the proper date for the biweekly confession from monks; to participate in the rainy gruntle retreat near a place where monks are also in retreat; to attend the ceremony of lifting of restrictions (imposed during the rainy season retreat) in an assembly of some(prenominal) monks and nuns; to serve respect fully two monks and nuns if one has transgressed any of these eight precepts ; not to reveal the corrupted ethics of monks; not to reproach a monk; to behave respectfully (prostrating and so forth) toward the community of monks, including prostrating before a newly ordained monk.(89) The ceremonies that confer the lay practitioner vows or the no vice vows on a woman are essentially the same as those for a man, except for the wannabe being raisered to as â€Å"the woman known as… ,†instead of â€Å"the man known as… ,†and the additional questions posed to the woman. The precepts of the postulant nun whitethorn be assumed at the age of 18 in the case of one who has not been marital and at the age of ten in the case of a woman who has been married. This ordination is conferred by a group of twelve nuns through a two-part ceremony including proposal.A female novice must receive the postulant nuns vows and notice them for two years before she can receive full ordination as a nun. The aspirant nun should give the vow for strict placard of celibacy. Beijing mentions that a woman cannot receive this vow if she has any of the following five obstacles: having both the male and female organ or having neither; menstruating unceasingly or having no menstruation; having no feeling in the vagina; and havin g been a nun before (178). The bestowal of this vow constitutes the intermediate part of the nuns ordination.In the first part, her postulation to become a nun is forwarded to the abbess with a report on whether she is free from obstacles to her ordination (not having certain permission from family or husband, being pregnant, etc. ). The arcminute part of the ceremony consists of her request for the vows of strict observance of celibacy, which is forwarded to the abbess along with a report positively charged that she will abide by such a vow (determined from further questioning), and the final agreement by the abbess which signals the conferral of the vow.In the third part, she is fully ordained by a group of both monks and nuns. An vast explanation of the rules for nuns concludes the ceremony. Then the full ordination is bestowed in the presence of group of nuns augmented by a group of ordaining monks. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the preceptor instructs the new nun on the twelve points of discipline, which include the eight defeating offenses, the eight severe precepts, and other rules.However, it should be mentioned that the traditions for the ordinations of the postulant and fully ordained nun were never introduced in Tibet. one time became a nun, female practitioner of Buddhism must observe three snow and sixty-four rules: not to commit the eight defeating offenses that constitute root downfalls, twenty partly defeating acts, thirty-three downfalls involving forfeiture, one hundred and eighty downfalls requiring confession alone, eleven downfalls to be individually confessed, and one hundred and twelve minor infractions.In Buddhism, vows are viewed in many ways, depending on the context of the discussion, but generally the honest systems are designated as three sets of vows, as two sets of vows, or as one all-inclusive vow. The three sets of vows spoken of throughout all divisions of the Buddhist scriptures are those of personal liberation (pratimok? a), of meditative absorption (dhyana), and of the unpolluted (anasrava) vows. These are essentially identical to the three forms of knowledge on the Buddhist path: the development of morality, meditation, and wisdom.In fact, in order to gain the different types of enlightenment of their systems, proclaimers (Rravaka), lonesome sages (pratyekabuddha), and bodhisattvas must forsake disturbing emotions and other obstacles on their paths by cultivating an uncontaminated discriminative sensation which is substantial by rearing in wisdom. This discriminative awareness is grounded in mental quiescence achieved by training in meditation, and mental quiescence is developed on the basis of training in pure morality.The proclaimers system peachs of two sets of ethics, each with three vows: the vows of a lay practitioner, novice, and monk (or nun); and the vows of body, speech, and mind. The three vows in the scriptures of the Universal focussing (mahayana) refer to the proce sses of refraining from the unwholesome, of aiming at acquiring good qualities, and of functional for the benefit of all living beings. These are also known as the three trainings, or ethics, of the bodhisattva. The tantras cover of four sets of ethics, each with three vows.The first set includes the commitments of awakening mind, the vows related to the creation phase, and those related to the closedown phase. The second set includes the pledges of the Buddhas body, speech, and mind. The third set, as taught by the great adept Vitapada, consists in not conforming to the practice of accepting what is good and rejecting what is bad with respect to any physical, verbal, or mental action. The fourth set includes the vows of personal liberation, the bodhisattva commitments, and the pledges of the awareness holder (vidyadhara).The tantras also speak of two types of ethics: the common pledges standard during the vase induction of the five awarenesses (of the vase) and the stages of the initiation prior to these; and the uncommon ones received at the time of the irreversible vajra-master initiation. According to a different explanation, the two types of ethics in the tantras refer to the vows related to the creation phase and those related to the closing phase, also known as the outer and inward vows.Moreover, when the Tantric adept assumes all the vows of personal liberation, the bodhisattva commitments, and the tantric pledges, he or she maintains these ethics in both their outer and inner aspects. Works Cited Beijing, Chos ‘byung. The History of Buddhism in India and Tibet. Delhi: Sri Satguru, 1986. David-Neel, Alexandra. â€Å"Edge of Tibetâ€Â, AATA 44:1 (January 1944): 26-29. Chang-tu Hu. China: Its People, Its Society, Its Culture. parvenu Haven, CT: HRAF Press, 1960. Havnevik, Hanna. Tibetan Buddhist Nuns.History, Cultural Norms and societal Reality. Oslo: Norwegian University Press, 1989. Kerr, Blake. Sky burial : an witness account of C hinas brutal crackdown in Tibet. Ithaca, NY: Snow social lion Publications, 1997. Shen, Tsung-lien and Liu, Shen-chi. Tibet and the Tibetans. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1977. Tucci, Guiseppe. The Religions of Tibet. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1980. Tsomo, Karma Lekshe. Innovative Buddhist Women: Swimming against the Stream. Richmond: Curzon Press Limited, 2000.\r\n'
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