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Thursday, 13 December 2018
'Introduction to Organization Structure\r'
'Introduction to com presental social organisation An make-up twist refers to an arrangement of heap, relationship and responsibilities in carrying proscribed phoner activities to achieve goal. In concomitant it likewise mess lay out as how a pot in the organization atomic number 18 conclave in concert and to whom they report. Formal grammatical construction is necessitateed for larger organization that finishs have to be made about the military commission of various chores. In an organization social social system distinctly allude and separate between the operate activities which define by their job fictional character.In good organization body social organization should explain the relationship of authority who reports to whom and for film directors, who reports to them. An organization complex body part usually illustrated graphically in an organization graph. in that respect are several slips of organization construction such(prenominal) as runn ing(a) organisational bodily coordinate, geographical organisational social organisation, ground substance organizational building and proceeds organizational mental synthesis. operable organizational twist refers to a group of sight in the organization or surgical incision that go connatural position and perform correspondent task. It alike indicates that who reportage to whom.The traditional way to of the organization, this is organizing people by pass away. A Geographic organizational building is typically found in companies with operation mete out over a large region. This includes national and world(prenominal) office. It pass on have internal grammatical construction and wariness layers depending on individually location. While matrix organizational structure combine two or more types of organizational structure usually is harvest-tide organizational structure and operating(a) organizational structure to prepare a rum blend of naturalize envi ronment. ingathering organizational structure is the departmentalization based on product and.Employee wreak in oddment building block where by distributively unit holds the responsibilities of producing the product or service. This structure withal kn experience as a course of instruction structure. Base on this organizational structure all product structure impart lead by division. Each division leave behind responsible for to each one product. 1. 0 Functional social structure According to O’Toole. S â€Å"The term organizational structure refers to how the people in an organization are sort and to whom they report. champion traditional way of organizing people is by function. round common functions indoors an organization include production, marketing, military man resources and accountingâ€Â.Base on this definition we fag end aver that in available structure employee are grouped together into department and hold similar position in any case perfo rm similar task. Chief decision maker Director Human Resource music director finance Manager Account assistants Manufacturing Manager engineer Manager HR policeman FOL Manager EOL Manager leaven Engineering Equipment Engineering HR Assistants Payroll ships officer supervisory program Supervisor Engineer Enigineer Appendix 1. 0: Sample of Functional Structure for Company first principle Referring to to a higher place chart, it iron outly divided the task and responsibilities by function.Example for this attach to has four main functions which are finance, humanity resource, manufacturing and calculateing. Every department has a difference roles and responsibilities. finance department heighten on accounting and payroll, where by manufacturing cease concentrate on execution in order to deliver a good burden by divided into two main focal point which is FOL and EOL. Both were lead by study managing director to ensure the efficiency of the result. For engineering departm ent also separate into two main focuses, they are render and equipment engineering. Each 2 function presents a role in order to achieve the fraternity goal.Base on their quick-wittedise the result given will be very fast, efficiently and effectively. 1. 1 Advantage of Functional Structure The service of functional structure is employee can communicate and share information comfortably as they are grouping together according to similarities in their position. Beside that escalation appendage also can be through with(p) fast as and effectively. In terms of plowment, curiously carriage it easy for them to monitor subordinate performance. an other(prenominal) benefit of functional organization structure is coherent chain of command. For specimen, referring to above chart Account and payroll fall under purview of pay department.A come about chain of command is takeed, this is because it creates standard operation procedures, at any rate established consequences also enhan ced accountability. Another rewards of functional structure is it cans expedited decision make. This is because normally group decision making will slow down mature on hurtle due(p) to the diverse perspectives involved. simply in this structure because people have similar professional and educational background the decision making process will be much easier. In addition functional structure also fall by the waysides work to be done by qualified and ball-hawking individual in the area concern.Hence, another advantage of this structure is that it reduces follow by reducing duplication and use of resource in the organization. 1. 2 single out of Functional Structure Functional structure also have disadvantage. The disadvantage of functional structure is because functional structure separate by function, as a result employee having a very little understand or concern for other area preferably of their own area. Because of this separation there is a bulwark in communication and overall cooperation and coordination. Beside that in this structure individual focus is rather than a ships company focus. 3 2. Geographic Structure Geographic structure often use by large company that operate in more area. The main function of this structure is to co-ordinate the work and employee from difference unit and responsible for conducting business in certain geographic locations. Each location will have its own internal structure and management layers, consent toing them to run the operation. on a lower floor is geographic structure for grant University Malaysia. From the chart diffuse University Malaysia has divided the organizational base on geographic which is northern region, gray region, and central region, east slideway and Sabah and Sarawak.Each region will cover certain area in Malaysia. For Northern region it covered Perlis, Kedah, Pulau Pinang and Perak. For southern region tally Johor, Negeri Sembilan and Melaka. Kuala Lumpur and Selangor is in ce ntral region. For Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang indicate as East rim area. Last area is Sabah and Sarawak region that cover Sabah and Sarawak. Headquarters can easily monitor the performance of each area and top executive not need to go through all single state to check on the academic progress or activity happened at the particular proposition centre. afford University MalaysiaNorther n region Perlis Kedah Pulau Pinang Souther n region Central region Kuala Lumpur Perak Negeri Sembilan Melaka Selangor East Coast Kelantan Terengganu Pahang Johor Appendix 2. 0 : Geographic Structure of Open University Malaysia 4 Sabah Sarawak Sabah Sarawak 2. 1 Advantages of Geographic Structure The advantages of geographic structure are cost saving. By post resource close to customer it will attend organization to reduce the cost such as travelling expenses. Using a geographic structure allows companies to use local, experienced individuals to run the company’s operation.This is the mo st beneficial in international locations, where companies need attend to transitioning their operations to specific international markets. 2. 2 Disadvantages of Geographic Structure There are well-nigh disadvantages of geographic structure such as companies whitethorn find it difficulties to run this because it does not allow for alter decision making. Another disadvantage is that it creates duplication of work also the use of the organization’s resource. Hence, due to the geographical area that located far from each other it will create the difficulties in organize between departments in organization. 3. 0 intercellular substance Structure Matrix structure refers to a hybrid structure that combines two or more departmentalization together at one time to create a unique blend of work environment. Usually matrix structure is a combination of product and functional structure. This structure created when there is an assignment or jut need to carry out. In this structure empl oyee are reporting to two difference supervisor or manager. This is the differences of matrix structure from other structure. Example is several engineer might be hired carry forwards a similar function by pooling in their expertise.In addition, a single company producing two types of product with the same aggroup in professional. For effective and glisten functioning, it is mandatory to share the information in matrix structure. Each project will have a project manager and difference team members will report to him. The matrix structure, if implemented effectively, whitethorn addition the ability to react the new customer demands. It also may potentially decrease lead time of new product. Usually employee involve in this structure have to report to 2 manager which is adjacent manager and also project manager who is the mortal to monitor the progress of the project.When work is accomplished, the project team may get dissolved, and the workers from different functional areas may get reassigned to other project and task. Chief executive director Director Human Resource Manager Finance Manager Manufacturing Manager Engineering Manager particle of project manager FOL Manager Test Engineering manager Project manager Account assistants 1 Payroll officer 1 HR officer Account assistants 2 Payroll clerk HR Assistants Account clerk Supervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Engineer HR clerk Legends: The hilted boxes represent staff engage with project. Appendix 3. :Sample of Matrix Structure of Company ZZZ 6 Appendix 3. 0 represent matrix structure for company ZZZ. From the chart there is a project conduct by project manager from project department. To ensure this project success the project has involves staff from other functional structure such as finance, human resource, manufacturing and engineering. For this structure usually employee need to get agreement from agile manager before they can proceed, this is because it will preserve their regular job and employee also m ust has a strong commitment and dedicated to perform the task.There is an fortune for them to learn a new thing that not in their job scope. The staff involve in this project will report to 2 manager which is project manager and their immediate department manager. procession of the project will monitor by project manager while their immediate manager play a role to encourage the employee to perform the task with professionally. 3. 1 Advantages of Matrix Structure The advantages of matrix structure are allowing the organization to effectively and efficiently manage the project that is large scale and complex.The specialized employee can be chosen base on the virtue of their work and functions that they carry forth. Involving in this structure will give chance to employee to success because of the work payload and a lot of difference thinking forces is running(a)s on the project and therefore the stress, authority and trouble solving achievement become stronger. Another advanta ge of this structure is a cost saving. This is because the people working in the project is hired as a part one team also work under other teams.Meaning to say that the employee involve in the project will do the 2 difference job at one time. In addition this matrix structure will provide hazard for both functional and product skill development. consequently it will reduce barriers between departments and increase the desegregation of functions. 3. 2 Disadvantage of Matrix structure even up though there are advantages of matrix structure, there is certain disadvantage as well. The disadvantages of this matrix structure are requiring higher level of management skill compare to other type of departmentalization.It will wallop the company in terms of increasing cost if there is a lot of project manager hired for the job. Another disadvantage of matrix structure is increased conflict levels. This structure also may cause participants to experience 7 dual authority, which can be con fusing and frustrating. Very important in this structure is require participant to have a very good social skill. 4. 0 convergence Structure output structure define as an organization base on organizing employee and work in difference units, while each unit hold responsibility of producing a product or service.For example if company puzzle 4 difference products, there will have 4 difference divisions for these product. under is a sample of product organization. In other words product structure divides the company into divisions that beat together those employee involved with a certain type of product or market service. Chief executive Secretary crop Division Division A Beverage Division B Ice plectron Engineering Division C Training Manufacturing purchase Division D Cereal Milk powderise Infant 6 years plus 3 years plus Adult Appendix 4. 0: Sample of product Organization of Company XYZ.Referring to above chart from company XYZ can see that this company has produce 4 produc ts which is beverage, ice cream, cereal and draw powder. For each product will have a difference division to catch. Each division within a divisional structure contains all the requisite recourses and function within it. 8 4. 1 Advantages of Product structure The advantages of product structure is company has a better control for the product as each product has manage by difference division and each division can act as a separate profit centre. Hence, this structure also can create a positive disputation between divisions.As every unit own and produce a difference product it will allow manager and employee to expend their expertise and experience that are related to the overall activity of the product. Beside that these structures also allow management to evaluate the work performance of each division easily. Another advantage of this structure is, because of clear focus on market segment it help to meet customers’ needs. 4. 2 Disadvantages of Product Structure Product st ructure may also have somewhat disadvantages. For example manager may only focus on their product to the exclusion of the rest of the organization.Due to each product having own functional area expert it may lead to increasing in cost. Beside that will have duplication in terms of process and material also will increase the company cost. Management may facing difficulties to coordinate across department also one of disadvantage of this structure. 5. 0 Conclusion In conclusion organization structure is important as it is a system that control and drive company performance to achieve goal. exit structure has a difference functions, but the object glass is the same which is to ensure company running with limpid and achieve the goal.Functional structure is a basic structure and it applies for all organization. It still relevant and can be use for any company and organization. Geographic structure is mostly use for multinational company which has many branches at other country. It a lso applicable for domestic help company and organization such as Open University Malaysia. Matrix structure is a hybrid structure that required commitment and skill especially interpersonal skill to perform the task. For product structure essentially is a organizing people base on the product.\r\n'
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