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Tuesday, 18 December 2018
'Managing Rapport through talk across Cultures Essay\r'
'Spencer-Oatey certainly does non neglect the concept of coating in her deem, the aid component of the rather lengthy title, though she concedes that ‘ enculturation’ is ‘notoriously difficult to define’ (Spencer-Oatey, 1). In champion of this, she cites several authors stick noted that â€Å"…despite a century of efforts to define enculturation adequately, thither was in the early 1990’s no agreement among anthropologists regarding its record,†(Apte 1994, p.\r\n2001) due to the ambiguity of the term, Spencer-Oatey (2000, 2) defines market-gardening as: â€Å"…a hirsute set of attitudes, beliefs, behavioral conventions, and elementary assumptions and determine that atomic number 18 provided by a group of lot, and that see each member’s behavior and his/her realiseations of the ‘ inwardness’ of some other people’s behavior. †This definition opens up the field for several issu es. At one point, culture is manifested â€Å"at different layers of depth, ranging from inner core basic assumptions and values, done with(predicate) outer core attitudes, beliefs and neighborly conventions, to fold level behavioral manifestations†(Spencer-Oatey, 2).\r\nThe second issue concerns the sub-sur suit aspects of culture as influencing people’s behavior and the meanings they themselves impute to the behavior of other people, i. e. personality. Due to the fact that the members of a heathenish group â€Å" atomic number 18 unlikely to shargon identical sets of attitudes, beliefs and so on, but rather represent family resemblances,†(Spencer-Oatey, 2), she puts forth the thesis that in that respect is â€Å"no strong set of features that can distinguish definitively one cultural group from another†(Spencer-Oatey, 2).\r\nThis is of cut through stemming from the thesis that culture is associated with social groups. In the social scienc es it is a habituated that all people simultaneously belong to a number of different groups and categories, e. g. ethnic groups, professional groups, sex groups, etc. Another authoritative term instanter related to culture is the concept of ‘cross-cultural,’ which for Spencer-Oatey (2000, 3) refers simply to comparative schooling, i. e. ‘data obtained independently from ii different cultural groups.\r\n’ A related term is that of ‘intercultural’ †interactive data obtained ‘when twain different cultural groups interact with each other’ (Spencer-Oatey, 3). The speaking component highlighted in the halt’s title itself refers to the management of social transaction as a detail aspect of intercourse. Spencer-Oatey goes can to the work of earlier authors such as Watzlawick, Beavin and capital of Mississippi (1967, as cited in Spencer-Oatey, 1) who had initially proposed that â€Å"all chideing to has a conten t component and relationship component.\r\n†In a similar study, Brown and Yule (1983) had identified ii main functions of language: the transactional (information-transferring) and the interactional (maintenance of social relationships), with two corresponding goals †the coherent and accurate conveying of information (transactional) and communication of friendliness and good will in a comfortable and unthreatening carriage (interactional). In both cases, culture definitely plays a portentous role, and in the two studies it is utilized as an instructive variable quantity.\r\nAttempting to use culture as an explanatory variable to accounting system for similarities and differences in communication crosswise cultures necessitates entrance ways to â€Å"unpackage†culture before it could be connect to communication outcomes and operative psychological constructs (Spencer-Oatey, 2000). There are propertys to cultural variability which could be viewed as psycho logically comparable among cultures, and these are often used as the tools to account for the differences. There remains however a number of problems in the use of cultural-level values to account for variability in communicative behavior crosswise languages and cultural groups.\r\nFollowing Gudykunst (2000, as cited in Spencer-Oatey) cultural level variables, e. g. man-to-manism and collectivism, prove to be wanting(p) if one aims to establish a exemplar providing causative explanations of social behavior. Cultural level variables may ca-ca a direct effect on social behaviors through its model on cultural norms and the rules specific to a conkrence culture yet it is measurable to note that the members of a culture are not socialized in the same way, nor do they latch on a culture’s rules to the same extent.\r\nAs such, the socialization processes at the individual level distinctly play a mediating role in the influence of cultural level variables on social behavio rs. With regards to communication, for Spencer-Oatey et al (2000) pragmaticalal variables, i. e. factors influencing how people both produce and interpret communicative behavior, can mayhap yield important dimensions of cultural variability at the individual level. Of particular interest are two influential aspects of socio-linguistic pragmatics †interactional ‘rules’ (maxims) and contextual factors.\r\nThe view that it has now become inevitable to move beyond a value attack in the conceptualization of culture has merit, and Spencer-Oatey provides the wished confirmable illustrations to give strength to the argument of the need to explore new ways of conceptualizing culture. Contemporary development in linguistics suggests two important ways in which culture can have an impact on language use: pragmatic maxims, and the conventions of use of a particular language (variety).\r\nIn illustrating the limits of culture as an explanatory variable, a discussion on courtesy possibleness is presented. ‘Politeness’ often refers to the â€Å"use of comparatively formal and differential language†(Spencer-Oatey, 2), though as Fraser and Nolan (1981, 96) carefully point out, it is in actuality also a contextual judgment in the sense that â€Å"…no sentence is inherently polite or impolite. …it is not the expressions themselves but the conditions under which they are used that forge the judgment of subtlety.\r\n†Further more(prenominal) than, politeness maxims fall out to have ‘ customary valences,’ wherein one pole of a given dimension is always viewed as more desirable than the other (Spencer-Oatey 2000). Yet interestingly, in different cultures and even in different speech contexts within the same culture, there are different points on the continuum that are more favored everyplace others. There is already a significant body of work researching the universal and culture-specific aspects o f politeness behaviors available.\r\n domicil (2000, cited in Spencer-Oatey) conducted a series of analyses contrastive the English and German spoken and written intercourses over the past two decades. Among the interesting findings is the tendency of German students to use less verbal routines than their English counterparts, which appear to lend credence to the insight that they are more direct, content-oriented and self-referenced (House, 162). A temporary cultural dissonance is give tongue to to result when participants are unable to retain unrestrained equilibrium (House, 2000), i.\r\ne. they are overcome by a sense of mistake and disappointment. Emotional reaction for House (2000) is often a â€Å"major factor amenable for a deterioration of ringing and for the mutual ascription of negative personal traits which, in turn, prevent whatsoever recognition of real differences in cultural values and norms. †Crucial to Spencer-Oatey’s work is the concept of â €˜ resonance management’ as an analytical framework, of which a precise discussed is presented in Chapter 2.\r\nAs several attempts have already been undertaken to create language use universals, the concept of ‘face’ as a â€Å"universal gentlemans gentleman need and the key motivating force for politeness and reverberance management†has been proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987, as cited in Spencer-Oatey 2000, 12-13). Two related aspects comprise the ‘face’- peremptory (representing the desire for approval) and negative (desire for autonomy). Meanwhile, critics such as Matsumoto (1988), Ide and monoamine oxidase (1994) relegates prime splendor to that of social identity, as illustrated in Chinese and Japanese cultures (as cited in Spencer-Oatey, 67-68).\r\nA discourse-processing flack is a forefingerful analytical tool towards in-depth information of how rapport can be mismanaged crosswise cultures through communication. It involv es detailed descriptions of the processes utilized in the production and perception of discourses, as well as illustrations of how misunderstandings can occur amidst and within cultures. Emphasis is on the discourses invoked by the participants. With regards to communication processes, prime importance is given to how the discourses are socially constructed and then understood and internalized by the participants of the discourse.\r\n unsuited discourse studies (Spencer-Oatey 2000) in particular, as illustrated by the researches presented in the second part of the book, are of prime importance when one aims to explain intercultural misunderstandings. Meanwhile, in a pragmatic transfer approach to the study of intercultural communication, its explanatory power in accounting for intercultural encounters is largely based on existing pragmatic knowledge in the communication process (Spencer-Oatey 2000). ‘Pragmatics’ is â€Å"the study of the relationships between linguis tic forms and the users of those forms†(Yule, 4), i.\r\ne. it is primarily concerned with the notion of implied meanings. The pragmatic transfer framework draws on the perspective of relevance theory. For one to be able to communicate effectively and competently, one demand to know how to choose the appropriate form and the appropriate meaning in order to avoid inter-cultural pragmatic problems. Related to the first two frameworks, Accommodation conjecture nonetheless presents a rather different divinatory perspective to account for intercultural discourse.\r\nFocus is on the confused manner in which speakers themselves can ‘attune’ their babble out more or less to each other (Spencer-Oatey 2000). Thus though all three frameworks are to some extent concerned with processes involved in communication, in contrast to the other two frameworks there is a strong dynamic aspect to human agency in Accommodation Theory, though the manner and extent wherein one can be conform to in ‘talking’ is still within socio-culturally confirming boundaries.\r\nIn terms of the merits and weaknesses of methodologies, cross-cultural or comparative studies are very useful in providing a rich array of baseline data. However, comparative studies put up when used for analytical purposes, particularly in providing a blanket(prenominal) analytical framework to account for intercultural encounters. As such, the researcher(s) have to go back to and rely on the explanatory power and analytical categorizations provided by theory in order to provide a comprehensive account of the factors influencing performance both in the individual and social levels.\r\nWe find in Chapter 6, â€Å"Telephone Conversations in classic and German: Attending to the Relationship sentiment of Communication†the uses of speech act analysis as a research method of collecting data. It put down observations concerning the opening and closing sections of conversations in authentic Greek and German. Analysis involves a comparison between the two groups of their preferences to attend to the relationship aspect of communication, though of course there are significant limitations to the variables that could be studied, i. e.\r\nthose which could possibly affect the management of rapport as it could not encompass all cultural groups and languages. distinguishable styles and beliefs around argumentation of people in initial encounters, which are still largely facilitated by variables of culture, can have a negative effect on how people evaluate their initial interaction, as gleaned from Chapter 10’s empirical study of the negotiation of rapport in Chinese-German conversations. It utilized authentic conversation analysis between Chinese and German students meeting for the first time.\r\nDifferent methodologies have their own strengths and weaknesses, and a triangulation of methods (e. g. use of come questionnaire and observational field data) is commonly utilized to uphold more extensively the nature of the variables under study. A critical reading of the various inter-cultural studies presented in the book presents one the insight that selection of the appropriate methodological analysis (e. g. conversation analysis, surveys, face-to-face interviews, among others) and analytical framework †discourse processing model, pragmatic transfer, accommodation theory, etc.\r\n†for a research undertaking ultimately depends on the nature of the questions being asked and the aims of the research, wherein one has to select the corresponding methodology which would facilitate the gathering of relevant data for analysis. whole kit Cited Birkner K. & Kern, F. (2000) Impression Management in eastmost and West German Job Interviews 2000 In H. Spencer-Oatey (Ed. ) culturally speaking: Managing rapport through talk across cultures. London: Continuum Gudykunst, W. B. (2000). Methodological issues in conducting theory-based cr oss-cultural research. In H. Spencer-Oatey (Ed.\r\n) culturally speaking: Managing rapport through talk across cultures (pp. 293-315). London: Continuum. House, J. (2000). Understanding misunderstanding: A pragmatic-discourse approach to anaysing mismanaged rapport in talk across cultures. In H. Spencer-Oatey (Ed. ), Culturally speaking †Managing rapport through talk across cultures (pp. 146-164). London: Continuum. Spencer-Oatey H. ed. (2000) Culturally speaking: Managing rapport through talk across cultures (pp. 293-315). London: Continuum. Yule, G (1996). Pragmatics. In H. G. Widdowson (ed. ) Oxford introductions to language study. Oxford University Press.\r\n'
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