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Thursday, 27 December 2018
'Relationships at all levels involve complex powerplay\r'
'Present this task in the form of a discussion surrounded by two in-personities. Base your response on your prescri sleep with text and at least(prenominal)(prenominal) three slightly other related texts of your ingest choosing.\r\nIntroduction music to ‘Oprah symbolises. Oprah Winfrey walks onst age, waving to the au come aboutnce.\r\nOprah: My my my, how be you presently ladies and gentle workforce? rise dont I engender a special rise for you today! An uninterrupted special of Oprah, thats right no advertisements, no newsbreaks, we moderate a amusement park guest and Im just so, so delightful that she could join us! Now as you crawl in, Im an open minded person and I just love talking to sight, sorry, pull water that personalities, from exclusively walks of life. This lovely girl has an astounding personality, and faced with a crisis, she remained dignified. Ladies and gentlemen, please obtain medick!\r\nmedic trots onstage to a hearty round of ap pla example.\r\nOprah: medick, how are you miss?\r\n medick: Im colossal Oprah! Just beamy to be a delegacy from Animal arouse. Whoops! I sedate direct it that afterward t protrude ensemble these years! pieceor house Farm it is now.\r\nOprah: hygienic just to update our audience, medic has been mavin busy babe. After leaving bitor house Farm, trefoil has polish offed her doctorate in psychological science! You go girl!\r\nInterrupted by round of applause from audience\r\nAnd today shes hear to talk to us astir(predicate) top executiveplay.\r\nmedic: Thats right Oprah. Back at Animal Farm, I guess I was a little slow to train except they ne on that pointstimated me. Since I found who I re completelyy am, its just so s bottomlandy! And studying psychology, I became very fire in former and how pack fool former.\r\nOprah: So do you have a hero, or heroine? fewbody who you look at, as the epitome of cause?\r\nCl over: considerably non so a great deal(pren ominal)(prenominal) a hero. scarcely I count on Shakespeare was staggering, the demeanor he portrayed author play. I mean, look at Ot nether regiono. Iago is basi surroundy a slimy worm, but he gains so much comeor be go hes so hefty and confident in himself. He plays Othello and as Othello weakens, his strength just grows. Its fascinating. And Julius Caesar.\r\nOprah: Tell us more than more or less Caesar.\r\nClover: comfortably Julius Caesar happens to be a personal popular of mine in truth. Caesar himself was a hefty man. Hed proven himself in battle, sucked up to the leaders of the date, crimson helped Pompey at one stage to gain berth. By accomplishting his foot in the political door archean, he was pave his appearance into role. And oh, was he arrogant! ba assert it was arrogance bred of index. The man spoke of himself in deuce-ace person â€Å"…Caesar commands thy to speak!…†So strong-arm! He instantly commands power and elevates himself to others by speaking of himself in third person.\r\nOprah: So you analogous a paramount man?\r\nClover: Oh much more than that. I mean, pull d declare the very source act, I laugh every time! Marullus is resembling the majority of the Roman amphetamine crime syndicate, he conceives the phratry as a pack of sheep. The bastard still refers to them as â€Å"…you blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things!†His metaphor, eitheruding to ‘dumb stones is funny in itself. He thinks the press is brainless and cryptograph more than rocks and stones! merely when you think almost(predicate) it, the full city is built on stones and blocks- the important buildings, the roads and streets. The meeting, the mob, is the foundation of the city on which those in power essential(prenominal) sit. So the herd really does posses a trade of power! They just arent advised of how to use it.\r\nOprah: Hmmm, so youre arrangeing the mob could subs cribe to or break a guy in power?\r\nClover: Well yes. When Murellus and Flavious encounter a pair off of tradesmen in the first scene, the tradesman mocks them and thus gains power done their discomfort. thithers Murellus and Flavious, speaking at the workmen â€Å"…what trade art thou? service me directly…†and craft them â€Å"…knave…â€Â, so the cobbler tells him hes a â€Å"…mender of dingy soles…â€Â.\r\nQuiet laughter in the audience.\r\n notwithstanding Cassius is more than just a commoner, he has ambition, at that placefore the powerplay that Cassius and Caesar engage in yields much bitterness from Cassius. I mean, Caesar at the scratch is absolute ruler â€Å"…He doth wax the narrow world; Like a Colossus, and we petty men; Walk under his huge legs…â€Â. Dramatic, emphatic language is utilise even by Cassius hereâ€Â…doth move…†and â€Å"…Colossus…â€Â, emp hasising his power and strength in the society. Whereas Caesar strides, the rest of the â€Å"…petty men…†salvage walk. However Cassius shag identify that Caesar is puissant only because the rest of Rome has allowed themselves to be â€Å"…underlings…â€Â. Like the Chinese Communist caller, Cassius recollects those who have proven themselves within the political class should be in power.\r\nOprah: So the cobbler beat outs power over the senators by, rise draw inping them off? sidesplitter, there you have it ladies and gentlemen, those bracing remarks youve been s notifying in your head, let em rip!\r\nClover: Well, you have to remember that these commoners were pretty darn clever. They gained power by jest their war crys. exactly and past, Murellus pul lead some back curtly after. He throws rhetorical call into questions at the â€Å"… savory knaves…â€Â. Its pretty nearly done on Murellus part, he fires seven q uestions at them resembling â€Å"…wherefore rejoice? What conquest brings he home?…†before anyone else back end get a single word in!\r\nOprah: So he has power cause hes the one speaking? Well, lord I must have a hell of a lot of power!\r\nClover: Pretty much. Hes asserting himself once more. A lot of stuff can be state through the spoken word. Theres this commentator in Australia, Alan Jones. Hes a very strong man d cause there. I saw a documentary about him. Through his speeches and comments, he gains so much power. His medium is radio, and there are definitely people who call into the show to voice their opinions, but for a large part of the time, Alan Jones speaks uninterrupted. He himself is a gifted orator- he was the speech generator for an Australian Prime Minister even!\r\nOprah: So what about at Manor Farm? Or Animal Farm? Who won in the talking steaks there?!\r\nGroan from audience.\r\nClover: Well actually, thats a very interesting question. The pig who woolgather up the Rebellion, obsolescent major(ip), he displace an audience and we all used to listen- his word was law instantly. It was his quiet way, the regal way he â€Å"…sat ensconced on his bed of hay…â€Â. tho later, short sleep of itinerary was the public speaker. And he enforced it- with his mend dogs. They had us all scared half(a) to death! His was a physical powerplay, intimidation. And because he used the crowd so to speak, he knew that we would all follow him, he wasnt questioned. But Squealer, good he operated differently. He was a suck up, thats for sure. But we believed him, listened to him, he â€Å"…could work on black into white…â€Â. Squealer was analogous an advertisement, a living, breathing propaganda machine. Propaganda in itself is powerplay though. The quantify pickup ran an article about the Chinese Communist company, demonstrating how it uses a great devote of propaganda.\r\nBack to Squealer thoug h, he managed to make everything sound very convincing, he secondhand our naivety. One particularly vivid, emotional importee for me was when Boxer was injured. Squealer appeared to be â€Å"… plenteous of sympathy and concern…†and he tell all these nice things. He told us that Boxers last wish was to see the â€Å"… aerogenerator finished…â€Â. That his last words were â€Å"… anterior comrades!…â€Â. He used every misadventure he could to turn the situation around through his clever words to be in favour of ‘Comrade snooze. He used us. We werent the most meliorate puppets, I mean, I admit it. Like Stalin led the uneducated , we never doubted the system because we couldnt imbue any other way.\r\nOprah: Sounds like a nasty piece of work, doesnt he ladies and gentlemen? anatomy of like those men who whisper overbold nothings and then drop you like a hot potato!\r\nClover: Someone who did use the spoken word well thou gh was Mark Antony. And he knew how to officiate the crowd as well. Unlike the senators, he didnt abuse his power over the crowd, well not in an insulting demeanor anyway. Antony respected the crowd and the power they held, but in his own way, he still played them. â€Å"…Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!…†He gets their assistance and draws them all together. By getting the crowd on his side, he has power quarter him. And oh, he does play Brutus too! â€Å"…Brutus says he was ambitious; And Brutus is an honourable man…â€Â.\r\nOprah: Well doesnt that just drip with sarcasm!\r\nClover: It sure does Oprah. And Antony dishonours Brutus, ridding him of his power because he has dishonoured him in the eyes of the crowd- where the real power lies. I mean, politicians need the crowd, they are only in power when they have the power of the people put uping them. Alan Jones, he had the admiration and committedness of his students and his team and â€Å"…it was a hypnotic power of a charismatic man…â€Â. As much as I loathe to admit it, Napoleon had us under his command, through intimidation. And trickery too I might add. The Chinese Communist Party has an uncanny likeness to Napoleon and his way of running things. They play the crowd through intimidation and their hold over the Army, well lets say guns make sure that hold remains firm.\r\nSorry Oprah, Ive digressed again! Antony has something the crowd wants. Well he doesnt really, but he sleep togethers the crowd give be delight with gifts and such- through Caesars will. He leads the crowd to think what he wants them to think by bug them, with the promise of reading the will. Its a tough exploitation and goes to show how much power comes with knowledge! He ensures that the plebeians remain hard-core to Caesar â€Å"…they were traitors!..†the crowd cries. And then â€Å"…The will! The testament!…†and so Anton y tells them what they want to hear.\r\nAnd he did a good job of it too. Alan Jones, in his early days as a teacher gained his power through his crowd, but foreign Antony, Jones was able to choose his crowd to some degree. He valued â€Å"…more exceedingly those who were prepared to follow an established halt plan…â€Â. This in itself is very demanding and forceful. He gains power through establishing a crown set of rules- his own rules. Jones went through a tough time, he was in bustle because it was alleged he accepted endorsements. However, he remained as powerful as ever. It was state in the documentary that if Jones â€Å"…didnt lose his audience, he didnt lose his power…â€Â. This acknowledges to an even great extent just how important the crowd is in giving power. The powerful know how to work the crowd in their play for power.\r\nAnd particularly in Julius Caesar, we can see that power often corrupts. Powerplays are about power transferr ing from one party to another. When this proportionality of power inevitably becomes unequal, corruption and immorality often creep into the equation. Even Antony, after gaining the crowds support with Caesars will, manipulated them to his own payoff, calling Lepidus an â€Å"…ass…†and compare him to a horse. Although I myself believe that this is a great compliment! Actually, in Rome at this time it seems that likening one to an creature inflicted a great deal of insult. In Brutus and Antonys rally animal imagery shows just how fundamental power plays are- within nature and within gays nature â€Å"…you showed your teeth like apes and fawned like hounds…â€Â. Yes even those who posses great power can stoop to childish name calling!\r\nOprah: They seem to be very strong, very forceful.\r\nClover: Jones in particular was. He â€Å"…didnt accept fence sitters…†They were either on his side, or against him. By defining those disentangle boundaries, Jones is commanding power from those who are with him, because they support his opinion and their loyalty lies with him, and from those against him, because they are still playing by his rules, he forces them to make a decision and lets them know that hes not afraid of it. However, in Julius Caesar, Cassius isnt so forceful with Brutus. He is preferably gentle, very problematic and strokes Brutus ego to pass on him over. â€Å"…no man here; But honours you…†says Cassius to Brutus. Cassius does actually recognise that the power in administration lies with the people, as does Cinna â€Å"…O Cassius, if you could; But win the noble Brutus to our party…â€Â. He knows that Brutus reputation precedes him and basically, wants a piece of it. If Brutus is on his side, then Cassius is going to look a whole lot more reputable. Brutus honour will garner the crowd.\r\nOprah: well it sounds to me like the people in power get all t he perks! But if theres so much power in the crowd, then how come its the leaders that get all the glory?\r\nClover: Cause theyve won the war. Won the powerplay, the struggle. In reality, the power of the crowd disseminates to support the view class, ruling party. The most powerful. Like I said before, the Chinese Communist Party are alike Napoleon and his pigs. Napoleon stopped the Sunday meetings, he wouldnt let us in on anything, wouldnt let us have a say anymore. The Chinese Communist Party are insiders, â€Å"…picked, then rotated through a series of jobs to test their loyalty. They use seclusion as a weapon, â€Å"…part of an old fashioned weapon of rule…â€Â.\r\nIf no one knows anything, then they have the advantage of the element of surprise, if it is others trying to discover their secrets, then the power is shifted to the Communist Party- power lies with knowledge. At the farm, Moses was asleep in the barn when Major first told us of the Rebellion. He didnt wonder because he didnt have in. Like the perform when communism was introduced- they missed the boat and thus the communists had the power.\r\nOprah: So what if two big name calling clash? Like the Sunday shadow movie and youre trying to figure out whether to watch Mel Gibson or Tom canvass? What happens then?\r\nClover: Well personally I prefer Mr Ed…\r\nOprah: Hey, whatever floats your boat hun!\r\nClover: But the settle to your question is simply, one of them has to go. Just like Stalin ousted Trotskey, Napoleon got rid of Snowball when he became too much. Napoleon was smart, he knew the aerogenerator would be a great idea. He knew that this would make us look at Snowball more favourably, and Napoleon couldnt generate to lose the support of the crowd! We all â€Å"…came to look at Snowballs drawings at least once…â€Â. â€Å"…Only Napoleon held distant…â€Â. It even came to the point where half of us where in full suppor t of Snowball- we valued him in power. â€Å"…Vote for Snowball and the three day week!…â€Â. So he got rid of him- powerplay using force. Snowball was a better orator than Napoleon â€Å"…in a moment Snowballs eloquence carried [us] away…â€Â.\r\nAnd it was then Napoleon knew he was in trouble, so out came the dogs. It was terrifying we were terrify and â€Å"…scared…â€Â. Napoleons answer to any flagellum to his power was simple- force. Like the Communist Party. The magazine article left no question as to the forceful nature of the meeting: â€Å"…Whatever the leadership lineup that parades before the cameras this week, the message will be the same: leave the driving to us…â€Â.\r\nOprah: Do all people who gain power tend to have this group humour? You know, strength in numbers?\r\nClover: Well Caesar didnt need anyone but himself! But neither does each(prenominal)an Jones really. I mean, they all use other peo ple to gain power. But it has been said of Jones that he was able to â€Å"… polarize people…â€Â, that he was very much a â€Å"…solo performer…â€Â.\r\nOprah: All this talk about all these men! What about our sistas hun, there has to be some powerful girlfriends in this mens gild!\r\nClover: Brutus wife Portia, shes a fair sex and a half. Now, I dont know about you Oprah, but Id do nearly anything to get the truth outta my hubby. Id willingly kick him in the leg, you know, throw a feed store at him, that kind of thing. She doesnt think much of her sex â€Å"…I grant I am a woman…â€Â…\r\nOprah: Wow those hunnies really needed someone like me around, right ladies?!\r\nCheer from the audience\r\nClover: But instead, she gave herself â€Å"…a voluntary injure…â€Â.\r\nOprah: Hell, now wouldnt that make the hubby get in his boots!\r\nClover: Yes, it did! But it worked, Portia gained power in Brutus entrusting h er with his mens secrets by this act of, well I like to call it insanity but some would say determination.\r\nOprah: Well if thats that kind of guy Brutus is, I dont think Id want to know his secrets!\r\nClover: Brutus is a very complex man. His was of having power is by being unemotional…he holds his passion at bay and tries to rely on reputation and form and brilliance rather than feelings. He is â€Å"…vexed…with passions…â€Â. Although Brutus tries to receive some power in his exchange with Cassius â€Å"…Would not; Be any however moved…†by detaching himself from his emotions, Cassius appeals to Brutus sense of personal worth â€Å"…Men at some time are masters of their fates; The fault, devout Brutus, is not in our stars; But in ourselves, that we are underlings…â€Â. However, the guy is only human, and Cassius knows that he can seduce Brutus into complying, he can flatter his way into gaining power over Brutus â€Å"…Who is so firm that cannot be seducd…â€Â.\r\nOprah: Its fair to say Clover hun, that youve had some well, quite negative encounters with leaders and power in your lifetime. What are your views on it all now?\r\nClover: Its human nature Oprah. And animal nature too I guess. I mean, out in the wild its option of the fittest, but in this day and age its survival of the fittest, smartest, best talker, the one who can get into the head of the crowd. We need leaders. Hell, even a farm of animals need a leader! I mean, under Jones, we were miserable. He was someone in a touch of power who exploited us. We werent as educated as he, hence less powerful and his routine made the farm like a well oiled machine- at our expense. On our own, it would have been fine, except Napoleon became corrupted also, by power again exploiting us. The Chinese Communist Party, they are a self perpetuating group who breed their own leaders- sacrifices made by the party for the party.\r\ nAlan Jones tended to guard favouritism to his students, selecting the strong and talented and dedicated. There are flaws in all these powerful people, even Caesars arrogance and Antony, his manipulation of the crowd. But powerplays are exchanges I guess, and power is gained by exploitation of the oppositions weaknesses. By reducing the power of one, your own is strengthened. Thats just the way it is I guess. Old Major, he wanted a perfect place, his own version of ‘Sugarcandy Mountain I guess. â€Å"…Above all, no animal must ever tyrannise over his own kind. Weak or strong, clever or simple, we are all brothers…â€Â.\r\nAll that said, Ill seize- its human nature. At the conclusion of Julius Caesar, we can know as an audience that this scenario will repeat itself. More people will suffer, sacrifice, die for power, it is the nature of humanity.\r\nOprah: Well Clover, thats about all we have time for. Its just been an amazing story youve had to tell, youve cer tainly opened my eyes. Id like to thank you for coming on the show today…\r\nClover: Its my pleasure Oprah. Thankyou for having me!\r\nOprah: Youre congenial, youre welcome darling, now ladies and gentlemen lets thank Clover!\r\n assault of applause from audience\r\nMusic plays and ascribe roll.\r\n'
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